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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. He's still a fan.  :(


    Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    Good luck to Newcastle today, hopefully they can keep their momentum going. #toonarmy




    Urgh, what a suck up. Thought he wrote off the owner and the moves that were made this summer? No doubt he would have been mouthing off if Newcastle were struggling. Embarrassing.

  2. This might as well be the early stages of the Jonas Gutierrez thread. Now of course, everyone loves Jonas.


    Obertan has never played consistently in the first team at this level. Definitely still figuring stuff out. Very talented, and it will eventually show.


    However, I will agree that with Marveaux and Ben Arfa waiting in the wings, it is going to be difficult to continue to consistently give him the playing time he needs to pull it all together.

  3. Astonishing that after all the money spent, the only recent acquisition of theirs that I would have in the Newcastle team is Suarerz, who is clearly exceptional. Terrible waste of money on the whole.



  4. I think the English national side is considerably better than the Scottish.  Doubt we'd get the 'same treatment'.


    Only better enough to not sit back as much, in which case the beating might be even more severe. England are awful keeping posession, and in that respect aren't that much better than Scotland.

  5. QPR are going to flop. Too much laddish culture at the club, manager included. Just wants to surround himself with good old English, prem experienced players, because they're passion and committment guarantees results huh? Stupid.


    I see Warnock has fallen out with Taarabt today, after yanking him off at halftime, despite being behind and having no other goalscorers anywhere near as talented. He's already taking the captaincy off him, and now is marginalising him further. Warnock also gave Traore some pretty shoddy treatment last week, abusing him publically. All the foreign lads' fault eh Warnock? Bush league manager.

  6. Unbelievable start to the season, and Pardew has been fantastic.


    Some people must really be having a hard time enjoying it so far, and it stinks for them, but that's what you get when you are so f***ing negative before a ball is kicked and you are too sure everything at the club is bad, because it's not being done exactly to your "perfect" ideas.


    Having a blast so far with how promising everything has started, and this team will only get better. No where near achieving full potential yet.


    That post says more about you than it does about the imaginary people you're posting about.  I doubt that any of our fans want us to get beat just so that they can claim they were right.  I would personally rather we win every game, no matter who is playing for us, managing us or owning us.


    You keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

  7. Soon after this guy was signed there were disparaging remarks stating that it was only because he was on a free, he was only available because he was a crock, and it was just Ashley being Ashley i.e. a cheap gambler.


    Then I remember one twit claiming Pardew didn't rate him any better than Shola, and wasn't playing him because of that. Very satisfying seeing him continue on from last season in the Newcastle shirt this time around. Great signing. Really tough times for the naysayers right now, must be killing them.

  8. Unbelievable start to the season, and Pardew has been fantastic.


    Some people must really be having a hard time enjoying it so far, and it stinks for them, but that's what you get when you are so fucking negative before a ball is kicked and you are too sure everything at the club is bad, because it's not being done exactly to your "perfect" ideas.


    Having a blast so far with how promising everything has started, and this team will only get better. No where near achieving full potential yet.

  9. Everton put a lot of work into the City game without getting anything, I can see their luck changing today.


    They don't need luck. They just need Carroll and Henderson starting, and they'll boss it. I have a feeling Dalglish will comply too.

  10. who gives a **** what ashley does with ashleys money.


    As long as our football club is under M J A Holdings or whatever the f*** its called, we have every right to look at what he does with 'his' money.


    IT IS NOT OUR FOOTBALL CLUB (yes i was shouting) Mike Ahsley ownes the club lock stock and barrell, where just paying supporters.  It's been like that for a fair few years now.


    We have no right to comment on anything Ashley does with his money or time. Like it or not that the facts.




    Yikes ... you might want to jump into this and stay in there a little while.



  11. These losers have no charisma, must kill them that despite all the money in the world the girls still turn them down. Unfortunately for them life isn't like the rap videos. Stop groping chicks you sad, pathetic man. Weak.

  12. Really interesting to know where the new striker was supposed to fit in, if the intention was to play Ben Arfa as a second striker all along.


    Up front, probably.

    Up front, at the expense of Best and Ba.

    And Ameobi. :troll:



    So you both think Ba was brought in as backup? Interesting. I don't think so myself.

  13. Is Marveaux going to be a regular starter for you guys? I was under the impression he would've been ahead of Obertan in the pecking order.


    I thought so as well, but it's certainly not as clear at the moment. I was beginning to think that Jonas would be phased out, but he's just been given a new 4 year contract.

  14. If Ben Arfa is playing behind any of our strikers it would have to be Ba, as I think he makes better runs and is quicker and more dynamic. Would benefit from through balls more I reckon.

  15. Another point about Nolan at West Ham. I don't think he will ever be as effective over there, as Sam only plays one striker up front, and so it is more difficult for Nolan to ghost in late, and unmarked. However, they don't have the luxury of a Tiote, and so can't play Nolan in a two man midfield, with two strikers in the team. Not a good situation for them at all. Just further emphasizes how clueless fat Sam is in my opinion.

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