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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Before Pardew came in there was never any discussion about how hard this guy worked or tracked back, or trying to do too much etc etc. He was just free to play, and was a threat to the opposition. The only potential issue was his fitness, as he had a few injuries.


    So cruel that now he is fit enough to play, we have a dimwit in charge that keeps telling us he isn't good enough. To hell with Pardew, and his wannabe Mourinho crap. To hell with him. Deep down I think Pardew is envious of the guy tbh. Hated the adulation Ben Arfa got. He's a loser.

  2. Think Gerrard and Wilshere are the best options, as far as establishing any kind of decent passing and possession. Wilshere will run with the ball effectively too, which none of the other England CMs tend to do.


    Who else would you have in there? Don't really like the other options as much.



  3. The England team has a lot of promise at the moment  think. Had some decent bits of play yesterday.


    Really thought he should have just played Rooney off Sturridge from the outset though.


    Rooney will track back and drop deep, and so it will look like a 4-3-3 anyway, as it seems he was hesitant to play 2 upfront.


    Could have then played Gerrard and Wilshere central, and had another winger on with Sterling.


    Now that would have been a lot more interesting. He should be trying that out now, to see if it works form a possession standpoint, and defensively too.


    England have so many dangerous options to bring on though. Lallana, Townsend, Ox, Barkley. Just need to nail down the starting 11.

  4. Brett you're funny man  :lol:


    You think if Perch was still here that Anita would have ever got a chance to start performing like he is now?


    May I remind you that this season Pardew continues to play Shola ahead of Ben Arfa and Marveaux. Infinitely more talented players, who haven't been given anywhere near enough of a run in one position to get some form and consistency.


    So you can keep convincing yourself all you want, but I'm not buying it.

  5. Interesting couple of lines in the Journal today in an article about Anita.

    "Twelve months ago the jury was out on him, not least among Newcastle's coaching brains trust.


    The Journal understands that one of the reasons James Perch was sold despite Pardew's exhortations to hand him a new contract was because Mike Ashley had been advised that Anita was being under-used."



    You see ... so if Perch stays we never see the Anita we do today, and everyone would be claiming he was shit or not suited to the premier league.


    This is why I refuse to accept the crap on Ben arfa or Marveaux, because I don't believe in  our manager at all. He's a clown.



  6. Yeah, fair point Parky.


    I guess I was thinking that if England started finding that talented players were choosing to represent these countries due to not feeling they were afforded the same recognition or respect etc, it might be more of a wake up call.


    Probably wouldn't be as effective though.



  7. Nationality is a fluid concept. Generally after 4-5 generations in another country, people develop hybrid communities and culture.


    You're talking second generation. I'm talking 4 and 5 of which there are plenty in the UK (especially Indians and Caribbeans).


    Your point is bloody stupid. He believes he's been discriminated against so he should go back to his parents country of birth? Following your logic every black person outside of traditionally black countries should go back if they have been discriminated against.


    Wow ... so I've said black people who are discriminated against should go back to their countries?!


    Right, well carry on the discussion. I'll bow out of this one thanks.

    You think that Sol Campbell should go back to his own country?  :lol:


    It's probably best if you do bow out of it, yeah.


    Um ... what?

  8. Um, because that's their heritage? Not sure what you're trying to insinuate. Are you saying that over time they become less Trinidadian?


    There's a wide range of experiences in how they're ultimately brought up, yes. Some will still be raised very much within that culture, while others may not be. I have friends whose parents have been here since school, and were ultimately raised here, and still identify more as Nigerians than English.


    My point is that if like Campbell you feel such an outsider then don't play for England.






    You need to have a chat with more immigrants, their second, third and fourth generation kin.


    Ridiculously insulated, your ideas on identity. No offence, and I know you don't mean any. But man, those responses are shocking :lol:


    I guess what I was insinuating was that Sol might feel more discriminated because he just doesn't necessarily feel "one of the boys" in general.


    I was looking at it purely from that viewpoint, and specifically to anyone who may indeed feel that way, when I said it may be better off such individuals representing their parent's country. Obviously these types of indviduals are more likely to be second generation.


    I'm of Nigerian origin myself, but have lived here from the age of 12, similar to Victor Moses. I would have represented Nigeria myself, as it happens, as he chose to do too.


    I'm not saying everyone should shun England and go back home. I mean, I understand what The College Dropout is arguing too, but don't feel like I was speaking in such broad terms.


    Anyway, I'm done. Clearly not making as much sense as I think I am.




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