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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. A manager who falls out with the cheap Frenchies ain't much good to Mike Ashley...


    This what I find confusing.


    Ultimately Ashley will never go away from getting the cheapest value he can get from abroad, and seemingly mostly from France.


    So why on Earth would he want a manager that constantly bemoans this, and also cannot get the best out of said players.


    Makes absolutely no sense. Should have binned him once he had a perfect excuse to with that ridiculous head butt.

  2. Rodgers has wanted him for a while. A manager that's probably about to win the league. Not that I want to think about him playing anywhere other than for us like, but it's obviously going to happen.


    They are going to be in the champions league at the very least though, and so will have some money to play with. I think they will likely aim for a higher calibre of player now, rather than take what would be considered a risk on Ben Arfa, due to Pardew's horrible handling of him.

  3. "Ben Arfa is thought to have told Pardew that he was responsible for the decline of players such as Sylvain Marveaux and Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa."



    Needs to be in two threads tbh

    I f***ing love HBA


    He knows what's really going on.


    I really wonder what will become of him this summer. Will any premier league managers be smart enough to pick him up, or will they all just have bought into the crap Pardew has essentially put out there about him.



  4. Pardew was a try hard, headless chicken of a player, who likely never got all the adulation and praise his desperate ego craved. He likely envied all the pretty boy flair players that made the ladies and fans swoon.


    This is his chance to get his revenge. He's actually trying to force us to love a team of aimless runners that try hard, in order to quell some pathetic longing within himself.


    The guy has psychological problems, and likely needs therapy.

  5. Yeah, I definitely feel like he could be sacked.


    The media is picking up on the fans dissatisfaction with him, and the pressure is being cranked up now.


    If we keep getting battered it will get louder and louder, and he might have to go in Mike's eyes.


    It will just be such a bad sign going into next season and they won't want to get any players he wants either.

  6. So we won both games when lined up like that, and hardly conceded any goals.


    Yet the manager has only gone with it twice, and not even for full games.


    I mean honestly, where is the sense in that?

  7. Why would the manager of a football club EVER say "this is a tough club to play for" ?!!!!


    He's excusing the poor performances from the players, as the fault of the pressure from the fans, which is a result of playing for the club.


    Again ducking responsibility for the awful job he's doing.

  8. “If we can get a win or maybe score the first goal that will give us a boost and we can kick on form there. We’re far from finished in the league.


    “You need to stand tall and be strong.


    “Particularly at a club like this because it’s a tough club to play for, Hopefully, we can show that resilience to get a result.”



    What a prize c*** he is.  Is that what he shouts from the sideline "Stand Tall Hatem", "Be strong Anita!", "Get the first Goal Luuk"


    Also, this tough 'club to play for' s*** is offensive on so many levels.  Just fcuk off with your conveyor belt of pre, during & post match excuses you pathetic excuse for a c***.




    Really, awful quotes from a very poor manager.


    I'm pretty confident that is indeed the sort of thign he shouts to the players from the sideline.


    No real instructions or pointers, just empty meaningless rhetoric.

  9. With Remy:


    Played: 23


    Scored: 37


    Without Remy:

    Played: 10

    Won: 1



    Surley this can't be right!?  :lol:


    That's just so bad. Doesn't make any sense  :lol:

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