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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. So just realised that Mbokani signed for Dynamo Kiev a few days ago, which could well mean Ideye Brown is going to be allowed to leave.


    He didn't have a great Confederations cup tournament, as far as goals go, but his league goal scoring record over the last few years is great.


    Rumoured to be around the £10 million mark, which seems to be the highest we're willing to go, as far as our rumoured bids go anyway.


    Could be a possibility.



  2. No Llambias no problems. Hopefully now that clown is gone we will be a lot more urgent with going after players.


    It amazed me just how many people have their head buried in sand.


    I know! We're the only ones that know what's happening, you and I.

  3. With Pardew's 6 ft 4er comments, and Kinnear's add more 'beef' comments, a striker in this mould really wouldn't surprise me at all.


    Hey, like plenty have already said, if Pardew is ever going to do anything worthwhile then give him the types he wants.


    The dreams of Remys and Aubameyangs in exotic 4-3-3s have likely fallen to the way side.


    Personally feel we need both types.


    Well that is one scenario we can be sure will never come to pass, unfortunately.

  4. With Pardew's 6 ft 4er comments, and Kinnear's add more 'beef' comments, a striker in this mould really wouldn't surprise me at all.


    Hey, like plenty have already said, if Pardew is ever going to do anything worthwhile then give him the types he wants.


    The dreams of Remys and Aubameyangs in exotic 4-3-3s have likely fallen to the way side.

  5. Yay, another season of the club being on and off the market, with speculative bids from Nigerians, Iranians, Kuwaitis and Arabs.


    We're going to be so well prepared for the new season. I can hardly contain my glee.

  6. I'll drop this here just because I can. Apparently we have offers from "lower table" Premier league teams to loan Deulofeu.


    I have trouble spelling his name majority of time, god help JFK.


    It's probably Kinnear trying to sign Defoe.



  7. The replay of Newcastle vs Southampton at St. James' Park from the season just past is on, and I just watched the first half.


    Really interesting viewing. I have to say Tiote is a freakin' hot mess out there, and it's clearly tied into the role he's being asked to play. Cabaye is more of the sitting midfielder and he looks wonderful setting everything up from the back, so credit to Pardew for that, however, this idea that Tiote should be bombing up and down as some sort of all action box to box midfielder is just tragic. Just isn't him at all. It really brings the raving lunatic out of him.


    Tiote really has to be out of the first team, Sissoko looks a natural to just slide in alongside Cabaye, with a more natural number 10 slotting in behind Cisse, or a second striker who can drop deep and get involved in play. Someone liek Siem De Jong who we were linked with quite a bit last season would be the type that could work well. This would improve us no end.


    Sissoko is so talented though, wow. Clearly ran out of steam towards the end of the season, but his performances early on. Just wow.



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