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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Cheers tunisia. We're all pretty confident Ben Arfa will be awesome. Nice having the French perspective from both yourself and mimi.


    Still not sure why Brian is in the kitchen, and moreover, why Fatima has now joined him. But never mind ...



  2. Hello


    I'm new and I do not speak English well. Luckily, your team is very interesting this year, I'll look a little more your site will be my new English teacher. I can still happen to say Brian is in the kitchen, but Ben Arfa is on the ground and put three goals against Manchester City J


    I love your team and your fans. You begin to be well attended in France, more than when Ginola was at home. While Ben Arfa has many enemies in France, many recognize him an extraordinary talent. When Ben Arfa is shaped, it is able alone to win a football game. It is sometimes a little personal, but even if a match is lost, to see him play is a pleasure. He plays with heart. He has a passion for football and win more than the passion for money.


    Unfortunately, you have not seen this player, the injury was a problem and it may come back as strong as before. But I do not care about morale. Since the age of 10 is followed by all journalists, he used to have to handle the pressure. At 17 he was at Lyon who had the best team in France and the best workforce for years, yet he still managed to be important in games. Then at 21 he is given to be the playmaker from Marseille, the team where there is more pressure. In two years he won three titles with the club not to mention all the titles with Lyon. It is the player most successful in France when he left at age 23.


    This player has learned very young to win, he has an international title of less than 17 years, he is considered the most technical of the French players. It sometimes has a hard character, but never nasty. I do not know if staying more than two or three years with Newcastle, but one thing is certain, he will do anything to thank the leaders and supporters for their support and he will silence his enemies. I expect to see Ben Arfa that scares defenders.


    Good luck to him and Newcastle

    google traduction lol


    Welcome  :thup:


    Um ... was just wondering though. Who is Brian and why is he in the kitchen?

  3. Andy Carroll was never as good as everyone otside Newcastle started to imagine he was.


    However he was brilliant for Newcastle and Newcastle brilliant for him. He had absolutely no pressure on him at Newcastle and genuinely had the desire to give his all out on the pitch for his hometown club in the number 9 shirt. He came through the academy, and as long as he worked hard no one was going to criticise him, and he would always be appreciated. It was a perfect scenario, and he would have got a lot of confidence from it all. He would have thrived and continued to get better in such a situation.


    Joining Liverpool as a £35 million player is a whole different ball game, and it has started to get ugly quickly. The Liverpool fans don't care about him outside of what he produces on the pitch, and playing alongside the likes of Suarez you would really have to do some special things to look the part. He had a slow start when he first joined, and that was the worst thing that could have happened. He really had to hit the ground running to really have a chance to win people over early on, and then settle down into the team.


    Think he's in big trouble tbh. It will take a lot to turn things around now, as they do look miles better without him in the team. Funny thing is I don't necessarily think this is his fault, it's just that the team flows better with more mobile players who have good movement, as Dirk and Suarez upfront seem to gel far better with Downing, Adam and even Henderson.


    As far as getting him back goes. It might be that by the time we have the opportuity to, he has been so badly damaged by the move that it might not even be worth it. The momentum he was on at the start of last season would have stalled for too long, and his confidence and self belief would be rock bottom.

  4. As crap as it sounds, i reckon Gameiro would be f***ing class in our side. With Ben Arfa behind him and Cabaye / Tiote behind him. jesus wept we'd walk into the Europa League.


    It's unfortunate really. I am quite anti PSG now, funnily enough. Gameiro, Erdinc and just the whole oil rich buy all the talent thing. Wish them a good amount of ill will.

  5. The entire European market is pretty much scouted the s*** out of already. Any striker capable of banging in 15-20 goals will have a premium price tag, especially with clubs like PSG City and the like having virtually limitless amounts of cash.  I think we should have a look in south america as well. s***, look at Hernandez, I imagine the ITK`s down there will know of equal talents or even bigger ones.

    Im actually fine with not buying overpriced continental strikers, as long as we explore other options..


    "Expensive" and difficulties with work permits etc. Won't happen (unfortunately).


    I'm sure they're not all expensive, and they don't all have difficulties with work permits!

  6. Im beginning to think that as far as strikers goes, its nigh-on impossible to meet the criteria of our owner.

    Strikers are the one position where players live and die by their goal/games ratio,  the single criteria by which they are judged.

    I think Carr might be able to find "purchasable bargains" in any other position, but when it comes to strikers, there just isnt any strikers around banging in goals while remaining relatively unknown.

    Once they start smashing them in, people will know, driving the price up, and making the club less willing to sell.


    Hopefully there are some sloppy clubs around with too low a fee on the release clause of their striker, which they forgot to raise when he suddenly started banging them in.

    Heres to hoping  :thup:


    Yup, and the thing is as well though, even if they have a low release clause, or were in the last year of a contract and so were available for a good fee, the likely competition from other clubs would drive up the price anyway.


    So you would still have to pay more if competing with other clubs, be it regarding the transfer fee itself, or the wages the player would then start commanding.


    The only way you get a good deal with these kind of strikers is by taking bigger risks. i.e. looking at goalscorers in the smaller leagues, and trying to determine if their abilities would translate to the prem. The fact that they couldn't even at least have some of these types of options is disgraceful.


    Someone like Mohammed Bangoura who has just joined celtic after being recommended by Larsson, or even Shane Long from the Championship. These guys both cost less than £5 million, why not try someone like that. Long look sideal already. The season before Man U signed Hernandez for £6million. Why not look at South America, if you want to be cheap about it? Look at the striker Everton brought in. Hasn't cost them much, but his record is really good in South America, at least they're trying to do something.


    Not enough effort. They had to have had more options, and tried to do more, regardless of how much they were willing to spend. They need to step it up.


  7. The real issue here is that we have an incredibly stingy owner. It's as simple as that. The guy is only interested in getting bargain deals. I don't even think it's an issue of not wanting to spend money or not buy players tbh.


    The problem this last window is that we needed to get a striker who had somewhat of a goalscoring record. Finding a striker with a record of scoring goals at a bargain is damn near impossible. Simple.


    I find this annoying, because you can't help but feel they continued doggedly down this path to nowhere, and so didn't even consider someone who was maybe not as proven, but more of an up and comer e.g. Roux, which is the only way they would have been able to get the kind of value they were after.


    It just wasn't good enough. The policy is way too restrictive and for proven goalscorers in particular, it really does have to be loosened up some.

  8. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20110828/a-team-effort-for-pardew_2281670_2435106

    Leon Best made his first Premier League start of the season and repaid Pardew's faith with a second-half double to condemn Fulham to defeat. And while the boss believes there is still room for improvement with the front man, he was full of praise for Best's display.


    "He's a player who is trying to establish himself as a Premier League player," explained Pardew.


    "I never really worry about his confidence. He kind of has that in abundance, which is not a bad thing for a footballer.


    "I have known him for a long, long time and come up against him a couple of times and for me, he has never really had a run where he has said, 'I'm the man'.


    "He will get an opportunity now and he needs to prove it. He was unlucky last year, to be fair, because an injury came at a really bad time for him when he was doing fantastically. He still needs to improve in some areas, but he was great today, especially in the second half."


    Wonder if that's because he's moved up the pecking order or because there's nobody else coming in.




    Yup. Very suspicious imo.


    I swear the "hierarchy" decided, look this guy keeps scoring when he plays, and we can't shift any strikers, and so we won't sign anyone. Play him.


    Amazing that this guy was apparently even behind Loven at the start of the season. Crazy.


    Really hope he can just make the whole situation a little less unbearable by maintaining his goalscoring.


    In a way it's nice that he will get a chance, but it shouldn't have come about this way.

  9. Well, well, absolutely gutted for everyone tbh. Terrible stuff from the club stringing people along regarding this striker signing. Why not just say you weren't going to sign one if that was the case?


    They've clearly looked at the start we've had, and the goals Best has come in and scored again, and figured, why bother. Particularly as they were unable to move on any strikers during this window.


    I would therefore expect to now see Best right up there in the strikers pecking order, and really hope he will be given a chance alongside Ba, especially considering he seemed to be behind Loven to start the season. His overall play can be a bit erratic, but he has been banging in the goals everytime he starts a game. Hopefully with more playing time his overall play will be more consistent also.


    Seems Ba is coming around too, and so hopefully can begin to show a bit more of the pace and movement he did at West Ham, which should hopefully make for a decent partnership.


    This is the best we can hope for at this moment in time, unfortunately. Very short sighted stuff from the club. Genuine disbelief regarding the whole thing.


    Let's just route for Best, and really hope we've stumbled onto a bit of a player in him. More than we even currently think. Ba I believe will come good regardless.

  10. Apparently Ruiz wanted to discuss with us but Twente wouldn't take such a late bid. Classic!


    Really don't see what difference it makes to them but we shouldn't have been in this f***ing position in the first place, stupid c***s.


    Well they probably declined the bid out of respect to Jol and Fulham, because quite frankly it's pretty shitty hijacking someone elses move at the last minute.

  11. Just how much do people know about this lad, beyond his Wikipedia stats.


    Who the f*** do you think you are? The Voice of reason?


    Pipe down man, you're not wanted in here.


    What the heck is wrong with you two?


    Do you live in caves or what? Have you heard of satellite/cable TV at all?


    Champions league football is on all of the time, and a number of Dutch football games every single weekend on ESPN.


    All of this ooooooooooooh you only know him from wikipedia s****.



  12. Ridgewell looks like a right simpleton. Solidly, mediocre player but would be good as cover.

    The best defenders are as thick as s***.


    "Ball coming... GET BALL AWAY!"







    John Terry, man. What a tit.

  13. Ridgewell - Colo - Taylor - Santon


    Would like Ridgewell here, very sensible move.


    That would be a really nice backline, and a pretty tall one too.


    Switch Ridgewell and Santon surly?


    You're looking at it back to front, dozy.


    ;D Im f***ing retarded at times   :lol:




    Was just kidding. People usually do those lineups in different ways.


    But yeah, the original post was implying Ridgewell at LB and Santon at RB.

  14. Ridgewell - Colo - Taylor - Santon


    Would like Ridgewell here, very sensible move.


    That would be a really nice backline, and a pretty tall one too.


    Switch Ridgewell and Santon surly?


    You're looking at it back to front, dozy.

  15. Are we still in for a left-back or has Santon been signed as the left-back?


    Oh God ... welcome to yesterday dude. Keep up with the times!


    I have been away for a week.


    Well you clearly don't care for the club enough then!




    To answer your question. Santon has been brought in for the left back position, yes.



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