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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Better keep me £1 eh? Cheers.




    Thought you were putting at least a tenner on that.


    I did. I have £50 against Brazil today. Jinxing it or getting myself some money to jinx it on Mexico - Brazil next. :lol:




    Man, watching your country is just the toughest. Not a bad way to deal with either eventuality.


  2. Anyone got Lukaku as top scorer in the tournament? It's what I'm going for.


    He should romp against Algeria and South Korea, and could certainly bag a goal or two against Russia also.


    Lot's of guys in that Belgium team that should create opportunities for him too, particularly against the opposition in their group.

  3. Anton Ferdinand, brother of @rioferdy5, has signed for Thai Premier League club Police United.http://pic.twitter.com/sZwVxjVfO8



    Nah man, that's just depressing. Thai football?! Give up the game brother. Your time is up.

  4. What's all this talk of a striker being given the job of stopping Pirlo?!


    Man, England just need to pick a threatening side, and go out and play. Pirlo has been befuddling all kinds of marking for years. I doubt some defensive front man is going to stop him. Horrendous if true.

  5. Hmmm ... see I could see him doing that to wind his friends up, and being turned down by Newcastle, its clear he never thought he'd have a chance to play for the club. It still wasn't smart for him to do what he did.


    I don't know. Just typical young man behaviour really. He just needs to get his head down and play his best really. Find it hard to be too mad at him. I think maybe it's because those Sunderland trouncings made Pardew look the oaf that he is.


    All my rage is being spent on Pardew. I have no more left to dish out. Well, except towards Shola who is still managing to ruin my life.

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