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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Gervinho has to be the most frustrating player in the league. Can't even imagine some of the reactions to him on here if we had signed him.


    Such a threat but ruins great positions a lot, agreed. Still like how much more direct he is than Arshavin/Nasri. Think he'll get better.

  2. Outside of the set pieces, Liverppol really haven't been that great I don't think.


    Actually think they've been superb today, all the passes finding their man and some really nice touches here and there.


    Not really creating chances from open play so far, though.

  3. it is the one weakness in spurs squad the complete lack of cover for Bale and Lennon


    Absolute rubbish. They've got Pienaar and Kranjcar. Harry is just being a weirdo putting Modric out wide instead.


    Sandro is pretty damn awesome though tbf but i prefer Luka partnering either one of Sandro and Parker in the middle and not a Sandro parker partnership. We shall see...


    I like Sandro, but as you say, got to have Modric central alongside either one of Sandro and Parker. Still think the team will function really well anyway, it is Sunderland afterall. Just think it would have been a good opportunity to give Pienaar a game in particular. Good player.

  4. it is the one weakness in spurs squad the complete lack of cover for Bale and Lennon


    Absolute rubbish. They've got Pienaar and Kranjcar. Harry is just being a weirdo putting Modric out wide instead.

    don't offer the same penetration that Bale and Lennon do


    They are more than decent enough cover, and are both really good players. You can't say they aren't decent cover just because they are different types of players.

  5. Funny post from the Liverpool forum ...


    Lets be fair here mate, he scored against Everton and had a belter of a game against Wolves, only to be dropped again, it can't have done the lads confidence any good, and seeing us play a more quicker passing game won't be doing him any favours on the bench either because he'll know his strengths aren't his movement.


    He's fighting a losing battle here until we get a winger in who can get the best out of him or until Gerrard is back.


    He also needs a midfielder that will provide for him (Like Nolan at Newcastle) and I think Gerrard will be that player.


    Oh really?! Nolan the provider huh. Okay.



  6. The studs on his leading leg came through and caught Dembele high up. Unnecessarily forceful tackle. No need to fly in with that amount of momentum and agression. If there is a risk of getting sent off for it, then why do it if not absolutely necessary. Foolish tackle.

  7. Sunderland have absolutely rubbish players for the most part. They need someone who knows what they are doing in the transfer market, and who can be savy. O'Neil would be a disaster. Hope they get him! Hughes on the other hand I coukld see doing alright there in comparison.

  8. Just shake hands ffs, God!


    What Sepp Blatter said was ridiculous, but there is no doubt the English are trying to use it to their advantage to get Blatter out, hence the outrage. Got nothing to do with how appalled people actually are about the comments themselves. Still in a tiff about not getting the world cup imo. Pretty pathetic. How about dealing with the England captains behaviour, it's not something he is doing for the first time is it? Listen to the Chelsea fans' chanting?


    People have no idea how much racism exists in this society, how could you though if you aren't the people being subjected to it? Makes me laugh really. Well accustomed to just rising above it by now. It's easy when you know you can never be anything less than the individuals that carry on in this manner. They've just got issues and complexes with themselves ultimately.

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