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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wow. Was pretty confident Walcott would balls that up :lol:


    The one thing he is genuinely really good at is finishing his one on ones. Actually very clinical in those positions.


    Which is why he should be playing upfront, his crossing and general other play is abysmal


    It's why he apparently hasn't signed his contract. He wants to play upfront more. It's where he played at Southampton and really made a name for himself in the first place.

  2. Baba defending Chelski, who'd have thunk it.

    :lol: You know I support the loan system, man. We should use it more. No reason Shane has been here his whole career.


    I agree we should use it more, but that is scandalous.


    They buy somebody like Kevin de Bruyne for more than most clubs' transfer record, and then ship him off somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if he plays less than 10 games for them.


    It's not all bad. Lukaka would likely be doing just as well as Torres if he was still at Chelsea, and they're missing out there. They're idiots.


    Not really. Lukaku can play against Man Utd, Man Citeh and Arsenal.


    Plus they can yank him back whenever they want.


    Yeah, I see what you're saying.


    Can't believe it's possible to loan out that many players.

  3. Baba defending Chelski, who'd have thunk it.

    :lol: You know I support the loan system, man. We should use it more. No reason Shane has been here his whole career.


    I agree we should use it more, but that is scandalous.


    They buy somebody like Kevin de Bruyne for more than most clubs' transfer record, and then ship him off somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if he plays less than 10 games for them.


    It's not all bad. Lukaka would likely be doing just as well as Torres if he was still at Chelsea, and they're missing out there. They're idiots.

  4. Pardew referred to the left side as Obertan's "wrong side", and says he was only played there because there was a feeling it offered a tactical advantage.




    I thought he not only looked better on the left, bu more importantly he just looked more comfortable and assured.


    Hope he is used there more often going forward, and not ont he right.

  5. People keep saying Taraabt is rubbish, but I'm not having it. Has some serious ability. Just have to accept his lesser points and let him be who he is.


    That's true, and I've never said he's rubbish, but his lesser points mean he won't make it with a really good team.


    I wasn't referring to you specifically. A lot of people don't rate him it seems.


    I watch people like Nani and Gervinho at times and to me Taraabt is no more frustrating than those two.


    Nani and Gervinho are impossibly frustrating players sometimes, but in a flash they can win you a game, much like Taraabt.


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