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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Nationality is a fluid concept. Generally after 4-5 generations in another country, people develop hybrid communities and culture.


    You're talking second generation. I'm talking 4 and 5 of which there are plenty in the UK (especially Indians and Caribbeans).


    Your point is bloody stupid. He believes he's been discriminated against so he should go back to his parents country of birth? Following your logic every black person outside of traditionally black countries should go back if they have been discriminated against.


    Wow ... so I've said black people who are discriminated against should go back to their countries?!


    Right, well carry on the discussion. I'll bow out of this one thanks.





  2. A 10-game ban for Pardew would see him miss the rest of the season with matchday duties switching to assistants John Carver and Steve Stone, leaving Newcastle owner Mike Ashley looking at the long-term repercussions.


    What 'rest of the season'?  I could see a panic replacement if we were down the other end of the table, but we've already reached the 40-point finish line.  Is Ashley going to sack him because he won't be able to guide us to Europe if he's not allowed in the ground?  Pffft.



    Interestingly, I think the fact that we're safe will make it more likely they hand out a ridiculous ban, and be seen to be coming down hard. Think they would have been less likely to do so if we were near the bottom.



  3. I get the feeling Pardew is not universally liked amongst the pundits and writers.


    They've been praising him all season, and usually have his back. It's quite surprising he has hardly anyone with him on this.

  4. The fact that the media are not even supporting him is a damning sign. They usually go easier on the English managers typically, and I've actually been surprised at their reaction. Seems like he will really be in hot water over this.



  5. If someone swung a punch and it connected with Cisse's chin, even if it was soft...You would be demanding that the person throwing that lunch was sent off, suspended and fined.


    Could have been Steve Bruce on one of our players though and i wouldn't be calling for him to be sacked or a half a season ban though. I think 8 games max would be fair.


    I think if the club sacked him, he couldn't camplain.  He is  menace to soccer, a danger to other managers and players.





  6. Imagine a fan "headbutting" a player..Wonder what would have happened then..

    Almost certainly time in prison, the prick who punched the horse did time and he didn't appear to do any damage.


    The horse puncher  :lol:


    What a reason to do time for.


    Man, if that horse had just lost it and started trampling him. What a dummy  :lol:

  7. The reaction in the media has been so strong that the FA are going to go mental with this.


    I'm expecting a stadium ban the remainder of the season.


    Really? I'm expecting them to bottle it completely and hand out a ban for a few games only. If there was a ban for the remainder of the season that might justify us sacking him for not being able to do his job and the FA wouldn't want to be seen as responsible for that.


    It's going to be interesting how they approach this.


    The thing that's really going to mess him up is his previous actions on the sideline.


    Think he's screwed personally.

  8. Um, because that's their heritage? Not sure what you're trying to insinuate. Are you saying that over time they become less Trinidadian?


    There's a wide range of experiences in how they're ultimately brought up, yes. Some will still be raised very much within that culture, while others may not be. I have friends whose parents have been here since school, and were ultimately raised here, and still identify more as Nigerians than English.


    My point is that if like Campbell you feel such an outsider then don't play for England.



  9. Eh?


    What are you talking about? Are you trying to compare someone born and raised in his home country with black British players? We are at the stage where some of the lads of caribbean ancestry won't even qualify for those nations over the next decade.


    Not sure I understand what you mean.


    How will they not qualify for those nations?

  10. Are you assuming every black player to play for England is of Jamaican parentage?


    Sol Campbell is isn't he? Hence why I referred to Jamaicans specifically.


    Those with parents from other nations should consider it too, as they will always get more recognition and adulation from them. If of course it means that much to you.


    There's no point playing for England and expecting to be treated exactly the same. I just don't know how likely it is you will ever be afforded that.


    They have to weigh up exactly how much it means to them, and then make a decision really.

  11. I always wondered why the Jamaican's don't push for more of these guys to play for them, they would be really good.


    The reality is the English are always going to identify more with a John Terry than a Sol Campbell. It's just the reality.


    If these guys want that level of recognition and respect they should play for their parent's countries, and encourage more to do so. They'd be a talented team.


    Don't know if you guys saw the documentary of Drogba going back to the Ivory Coast last summer. My goodness. He's like a king back home. It was special.


  12. If Pardew gets a 10 game stadium ban then whats the point of him being our manager


    I'd be overjoyed by that tbh. The luxury of not seeing his silly face for the last 10 games.


    Hopefully they put Beardsley in charge and he brings Ben Arfa and Marv back into the fold, and we play amazing football, and score lots of goals, and go undefeated.


    Finally culminating with Pardew then getting binned.

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