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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It wasn't long ago that Pardew was referring to Ba as a number 10 i.e. that he liked him playing off of the front man. I felt Ben Arfa was in a pickle the moment I heard that.


    Ba isn't as effective battling for the balls in the air and holding it up, and so it seems he prefers to play him uptop with Best or Shola. The thing is though, just give Ben Arfa a chance on the wing at least a couple of times if this is the case. Frustrating.


    Also, why is Shola now ahead of Best fr goodness sake. That isn't cool either, not at all.

  2. Would have been far better off starting the game. Came on just as it was all beginning to go tits up, and Gerrard was starting to cause us problems. Had more posession prior to this, which would have allowed for him to do more.

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