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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Just wanted to check ... does all the current sports direct branding at the stadium get replaced with a new sponsor, should one acquire the naming rights?


    I would think that is something they would sort out if they find one, and no would be my answer, fatty will still own the club.


    Cool, thanks.

  2. Incredible how much money Liverpool spent over the summer (and January) considering how s*** they are at times.


    It's not incredible. It's criminal. You know it's winding them up looking at the table and seeing Newcastle up there as well. Dalglish just threw away absolute millions this summer. All they have is Suarez and Gerrard.

  3. Doncaster have signed Diouf for 3 months.


    I f***ing hate him but hopefully he can get Doncaster out of the mess they are in.


    I don't know why clubs bother signing him. He's f***ing s****, doesn't score goals and is also a massive cockend.



  4. How the f*** are you lot second?? :lol:


    If we had anything remotely decent up front we'd have won that. Can see you coming down to earth with a bang after your next two games.


    You only ended up bossing it because Cabaye went off, and we also had Tiote out injured.  These players are vital to our team and not having them makes a massive difference.


    We can barely see you all the way down in 16th.


    And we had no Fellaini who is just as vital to us. 


    Guthrie and Gosling in midfield. Gosling's first game this season. You guys shouldn't be losing in such a situation, with or without Fellaini.

  5. How the f*** are you lot second?? :lol:


    If we had anything remotely decent up front we'd have won that. Can see you coming down to earth with a bang after your next two games.


    You only ended up bossing it because Cabaye went off, and we also had Tiote out injured.  These players are vital to our team and not having them makes a massive difference.


    We can barely see you all the way down in 16th.


    Love the way that was totally disregarded. We won despite that fact by the way. Very worrying for Everton in my opinion.

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