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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. A bit sad we let Nolan leave. Many here should pat their back for all his negative antics. He could have done a job in the current toothless side.


    It's not about being toothless, or lacking desire, or lacking leadership etc etc etc. Don't like these cliches that get thrown about anytime a team isn't playing well.


    It's clear the team isn't being set out in a way they're comfortable with, or that suits their strengths, and on top of this there si no clear plan of approach in how they move the ball around to create chances.


    Pardew, unfortunately isn't adept in coaching these things it seems. It's just not as simple as setting out good players and expecting it to magically happen.

  2. Talked to a basketball coach a few weeks ago for a good 20 minutes about corners in football and inbound pass routines in basketball. Stoke showed right there how to work space and set screens to free someone up for a shot, just as you would in basketball. Fantastic.


    Did look very much like a set play in basketball. Worked brilliantly.

  3. The guy has no real plan or idea of how to implement football that involves decent passing and movement. Man manager at best, and that's it.


    It's clear that he just stumbled onto that formation last year, and that's what carried us. he doesn't truly believe in that system, or we would have stuck with it regardless of Ba's whinging.


    Can't believe we still started a game with both Ba and Cisse upfront. Pardew's lost.

  4. It's November and the manager still has no idea how to best setup the team to play anything resembling decent football.


    At best Pardew is a good man manager, but is looking increasingly hopeless tactically. He talks about passing and playing football, but its clear he has no idea of how to implement or train the players to play this type of football.


    Criminal waste of the players we currently have at our disposal.

  5. Love how Milner's crossing still hasn't improved since his time here.


    I just dont get him, never did :lol:


    I do. He's shite.


    Did like the player he was becoming at Vill though, when played in central midfield.


    Shame he decided to join Man City, where he has just returned to being a clogger out wide.

  6. After the ridiculously poor start, quite pleased with that.


    Difficult to know what conclusions to draw from that first half though - has our style/formation given us dominance over them because it's genuinely good - or are they quite happy to sit on the 2-goal lead atm? :dontknow:


    Man U happy to sit back at 2-0 in the first half?


    Did you see what they were doing to us at the start? If we stayed in that 4-4-2 it would have been at least 4-0 to them by now.

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