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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Villa are doing work. All these guys are going to have a good amount of time to settle in and get a full pre-season too. Good stuff.


    Okore seems like a sound guy. Turned down Chelsea because he wanted to go somewhere he'd play regular football.


    A young guy that sees the big picture. Too rare.

  2. Leffe, it'd have to be a work of unspeakable genius. I'm not sure shedding thousands of season ticket holders is what he was aiming for in the process, mind.


    I know people think I go on and on about it here, but mere words can't express just how horrifically depressing that season was. The way we played was so, so embarrassing. If i had been a fan of another club, I'd have wanted us to go down for it, it was that bad.


    Have you watched us play lately? Bring back any of those memories for you?

  3. The thing about last season with Villa Brummie, I don't think Lambert was as prepared as he will be for this one.


    You guys had little money, and wanted to get in younger players that were affordable, and whose value could increase. Not sure this is an area he had a particular strength in scouting/buying from necessarily. He ended up getting largely English youngsters from the lower leagues, and giving your academy players a chance, but now he's getting them from all over Europe it seems.


    Think you'll ultimately end up with some really talented youngsters this summer, who are more in the Benteke mould i.e. ones from smaller leagues or teams, who are therefore not as obvious.




  4. Have a good feeling about Lambert at Villa. Think hell do great, and they'll end up getting some lesser known young players that end up becoming stars for them like Benteke did.


    f***ing Pardew man ... f*** sake.

  5. Sell Cisse, who is 28 by the way, for £20 million to the Russians, and avoid the talk of a new, more lucrative contract.


    Buy Bent who is just a year older for a pittance, and a far more agreeable contract, due to his desperation to leave Villa.


    Guess who wins again ...

  6. Ooh, Colo and Mapou as a partnership, that's actually something to look forward to for next season.


    Bit weak for me, like. Not much competition for the high ball either.


    Ha! And there's Pardew himself. Telling you exactly how it's going to be.

  7. Ooh, Colo and Mapou as a partnership, that's actually something to look forward to for next season.


    You think Pardew will drop our only "6 ft 4er" centre back, who happens to be the only English player in our starting 11?


    Prepare to be extremely pissed off.

  8. Is that meant to mean we enquired in January, otherwise the Remy mention makes no sense to me..?


    Yeah, I would hope so. That's the only way it makes sense.

  9. I know a lad who is quite well connected with Arsenal. Apparently we enquired after Remy turned us down and were quoted £12m which we, thankfully, told them we'd not be following up our interest. Apparently he's possibly heading to Galatasaray for ridiculous wages.


    Why would we tell Arsenal Remy turned us down..? :lol:



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Yeah, that made no sense to me either!

  10. Been interesting seeing Luuk De Jong play, as we were keen on him last summer. Much more of a target man type, as he plays really well with his back to goal, holding the ball up, and winning balls in the air.


    Must have been looking to pair him with Cisse. Interesting we still haven''t signed this sort of player, and you have to wonder how much this messed up Pardew's plans last season, if as it seems, he always wanted this sort of player.

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