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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. *sigh*


    Pardew is so clueless man, with all of the compatibility issues between Cisse and Ba, were set to go down the exact same route again.


    I actually like Bent a lot, but this is clearly not going to fit our team. Only possible way is a diamond midfield setup with a playmaker in behind the two of them. That doesn't sound like Pardew at all. He ain't that sharp.

  2. If Ashley massively respects Carr & Carr disagrees with Pardew, why does he need Kinnear to act as mediator? If you trust Carrs opinion you back him.


    How can Kinnear act as advisor to who is right, unless Ashley thinks his ability to judge a player is just as good as or better than Carr's?


    Story makes no sense.


    Don't think Ashley is as involved day to day to make the call.


    Llambias was always on Pardew's side, and so he's replaced him with someone who isn't.


    If anything this move is a vote of confidence for Carr.


    Pardew was already moaning about getting older English players, and Llambias was probably looking to be in his corner on that shit.


    Carr was probably like nah son, and we all know Mike Ashley has never been about that.

  3. This Pardew quote really has been winding me up all day. Is this clown still on holiday by the way?


    Dude needs to haul his ass back over here to answer some questions and get some work done for next season.

  4. My history is a life long toon fan that never felt the need to post on here before.


    Not a Mackem.


    Look I didn't realise you f***ers were so precious about what people post.


    I won't be bothering again. Ill check for the apologies when Carr is announced as resigned.


    Duck. Water. Arse.


  5. :lol: Fuck me! Now everyone's eulogising about the guy.


    Shame they didn't pipe up about how great he was when he was in the job.


    All of this shit is really winding me up. Fuck sake.

  6. like i say decent source.


    Douglas deal was done and due to fly in tomorrow to complete but big joe put the block on it and wants James Tomkins, Carr walked out on back of it.


    Please God this would be too much for me. Water up a ducks arse.

  7. There will be people running the club, as that list on NUFC.com shows the structure in place.


    All those other people were probably doing far more than Derek was. Something seems awry with Derek, and I think it was largely to do with acquiring players.


    Before Llambias came on board we really didn't struggle as much getting players in under Mort, albeit we weren't buying the best ones then.


    Llambias isnt a football person whatsoever. Don't think today's developments are that bad (fingers crossed). We almost got relegated last season, and maybe that's shaken Ashley to finally do something about his "mate".



    He did ok in January getting plenty through the door. I think the problem has always been how much money Ashley is willing to be allowed to be spent.


    Yeah, in January when it was clear we were on the brink of relegation.


    Llambias is some sleaze bag Casino guy, that probably views every negotiation as some kind of high stakes game, where he has to come out on top.


    It was his job to encourage Ashley to release more funds if needed. Do you really see him doing that out of interest for the bettering of the team? No chance. Tell you what though, I could see Kinnear pushing for that because he actually has an interest in football.



  8. There will be people running the club, as that list on NUFC.com shows the structure in place.


    All those other people were probably doing far more than Derek was. Something seems awry with Derek, and I think it was largely to do with acquiring players.


    Before Llambias came on board we really didn't struggle as much getting players in under Mort, albeit we weren't buying the best ones then.


    Llambias isnt a football person whatsoever. Don't think today's developments are that bad (fingers crossed). We almost got relegated last season, and maybe that's shaken Ashley to finally do something about his "mate".


    Ah cheers for this development - should I contact all businesses around the world and tell them Managing Directors are now obsolete?





    My point is the people just under him will be able to cover, and would be aware of what was going on.


    Also, what's to say he was doing that much anyway, and not fobbing it off. That guy was a cretin man.


    He couldn't even manage the most basic of communication from the club when he first came in. Until people continually complained about it.


  9. There will be people running the club, as that list on NUFC.com shows the structure in place.


    All those other people were probably doing far more than Derek was. Something seems awry with Derek, and I think it was largely to do with acquiring players.


    Before Llambias came on board we really didn't struggle as much getting players in under Mort, albeit we weren't buying the best ones then.


    Llambias isnt a football person whatsoever. Don't think today's developments are that bad (fingers crossed). We almost got relegated last season, and maybe that's shaken Ashley to finally do something about his "mate".

  10. I really have a feeling Llambias wasn't pulling his weight, and I think the majority of the problems we had during transfer windows were down to issues with him.


    Dealing with players and agents is by everyone's account, a painful and tedious process. Maybe he was too busy with his casinos or whatever.


    As ridiculous as it sounds, regarding movement in the transfer market, I definitely think Kinnear will be pushing for things to happen far more.


    Kinnear did have a bit of a dig at Lambeezy with the whole "Do you want Lambeezy back?" comment, it suggested the guy wasn't getting things done.



  11. Why have we allowed ourselves to be overtaken by the likes of Swansea in every single aspect of being a well-run football club?


    Imagine someone telling you that 10 years ago...


    Laudrup will walk soon don't worry.

  12. Okay, let's think about this "rationally", JFK is a genius, as he says, so he was clearly speaking in code.


    So what was he trying to tell us by purposely mispronouncing these players names, and offending them so blatantly.


    Yohan Kebab - Must enjoy a night out and has been indulging in the kind of unhealthy food that comes along with that. His fitness subsequently isn't good enough. Doesn't cover enough ground. Will be sold.


    Goaltierrez - An ironic dig at Jonas' lack of goal scoring ability for a forward player. Deemed not good enough also. Set to be ditched.


    Ben Afrri / Ben Afra - So unimpressed was he with Hatem, that he insulted him twice! Feels he's suffered every Affriction known to man, such is his injury history. Given Afra chance he's always off to France for treatment. Not happy with his availability and trips to France. Sell, sell, sell.


    Papiss Sissy - Yeah, Papiss scores every once in a while, but where is the brute force and physicality every old school manager craves in his centreforward? Where's the fight eh? Too soft, and will be offloaded.


    These are the four who will be moved on to re-shape the team, and yesterday's interview was just setting the wheels in motion.


    In reality we're all just not smart enough to comprehend the genius of JFK.







  13. Beginning to buy into the theory of JFK being the hired hitman to take out Pardew.


    Maybe there really wasn't a clause in his contract after all, and so there going to make him as uncomfortable as possible. Maybe there is a clause but Ashley doesn't even want to pay him the one year salary he's so damned cheap  :lol:


    All that mouthing off about the owner making mistakes last summer, and wanting older English players, couldn't have made Ashley happy. Especially as it was increasingly clear Pardew was just so cack.


    Not so sure JFK would take over either, think he's just come in to wind everyone up, and make it clear it would be untenable for Pardew to work under such circumstances.


    Yes, it's a mighty big straw, but by God I'm clutching it!



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