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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Schneiderlin replaces Ribery so I guess it's time to make derisory bids for Grenier and Lacazette!


    Wow, very surprising. Schneiderlin must be ecstatic at that.


    Grenier and Lacazette would be amazing. We should definitely try and take advantage of those situations.



  2. Well, I now fully expect him to have a break out tournament, and end up at Liverpool, from where he will continually assault us for the next 10 years. Congratulations to all involved in this whole process. Joe Kinnear and Lee Charnley take a bow. Your families must be very proud.

  3. Man, dude needs to take some personal pride in himself. Very unfortunate.

    :lol: The art of the Nigerian insult.


    this is going to sound bad but where do nigerians get the stones to be ripping anyone else but themselves to shreds?


    Hey, come on now. This is uncalled for, as I didn't mean any offence to the guy. Maybe you are a family member of his? If so, I apologize.


    I'm just saying that by the age of 8 I already knew that before leaving for school each day, water and soap must have touched my body, and then lotion afterwards.


    I'm sorry, but it looks as though the guys body has not had any kind of interaction with any one of those elements in eons.



  4. Yeah. it's a tough one, but the challenge is to keep re-investing the money well, as technically, it should allow you to build a better/deeper squad on the whole. If this is done well, then eventually these teams should be even more of a threat really. Easier said than done, but that's the best you can hope for really!

  5. Torn apart already. That's Villa, Costa and Filipe, with Koke and Tiago to possibly follow.


    Football sucks.


    :lol: chill!


    They'll re-up with all the money they'll get.


    In a way it's great that they were able to develop the players they had so well, in order to achieve what they did, and make so much money off of them, which is what they needed really.

  6. With Jenas somewhere along the line he just started being afraid to take risks. Hardly ever passed forward or tried to go past people. It just got ridiculous.


    I feel like his issues were mostly mental, as though he lacked confidence or self belief. Playing under someone like Keegan would have been the making of him. Whereas playing for someone like Souness was probably the worst thing that could have happened to him.

  7. Behind who? :lol:


    Jores Okore and Ron Vlaar will be the starters I imagine.


    Hmmm ... I guess he would be third choice then, which isn't a disaster  don't think. Is he really that much worse than Steven Taylor? Nah.

  8. If Barkley starts he's going to have to do a lot of defensive work due to having Gerrard as the deepest midfielder.


    He's going to need legs around him like he does for Liverpool, that's my major concern right now there's too big a gap between the deepest midfielder and the rest of the midfield.


    Yeah, alright. Calm down Pards.

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