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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Shocked to see him and Pulis coming to the defence of Allardyce for the booing he got after West Ham's win on Wednesday.


    ‘You just have to accept it and go to the next one. It’s not a nice feeling to be booed when you’re on the sideline after a game you’ve won. I recall having it a couple of times at West Ham myself. When a game is ugly, it’s an ugly game. It’s not tactics."




    What a bunch of losers these three are. Let's all revel in our crapness.

  2. In this team, Robert would have been receiving the ball far too deep to do much damage, like Ben Arfa does, which is why he has to try and run the length of the pitch so often. There would have been nobody in the box and nobody who could head a ball properly. It's a very unfair comparison.


    God, this upsets me so much.


    Ben Arfa is hardly ever able to get the ball far up the pitch where he can really rip people to shreds.


    When he then tries to make things happen from those deep, 'second full-back' positions, where he has to take on a plethora of players from the other team, and he loses the ball, he gets slated.



  3. Why can't these cretins realise that ultimately fans that fork out the money they do, to go to games, don't want to then sit there for 90 mins watching awful football, otherwise they're going to be pretty pissed off about it.


    They gave that baboon Allardyce so much money this summer, and the football is still putrid, and gross to look at. They actually allowed him to spend £16 million on Carroll, and God knows how much else on the likes of Joe Cole and Downing who have all flopped.


    Then these punks come out with an attitude, and blame the fans for the horrible play, because they're making the players nervous? Give me a break.

  4. It's stuff like this that makes me want to see Ben Arfa go somewhere in the league where he plays every game. And is actively encouraged to express himself, without constantly worrying about whether he's doing a good enough job of tracking back!


    Can't believe people doubt he would get a good amount of goals and assists.


    No question that Pardew would drop Robert. He would drop any wide player that doesn't defend like Jonas, Gouff and Sissoko. He's always harping on about this stuff. He's obsessed by 'whether they can go the other way'.


    He questioned Silva and Nasri's ability to do this before we played Man City, and before they promptly played us off the park. He's a Neanderthal.



  5. Everton loaned Lacina Traore in Jan, and he's a big time prospect too! He's just been injured, unfortunately for them.


    They'll do it again in the summer, just you watch. They'll manage to get good players in, while we're faffing about, with Pardew scouting imaginary players at the world cup.


    I don't know where your confidence is coming from tbh, this is the first summer they have been able to get talented players to this level in and at loan at that.


    There is nothing in the past that suggests that they will replace those players adequately. Also Traore is average at best and time will prove that.


    Bit of a daft thing to say due to the fact Martinez wasn't the one in charge in the past.


    Exactly, they managed to bring in such players this last summer, because the current manager was looking for those sorts.


    Don't forget they also lost Kone for the season, and though not a world beater he did well for Martinez at Wigan, and would have likely chipped in with 10 goals or so.


    If they didn't suffer injuries to Kone, Lukaku and Traore they would have done even better than they currently are doing.


    They were forced to play Naismith upfront for goodness sake, and even then they didn't look as bad as you'd expect.


    Everton are going places. That much I do know.

  6. Everton loaned Lacina Traore in Jan, and he's a big time prospect too! He's just been injured, unfortunately for them.


    They'll do it again in the summer, just you watch. They'll manage to get good players in, while we're faffing about, with Pardew scouting imaginary players at the world cup.

  7. Martinez will land another set of quality loans, if he doesn't sign players outright.


    A lot of decent players will want to play for him at Everton, who are a big enough draw.


    Don't be surprised if Everton are even better next year, as everyone will likely improve, as they tend to do under decent managers.

  8. How someone could look at Tevez and deem him not good enough is just perplexing.


    I mean, we moan about Ben Arfa, but the idiot was messing Tevez about! He's an utter moron.


    :lol: I bet KaKa is the happiest dude on the world until he comes to the football section.


    I'm usually the upbeat one it's true!


    I just find it really hard to deal with negative minded types.


    I'll never forget the end of that window waiting to find out what club it was Tevez and Masherano were off to, thinking quite foolishly, that it might be us.


    The idiot manages to somehow get them at West Ham, which was just unbelievable really, as they were a nothing team at the time, and he couldn't even take advantage of, and enjoy this incredible fortune.


    There's something seriously wrong with him upstairs.

  9. f***ing blinkard. The press are impotent when it comes to Newcastle United. They get banned if they remotely try to influence the fans against the manager or ownership.


    It's more the effect it would have had on our fans. A lot of the Newcastle fans peddle the pro Pardew spiel, because the media keep telling everyone how well he's doing, and how are failings are due to Europe, or the French players, or Ben Arfa not tracking back i.e. supporting the tool.


    If the media are saying he's crap, which he is, and the fans show their disgust more fervently, which they have every right to. He would not last. He'd either run off, or Ashley would have to send him packing.

  10. We almost got relegated, and got hammered 0-6 at home by Liverpool and 0-3 at home by Sunderland, and Di Canio at that. We were an utter disgrace, and nothing looked right at all.

  11. I really wish Pardew wasn't English, as he would have been out at the end of last season if he wasn't. The press would have heaped immense pressure on him then.


    It's quite unbelievable that you continue to come out with stuff that the rest of us knew was wrong years ago.


    You're in denial Ron.

  12. How someone could look at Tevez and deem him not good enough is just perplexing.


    I mean, we moan about Ben Arfa, but the idiot was messing Tevez about! He's an utter moron.

  13. I really wish Pardew wasn't English, as he would have been out at the end of last season if he wasn't. The press would have heaped immense pressure on him then.


    Man U will suffer in the same way for having a British manager in Moyes, as the age old mantra of being given more time, will be trotted out by the media for ages still.



  14. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Isn't it ironic that the teams that typically get relegated, are those ones full of said 'grafters' and no ability.


    Get out of town. That guy is off his head.



  15. "Aspire to play like City"  :lol:


    God, this season has been great. Thanks Moyes.


    One of my friends is an awful gloryhunting ManU fan (he's Basque FFS). This season's been great talking football with him :lol:


    There's the one guy I would see at the barbers in full Man U kit (yes shorts and socks included) running his mouth every damn time I was in there. Despicable character.


    This season on the rare occasions I've now seen him, you would swear he didn't know a thing about football. Quiet as a mouse and dressed in far less garish clothing.

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