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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Despite the bollocks the pundits were spouting, he actually looked quite intelligent on the ball I thought. Threaded a few good passes through.


    Blatant casual racism from the pundits midst their shitness. 


    Black player with long legs and some skill.  Oh that would be a "unpredictable Wanchope" type that doesn't know what he's doing...


    I was thinking that as they were saying it TBH, but I was wary of starting that discussion. It happens all the time in the media like, not surprising.




    Same. I certainly wasn't going to bring it up, either. Just wanted to enjoy the perfromance.


    Clearly always got his head up and played some lovely simple passes. Always showed composure on the ball even in very tight areas.


    I'm just surprised because until the last year or so, didn't really hear much about him, in comparison to Vukic, Kadar and some of the others.

  2. Incredibly happy. The Dynasty shall prosper  :aww:


    Has to be said though, Ba's first 2 outings have been horrible.


    Can't imagine what's up with Ba.


    Looked a dynamic player for West Ham last season.


    Looks totally unprepared for the start of this season.


    He started off well enough, but completely lost it soon after.


    He needs time, he seems like he could be a handful if he has his legs under him.


    That's really what it looks like. Like he doesn't have his legs under him.


    Pre-season really must have been a big fat joke. Fitness still looks like it hasn't come together yet.


    None of the players in general have really looked fit and rearing to go, and we start games off very slowly.

  3. Fantastic demeanour on the pitch. Cool as ice.


    Changes speeds unbelievably quickly, which caught the defenders out time and time again.


    This guy is a very interesting prospect. Can't believe I rate an Ameobi. Unreal.

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