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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I hope we get ruined. This is Gary Monk's Swansea by the way. This guy only just stepped off the pitch and into the manager's position, and he already sounds scared of him.


    Pardew is the absolute lowest of the low. Honestly feel like he may well be the worst manager in the league.


    I detest Allardyce like you wouldn't believe, but at least he never sounded like such a pathetic loser.


    I mean this tlak must actually give other team's a lift!



  2. Yeah, great quotes. The game is so cynical nowadays. Wonder if anyone still thinks that way.


    It really repulses me when you hear people like Allardyce drone on about nothing but the result mattering. It's just absolute nonsense.


    It's still supposed to be entertainment, and every fan wants to see their team, or at least some of their players play with some freedom and flair.


    "A new word has entered the Geordie vocabulary: Pardewed. To be Pardewed involves having all the creativity crushed out of you. Increasing numbers of Newcastle United fans believe its victims include several members of the club's first-team squad.


    Moussa Sissoko, Yoan Gouffran and Sylvain Marveaux are seen as good examples of a process that Hatem Ben Arfa is, rather forlornly, rebelling against."


    Get in. One of the few times she's done something good.


    WOW!  :lol:


    Actually put in the full definition of Pardewed with examples of players who have ben affected.


    That is glorious. Absolutely glorious.


  4. @GFN_France: France Football: Hatem Ben Arfa and Alan Pardew have made up, Newcastle will not be transfer listing the player, they say. #NUFC


    Ha ha ha ha ha ha  :lol:


    He heard the Ben Arfa chants and realises the fans still have his back, despite all of the negative spin, and is now trying to get him back on side.


    Pardew man, so pathetic.

  5. I can't get over the "but he doesn't try hard enough" remark after it was brought to his attention that he assisted our last goal. As if trying on it's own wins matches, as if assisting and scoring doesn't come under "trying". f***ing retard.




    It's such an awful mentality.

  6. I do hope the players whinged badly when Cabaye refused to play for us, so that they aren't hypocritical b******s as I assume they are.


    Ha! Good point. I bet they didn't dare.

  7. Pardew basically needs poor players who are eternally grateful to him, like Elliott, to be his henchmen in the dressing room. They will take everything he says as gospel, because they're just happy to be there. They'll happily feed his ego no end.


    That's why he keeps begging for these sorts, who won't question his awful approach to the game.

  8. If as Elliott says, the players hate Hatem, and don't think he works hard enough, it's because Pardew has convinced them all of this, by blaming Ben Arfa for all of his inadequacies.


    Funny thing is though, they're even worse without him in the side, and so the players are going to start feeling pretty stupid, when it becomes clear that having a bunch of track backers isn't making much of a difference to their horrendous form.




    I basically said well look we've not scored in 4 games, guess who set our last goal up?


    'Yeah, but he doesn't work hard enough.'


    Are you f***ing kidding me man? :lol:


    I also told him that Pardew's a charlatan that's scared to play football and it's the best squad we've had in 10 years. I said a real manager with attacking intent would get the best out of our players. Somebody like, Keegan. He then told me that Keegan is a poor manager who had no respect from the players. I nearly f***ing raged at this point.


    His argument was that the Newcastle fans think they deserve to be in the Champions League. I disagreed.


    'Where should we be then' He asked.


    I replied just a bit of fight and trying to play games with intent and who knows we might finish 5th again.


    'Na, he says. 8th or 9th is our level.'


    Great belief there lads. Well done! You've got as high as our level. I'm sure Rodgers tells the Liveprool lads 4th is enough and they don't need to go for the title :thup:


    My God ...


    So Pardew has genuinely got the players thinking they shouldn't even aspire to anything more than "their level of 8th or 9th".


    It's just not crap he says to the cameras, he actually preaches this stuff to the players. The guy is criminally bad at football management.


  9. No surprise that the manager has constantly complained about having too many foreigners, and now the English players are following suit.


    A manager of a football club should never say such things, or at least not publically or to the other players. What kind of team spirit is that ever going to build?

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