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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I think there's some overrating going on with Henderson IMO. I think some might be mistaking his clear improvement as him being actual quality. He still doesn't contribute anywhere near enough to be considered an excellent player but fair play to him, he's really improved in the past year and currently deserves to be going to Brazil. That, and also I've a bet on him making the squad.


    :thup: x 100


    I don't get the fuss about the guy. Sure he's improved, but I really don't rate him. Should be nowhere near a national team that wants to win the World Cup this year.


    Well when you consider said national team is picking Cleverley, then there's certainly an argument for him being included.

  2. So Cleverley has been picked ahead of Huddlestone?! I'd even select Livermore ahead of Cleverley for goodness sake.


    England would be so good if they just went with a young energetic pacy team. They'd do so much better I reckon. Shame.




    Okay, so not every single player is going to be quick are they! Besides someone's got to pass them the ball. Huddlestone should definitely be in the wider squad. For sure.

  3. Ronaldo was phenomenal, an absolute force of nature. The bull like strength, pace, stupid quick skilful feet etc etc etc.


    Cristiano and Messi are cool, but nah. No comparison for me.

  4. I admire that young man Henderson, because quite frankly I thought he was an absolute nothing player previously.


    Apparently he works really hard, and is always doing extra training sessions, and his improvement is clear to see, he is still young enough to continue to get better and better. I respect that a lot.


    He's nothing special from a technical standpoint, but he is constantly on the move, pops the ball about, and can occasionally play a surprisingly good pass. He can also get himself into scoring positions and tuck them away. He just doesn't stop going either, and makes an absolute nuisance of himself by constantly pressing the opposition.


    A young guy with his general mental makeup and professional attitude to the game, absolutely has to be on the plane to Brazil, especially given his performances this season.




  5.             Lampard Wilshere

    Sterling            Barkley          Sturridge




    For me. No chance of Gerrard not playing though.



    Gerrard for Lampard in that lineup. He's looked good for Liverpool sitting in midfield, and has really improved on not playing those long passes as often.


    That team would loo good though. Lots of pace, athleticism and genuine ability on the ball.


    Doubt Hodgson would have the guts though.


  6. So Cleverley has been picked ahead of Huddlestone?! I'd even select Livermore ahead of Cleverley for goodness sake.


    England would be so good if they just went with a young energetic pacy team. They'd do so much better I reckon. Shame.

  7. So on one hand Jelavic is finally off the mark, Long has been great for them since he joined, Huddlestone will dictate tempo easily from midfield, and Livermore's energy and drive will also need to be accounted for. Not to mention quality delivery into the box from Elmo.


    On the other hand, we have conference style lobs that may occasionally result in some kind of happenstance for Remy.


    It will be a romp. A dirty, filthy romp. If you plan on a good weekend avoid the result till Monday morning.

  8. The full Van Persie quote:


    "My teammates are in some of the areas where I want to play. This makes it difficult for me," he was quoted as saying by ITV Sport.


    v"Then I have to change my tactics to suit my teammates, and play outside my zone. That's a pity. I won't point fingers, because I'm not like that."

  9. Eh?  :lol:


    Moyes is an okay manager, but very limited.


    He will never do well with your Mata's, Van Persies and Rooneys all in one team.


    Deep down he fantasizes about Rooney and Fellaini up top with Welbeck coming in from the left, as an additional wide target man.


    He must give in to this, and endure the initial wrath from the fans, in order to ultimately succeed.



  10. Wow ... okay. It's practically March, and despite all the expectations being dumbed down, and all the support for Moyes, the team still doesn't look right, never mind winning games. Yet it's still the Ferguson effect. Okay.

  11. Moyes is struggling to beat the likes of Fulham with Mata, Rooney and Van Persie in his team, and we keep being told it's because the squad is on it's way down, and Ferguson was a miracle worker. No way!

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