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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. At this point I really don't care a jot about who is coming in on or going out.


    The sooner we get rid of all of the foreigners and get a bunch of middle class brits in the better.


    It will mean we're closer to Pardew flopping, and proving he's a fraud.



  2. Perhaps the whole team is playing badly because they are upset that Ben Arfa is in the team despite not working hard enough?


    Might explain this preformance?


    but sometimes you risk muddying an entire squad by protecting one. He has to at least meet us half way and this season I just don't think he has.


    The answer might be to drop Ben Arfa.


    Yes, because they have been so great when he wasn't in the team. Get a life.

  3. : “I don’t think he likes tactics where teams set out to defend deep + look to nick something. It’s not his style and certainly not [mine]"


    @lee_ryder: Mike Ashley wants an attacking Newcastle United team next term, says Alan Pardew http://t.co/OZGA738d1U #NUFC






    I honestly can't take much more of this.

  4. "I had to sacrifice myself for the team which I don't think helped. I was playing in ways I did not understand well and I lost a lot from my own game."


    The degenerating of player's games, well I never ... currently happening to every one in our team even still.


    "I don't think he had a clear idea about my game or what to do. He was good football man but more suited to coaching English teams without foreign players with big reputations.


    "I think that was a bit of a problem for him."


    To quote the great man himself ... "we need more English". Go coach in the lower leagues then, or learn to adapt to the reality of most teams in the premier league.


    "It was strange not to have Javier playing. Especially as the team were struggling and losing. He is a very good player, doing well in training and he just wanted to play."


    Doing well in training, and still not being played, I bet this could easily apply to a number of our players. Ben Arfa and Marv for one. No doubt this was also Anita's lot for a while too.


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