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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. You can only imagine how good Adam Johnson would be if he was playing every week in the premier league. Such a shame he's stuck at City. Should be doing all he can to get out of there. One of Englands most naturally gifted players imo.


    I can think of about a dozen players with more talent.


    I said naturally gifted, and I was referring to his ability to beat players. Who in the current England setup is better at beating players one on one?


    tal·ent/ˈtalənt/Noun: 1.Natural aptitude or skill


    Learn the language before posting on here, bucko.




    Aaaaah sharrrrrap.

  2. You can only imagine how good Adam Johnson would be if he was playing every week in the premier league. Such a shame he's stuck at City. Should be doing all he can to get out of there. One of Englands most naturally gifted players imo.


    I can think of about a dozen players with more talent.


    I said naturally gifted, and I was referring to his ability to beat players. Who in the current England setup is better at beating players one on one?

  3. Parker got 8 in the sun I think, and was apparently the "star man".


    Pretty f***ing poor like, it was hardly easy to miss Tiote's performance, he won everything and was f***ing everywhere.


    Edit: aye i'm talking about the online version


    Xenophobia mixed in with a tinge of racism imo.



    Doing stuff.


    Stuff like scoring or making goals?


    I love Routledge, but he froze up in the premier league. He wasn't trying anything. He was playing scared for some reason. The same cannot be said about Obertan. Yes, he isn't quite aggressive as he ought to be yet, but he is still figuring out when to go for it, and what works and what doesn't. Obertan has never played first team football at this level, ever for goodness sake. Think he would also benefit hugely if he had a better full back behind him, as Simpson offers no support whatsoever going forward.


    Obertan hasn't played much at this level but he has played in this league for Man U.  Simpson does offer support and at times gets beyond Obertan who doesn't overlap.


    Has played in this league for Man U?! What the odd sub appearance spread out over how many years. That's really going to allow him to develop. Can't believe you would say that. Find it even harder to believe that you would then claim Simpson offers decent support to him going forward. Unreal.

  5. An incredible signing really. The guy is proving that he will always score goals. Has just carried on where he left off at West Ham last season. That knee issue was a blessing to us in the end. We would have had no chance of signing him otherwise.

  6. He just proper loves pointing.


    There was one point where he was running towwards the ball with no-one near him, and he was still waving his arms about like a loon.


    Would love to know what he was saying to Adebayor after the pen decision.


    He got a rocket from Colo when Spurs broke down our right, with Simspon caught out of position (shock!). He was backtracking to the centre whilst pointing at the loose ball. f*** knows who he thought was going to get it for him, like. :lol:


    Yeah I remember that now :lol: was wondering who the f*** he thought was going to challenge for it.


    I almost ruptured my oesophagus when that happened. Taylor really is something else at times. Definitely partially mental.


    Quite dissapointed that he made the exact same mistake he did against Wolves, after a fortunate escape last time around. It's like he thought it meant he could always get away with it because of that. Despite much improvement will always be the kind of defender that could do something insane at any given moment.

  7. Are people seriously talking about him starting the next game? What a bunch of sentimental B.S.


    The guy's role was perfect yesterday. A late option of the bench. The only other option outside of that is not playing him at all. Please get real people.


    Yes, he's a lovely guy, and he can sometimes produce magical moments out of nothing, but please shut up about him starting games. Best and Ba have been great, and outside of them we have the likes of Marv and Ben Arfa sitting on the bench, and you want Shola starting!!! This upsets me greatly. Stop.

  8. Amazing reading a bit of that thread.


    Oh it's all down to them having more passion, more heart, more desire, it's Pardew's tactics, it's Pardew's team talks ... quite skirting round the real issue! Despite blowing a ton of money since he took over (Bruce), the Newcastle team is better in every single position, bar none. They have horrible players and that is the main problem, period.





    Doing stuff.


    Stuff like scoring or making goals?


    I love Routledge, but he froze up in the premier league. He wasn't trying anything. He was playing scared for some reason. The same cannot be said about Obertan. Yes, he isn't quite aggressive as he ought to be yet, but he is still figuring out when to go for it, and what works and what doesn't. Obertan has never played first team football at this level, ever for goodness sake. Think he would also benefit hugely if he had a better full back behind him, as Simpson offers no support whatsoever going forward.

  10. Another superb performance.


    There are rumours that Chelsea will be bidding for him either in january or next summer.  If that bid did materialise, I doubt whether Ashley would say no like Levy did.  I also doubt that Pardew would see any of the money to reinvest either.




    What a fucking hater. Get out of here you creep.



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