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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Seriously, I'd rather play Sameobi or Shameobi rather than this guy.  So sick of the whole saga.





  2. Last season'e kit was very unflattering for those without particularly broad shoulders. Made him look like a toddler wearing his dad's top.


    Looks more grown up in this season's kit. Problem solved.



  3. Can you people stop assuming things? He clearly stated he doesn't want to come here.


    Can you person stop assuming that he meant what he said? He clearly stated what he wants and if these wants are finally warranted what's to say what he then wants when he is no longer left wanting?

  4. All Tottenham had to do was keep a hold of Bent and they would have been even further along than they are right now.


    Probably would have scored 30 playing upfront in the exact same team they had last season.


    Redknapp insinuating that Darren Bent was no better than his "missus" probably wasn't the smartest move.

  5. O ye of little faith!


    Maybe God has smiled down on NUFC so far this season, due to the personal sacrifices both Tiote and Ba have made in giving up their nosh.


    Think about that you filthy heathens  :snod:



  6. I still remember that match for Inter against Catania where Muntari came in at something like the 75th minutes and managed to get 2 yellow cards, a red card, and give away a penalty in about 60 seconds. It was a level of sheer stupidity that I did not realsie footballers could achieve. :lol:


    He's been horrible at Inter, but this is not FM. I do not care that he's worn the colours of our bitter rivals, if he can come and recapture his Pompey form, we will have one of the most formidable midfields in recent midtable Premiership history.




    I agree. He was really good at Pompey. Shame most people don't acknowledge this really.

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