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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. So this guy has hired a consultant to help him not headbutt people. So not only has he not been fired, he's being allowed to spend money on himself, and feed his pathetic ego, because he believes he is as important as CEOs are, and therefore warrants a personal consultant.


    Can't he just crawl into a hole and shut up until his ban is over. The guy is absolutely shameless, and despicable. How can he not see that coming out and talking about his personal CEO consultant that he has acquired after headbutting someone, is fucking irritating and annoying.

  2. Was enjoying all the praise when he first came in and won a string of games, as soon as they had one bad result he blamed the players, and now he's brawling on the touchline. Just a knock off Pardew tbh.


    Except he actually out thought Pardew. Pardew is actually worse than his knock off. Damn.

  3. NUFC have booked a hotel suite and are going to have Pardew there with his video analysts, video conferencing etc according to the Journal


    All this effort for someone who doesn't even know what he's doing. How aggravating.

  4. :lol:


    He's been betting on Man U to win games?


    He's an even bigger idiot than I thought!


    It this humour?




    This guy! Moyes isn't good enough. Sorry you don't agree.

  5. These footballers get rewarded quite handsomely for what they do, don't bet on the damned football matches!


    Can't these blockheads find anything better to do? If you're so pathetic you need a betting fix, then go learn another sport and bet on that.


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