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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I guarantee you if he comes back to England he'll keep talking like that.


    Probably thinks it makes him sound more sophisticated or something.


    Joey Barton man ... clown.

  2. The winning at all costs thing means nothing in this scenario because we are getting no points with this style of play :lol:


    The thing is the carpet football stuff suits the team more and will most likely get more results than this abysmal s**** we are deploying at the moment with no success.


    I feel sorry for the likes of Marveaux, Cisse, Cabaye, Anita, Ben Arfa etc etc they deserve a much better brand of football than this.


    This is the cruel irony.


    So many English managers convince themselves that playing football is dangerous and leaves you exposed, and unable to defend.


    You hear these kinds of comments all the time, when a team that plays football is struggling, like Southampton and Reading have been.


    Nothing to do with the fact their defenders in particular, are nowhere near premier league level.


    Instead you start hearing how they need to get the ball forward quicker and defend in numbers.


    Inexplicably, this still leads to the same crap results, only with a more boring team, and even less chances of getting any wins, as the team never gets forward.



  3. Frankly I couldn't give a flying f*** what Stoke fans think. They blissfully enjoy watching their expensively assembled collection of spare parts, aging cloggers and 6 ft plus giants play for binary results every week so it makes sense they'd struggle to grasp our infuriation at watching rank awful football every week.


    Or maybe they aren't so blissful, when you see their increasingly dwindling away following.


    I lived near Stoke when they were promoted and knew Stoke fans who wanted Pulis out of the club before a ball was kicked and I've heard them saying the same thing many times since.


    These kind of managers will always be on a knife edge, any slight drop in results will automatically lead to huge amounts of pressure, as half decent results are the only thing that allows for their whole approach to be anywhere near acceptable.

  4. All these managers become so obsessed with winning at any cost.


    This is a form of entertainment you know? That really should matter.


    How do you own a club, and hire someone who only signs players over 6ft tall, for the sole purpose of bouncing the ball of their heads.


    Honestly, people are damn shameless.

  5. Fans of other clubs always want to call you fickle when you are unhappy with the manager.


    It's stupid. Stoke fans can accept the football they play, because they have a bunch of oversized goons that are tailored to this style of rugby.


    I think very little of their opinion really.

  6. What are you on about, man? You asked what Pardew had to show for his time in charge here, implying he had achieved nothing. I told you two things that he's achieved. Now, you're rambling on about it giving him an automatic free pass for something or other?!


    When I said what did he have to show. I meant what was he currently doing to continue to earn faith in his abilities as a manager.


    When I was talking about Rodgers. I mentioned the positives that could be taken from his spell as manager of liverpool so far, that would warrant him being given more time, despite the results not quite being satisfactory.


    Currently, it doesn't seem Pardew is getting a single thing right imo. Yes, he finished fifth, as manager of the year last season, but that doesn't justify him beign given time, if he's failing to do even the simplest things. The man is doggedly sticking with something that isn't working, and hasn't been for a long time now. It's nonsensical.


    Nah, that's bollocks, imo. It's a daft comparison, too. Up until a few weeks ago, Rodgers was being ridiculed by everyone.


    Pardew does deserve time to turn things around for the reasons I've mentioned. In my opinion, anyone who doesn't believe that is an absolute fool. If he hasn't turned things round by the end of January, then he'll rightly be under a massive amount of pressure.


    Okay, fair enough. I'll be a fool unitl January then.


    I just don't see any sign that the guy even knows where to begin with sorting things.

  7. What are you on about, man? You asked what Pardew had to show for his time in charge here, implying he had achieved nothing. I told you two things that he's achieved. Now, you're rambling on about it giving him an automatic free pass for something or other?!


    When I said what did he have to show. I meant what was he currently doing to continue to earn faith in his abilities as a manager.


    When I was talking about Rodgers. I mentioned the positives that could be taken from his spell as manager of liverpool so far, that would warrant him being given more time, despite the results not quite being satisfactory.


    Currently, it doesn't seem Pardew is getting a single thing right imo. Yes, he finished fifth, as manager of the year last season, but that doesn't justify him beign given time, if he's failing to do even the simplest things. The man is doggedly sticking with something that isn't working, and hasn't been for a long time now. It's nonsensical.

  8. We've got players in our squad that teams we've been out played by would kill for. But the way we've got them perfoming you'd think we were from a couple of divisions down!


    They won't have to kill for them before long.


    They'll all be begging to go and join them soone enough.

  9. By the way Rodgers at Liverpool is a bit like Pardew, a bit of a fraud, another who has created an image for himself designed on others' traits but in reality he's just some Northern Irish bloke underneath. He'll get found out, they all do.


    Interesting, not sure I agree. I think Rodgers genuinely went about learning how to play a brand of football he admired and believed in.


    I watch Liverpool, and they are playing far better stuff than they were under Dalglish. Suarez who many said wasn't a finisher last season, now looks even better, and is scoring more, from the better chances he is getting.


    Also, youngsters are coming into the team, and are being given the freedom to play, and are performing.


    He's hardly spent anything, and imo is moving the team to a better place than they were last year under Dalglish.


    If you look at the two managers Rodgers is the one that deserves more time, if anything, because the football is better, and he is clearly able to get his ideas across. Also, the talent in the academy is actually being utilised now, and is clearly being developed.


    What does Pardew have to show for himself?




    5th place finish, in his first full season in charge?




    And this automatically gives him a pass regardless of how bad things get, until when? When is long enough.


    If he was seemingly trying different things to find a solution I would understand where you were coming from.


    Instead he dismissed tactics and formations, and said these weren't an issue last year.


    I mean why would he say that? It was so ridiculous.


    He should be looking at every possible option to improve things.


    Seriously worried about the guy as manager.


    What? :lol:


    :lol: what?

  10. By the way Rodgers at Liverpool is a bit like Pardew, a bit of a fraud, another who has created an image for himself designed on others' traits but in reality he's just some Northern Irish bloke underneath. He'll get found out, they all do.


    Interesting, not sure I agree. I think Rodgers genuinely went about learning how to play a brand of football he admired and believed in.


    I watch Liverpool, and they are playing far better stuff than they were under Dalglish. Suarez who many said wasn't a finisher last season, now looks even better, and is scoring more, from the better chances he is getting.


    Also, youngsters are coming into the team, and are being given the freedom to play, and are performing.


    He's hardly spent anything, and imo is moving the team to a better place than they were last year under Dalglish.


    If you look at the two managers Rodgers is the one that deserves more time, if anything, because the football is better, and he is clearly able to get his ideas across. Also, the talent in the academy is actually being utilised now, and is clearly being developed.


    What does Pardew have to show for himself?




    5th place finish, in his first full season in charge?




    And this automatically gives him a pass regardless of how bad things get, until when? When is long enough.


    If he was seemingly trying different things to find a solution I would understand where you were coming from.


    Instead he dismissed tactics and formations, and said these weren't an issue last year.


    I mean why would he say that? It was so ridiculous.


    He should be looking at every possible option to improve things.


    Seriously worried about the guy as manager.

  11. By the way Rodgers at Liverpool is a bit like Pardew, a bit of a fraud, another who has created an image for himself designed on others' traits but in reality he's just some Northern Irish bloke underneath. He'll get found out, they all do.


    Interesting, not sure I agree. I think Rodgers genuinely went about learning how to play a brand of football he admired and believed in.


    I watch Liverpool, and they are playing far better stuff than they were under Dalglish. Suarez who many said wasn't a finisher last season, now looks even better, and is scoring more, from the better chances he is getting.


    Also, youngsters are coming into the team, and are being given the freedom to play, and are performing.


    He's hardly spent anything, and imo is moving the team to a better place than they were last year under Dalglish.


    If you look at the two managers Rodgers is the one that deserves more time, if anything, because the football is better, and he is clearly able to get his ideas across. Also, the talent in the academy is actually being utilised now, and is clearly being developed.


    What does Pardew have to show for himself?



  12. Gary Neville will rip us to shreds in his post game analysis. Just great.


    I have to say i'm really surprised at peopel seeing Wigan as a game that will be unacceptable for us to lose.


    I mean have you seen them play? Bloody frightening team going forward, who can be beaten and often mess things up for themselves, because they have got a lack of talent in defence.


    Guess what though? We can't exploit this because our attacking play is horrendous! Furthermore our defence sucks just as much as theirs. We're arguably the team they woul love to play most right now.


    We failed to defend against Southampton and also couldn't score past them. What the hell will Wigan do?

  13. By now you'd think Pardew would have tried the 4-3-3 more just for giggles even.


    I mean we're struggling. Try something new. We know you're no revolutionary. We're not asking for three at the back or anything.


    How about the formation that was actually working so well just last season? Maybe?


    My goodness.

  14. Our problem is that we don't attack. Cliche-arama but it really is the most important form of defence. If we can't keep the ball in the opposition's half, then it's going to be constant pressure at our end. Yesterday was the best example of it so far.


    You see all these managers wax lyrical about Alex Ferguson, but they seemingyl pay no real attention to what he actually does, or try to emulate him.


    This guy always plays two attacking full backs, two attacking widemen, has no defensive midfielder, regularly forces three strikers into his team, and still whips everyone.


    How about you try at least some of these ideas sometime? How about not being so gutless? How about not worrying about being tight defensively all the bloody time.


    Negative B.S. sick of it.




    To be fair, most other managers don't have the luxury of having the best players in the world in their squads.


    When you have limited players, it's easier to play limited football.


    We don't have to go all out like Man U, but for goodness sake, can we take the training wheels off against Southampton please?

  15. I don't think there's a distinct correlation between the type of player somebody was and the type of manager they become, tbh.


    Same here but I do believe a correlation can be made between what kind of character they are and their abilities/ideas or lack of. KK for example was an extrovert,a  real charmer, a very positive forward thinking person and that's how his side played. Bobby was a bubbly positive person as well, full of adventure and excitable. Dalglish on the other hand was dour and that's how his sides played. Pardew is a bit false if you ask me, he's a working class bloke in an Armani suit with Hugo Boss glasses, a cosmopolitan wife and a dossier for every team and player. He has created an image for himself and speaks a good game, but when that image is exposed, well, he's just a working class bloke underneath it all. We play like his character. We are just a workmanlike team basically.


    I run my own business and whenever I employ someone I always look at their character first and what kind of person they are. We have one kid working for us, he's a lazy so and so but he's a very funny kid and very likeable, he makes others tick. Give me him over a harder working kid who has nowt about him. You can tell a lot about a manager from their character and just what kind of managers they are or will be.


    I totally hear what you're sayign here. Some really good points.


    For those who don't like the KK example see Harry Redknapp.


    I know everyone thinks footballers have it made and it's all piss easy, but I imagine it can be physically and mentally gruelling at times.


    Imagine having to go into training everyday to hear the wild boar that is Allardyce bellowing at you through every session, or having the misfortune of seeing Dalglish's face every damn day. It will eventually wear on you for sure.



  16. Our problem is everything really. Can't defend, can't attack, can't string two passes together. It's baffling.


    Yeah, even the old keep it tight at the back from last season has deserted us.  Last clean sheet in the league was 2 months ago.


    All of last season, even at the team's very best, I never felt they were defensively sound or solid. We just seemed to manage to hang on most of the time imo.


    These clowns obsessed with being defensive all the time really annoy me.

  17. Our problem is that we don't attack. Cliche-arama but it really is the most important form of defence. If we can't keep the ball in the opposition's half, then it's going to be constant pressure at our end. Yesterday was the best example of it so far.


    You see all these managers wax lyrical about Alex Ferguson, but they seemingyl pay no real attention to what he actually does, or try to emulate him.


    This guy always plays two attacking full backs, two attacking widemen, has no defensive midfielder, regularly forces three strikers into his team, and still whips everyone.


    How about you try at least some of these ideas sometime? How about not being so gutless? How about not worrying about being tight defensively all the bloody time.


    Negative B.S. sick of it.



  18. I don't think there's a distinct correlation between the type of player somebody was and the type of manager they become, tbh.


    I'm in a foul mood today, and people keep wanting to talk about football. Just feel like ranting!


    Yeah, there's counter examples tis all.


    Yeah, I'm sure there are. Wish we'd get one of those counter examples.

  19. I don't think there's a distinct correlation between the type of player somebody was and the type of manager they become, tbh.


    I'm in a foul mood today, and people keep wanting to talk about football. Just feel like ranting!

  20. What kind of player was Pardew, a gritty, scrappy midfielder.


    These sorts always have a complex about flair players, and playing an attractive attacking style of football.


    He continues to seek affirmation for the type of game he was able to play.


    He needs to get over it tbh. It's not the worlds fault he had to struggle his whole career wth his limited abilities.


    You can't convince the world that this functional, hardworking, fighting football is for everyone.


    Why would anyone hire a manger who played in such a way as a player?


    What a coincidence that Laudrup's team plays the way they do right?


    Fed up tbh.



  21. I don't think he has lost the dressing room but a good number of our players are cutting frustrated figures and are increasingly losing their discipline if you like as a result. Colo has become a nasty bugger for example and is remonstrating a lot with refs and the opposition which isn't his style. Ba is constantly throwing his arms up in the air and asking for fouls or giving fouls away and Ben Arfa is constantly trying to do things all on his own. The players know they are not performing and that our position in the table isn't good enough but try as hard as they may and they do try hard, things aren't improving. Indeed things are getting worse and that is where the manager comes in. The players are trying their best to help him by working hard and playing to his instructions etc. but Pardew's methods and tactics are killing them. He now needs to help them.


    He needs to ditch the ubber match preparation bollocks, get them working on pass and move and getting at teams and he needs to find a system or formation that gets the best out of our better players or rather allows our better players to perform to their true abilities. And he needs to stick at this and keep encouraging this. This side doesn't need much tactical coaching at all, it needs freed from the manager's over bearing dominance when it comes to tactics, team shape, system etc.


    Concentrate on defence Alan, work on the pressing game and team shape off the ball, which he has demonstrated he is quite good at. The attacking side though.... I trust our attacking players more than Pardew when it comes to attacking so let them f***ing play basically.


    Pardew definitely comes across as an overbearing sort, that would have them thinking too much out there.


    What you talk about is something Harry Redknapp figured out eons ago, when it comes to attacking, give them the freedom to do so.


    Everyone hails Harry as some genius, but his true talent is the fact he's just not an uptight control freak.

  22. This 4-3-3 thing is so upsetting. He was practically denying that he ever played 4-3-3 just last week. Why is he so scared of lining up that way?


    Can this really be down to Ba? It's incredible really.

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