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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Oh no, now we are in trouble.


    SAFC Scout ‏@ScoutSafc 2h

    Sunderland are keen on speaking to QPR striker Loic Remy #SAFC






    Ha! A fitting end to the recurring nightmare.

  2. Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder 3m

    Would appear that #nufc are out of the race to sign Kone from Wigan. More in tomorrow's @EveningChron on striker search.




    Out of the race  :lol:


    There was hardly a stampede for the guy. God, we're so rubbish.

  3. Should this fella be signed he would be Best's replacement, finally. Quite an upgrade too. Still need to replace Ba though.


    To you he very well maybe, but in reality ...


    You think Best is better than Kone?


    Or he thinks Kone wouldn't be Best's replacement?


    Ah yes. Wasn't quite sure which part he was replying to.


    Yeah, just not sure we'll sign more than one striker.


    Just like the summer we got Ba on a free nice and early, and then didn't get the second striker we needed in.


    Really annoying.

  4. Should this fella be signed he would be Best's replacement, finally. Quite an upgrade too. Still need to replace Ba though.


    To you he very well maybe, but in reality ...

  5. What is this transfer rule people keep referring to!


    The idea was not to spend significant amounts i.e. in fee and wages on players over 27 or whatever.


    However, a bargain is a bargain. If you can get one who is proven and productive for a good fee and good wages, then I don't think we'd snub it.


    That's how I understood it anyway.

  6. He'd be a good short term fix if Pardew used him correctly. However i'm not sure i support blowing £5m on a player who is 30 in a few months time. Much rather he went to Everton and we stick with the plan.


    Kone or Bent? Not sure about that either, neither option would be the best bet.




    Blowing £5 million  :lol:


    Your worse than Llambiarse.


    £5 million is nothing in today's market. It's still a value for money signing, at that price. He's got at least 3 decent seasons left. His wages also won't be high.


    Two premiership clubs want him, his wages won't be cheap. There's nothing to suggest he'll be good at 32-33, most forwards who've relied on pace in their careers are nowhere near the level they've been at that age. Like I said good short term fix for next season at least, after that it'll be downhill, how quickly is anyone's guess.


    Btw Is this just you sticking up for an African again? Can't have anything bad said about Africans can we.


    You're so random man  :lol:


    His wages will be cheap relative to what we would have had to pay someone like Aubameyang for example.


    The guy was a £2 million signing from Levante, and was at Wigan. His wages wouldn't have been significant, and so improving them won't take much.


    I don't know about this African jazz your talking, but looking at Kone as an individual regardless of where he's from, he is a hell of an athlete, and I would fully expect him to still be very useful for another three season's at least.


  7. Kone: "Hello, is that Mr. Kinnear?"


    Kinnear: "Yes, speaking"


    Kone: "I've signed for Everton"


    Kinnear: "Okay, thanks for keeping us in the loop"

  8. He'd be a good short term fix if Pardew used him correctly. However i'm not sure i support blowing £5m on a player who is 30 in a few months time. Much rather he went to Everton and we stick with the plan.


    Kone or Bent? Not sure about that either, neither option would be the best bet.




    Blowing £5 million  :lol:


    Your worse than Llambiarse.


    £5 million is nothing in today's market. It's still a value for money signing, at that price. He's got at least 3 decent seasons left. His wages also won't be high.

  9. Scott Wilson ‏@Scottwilsonecho 10m

    There's genuine #NUFC interest in Kone, but they've left it very late to try to do deal. Everton already done a large amount of ground work.


    This don't sound like us  :lol:


    Hmmm ... this is a sign we put all our eggs in Aubameyang, and are now scrambling around for other solutions. Fantastic.

  10. Kone would be a much better signing than Bent but I dont see how we can trump Everton.


    Without Moyes there we're basically both mid-sized clubs with s*** chairmen. I think we might even be able to offer slightly more money.


    (Beat Everton to Ba as well, didn't we?)


    We wouldn't pay Ba the wages you were willing to, and, wouldn't include the release clause he joined Chelsea with either.


    I would really rather we never blew a big chunk of our budget on a near 30yr old like Kone. So, if you pip us to him, I'm all for it :thup:



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