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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. http://www.gazzetta.it/Calciomercato/29-08-2011/juve-scatenata-802648564428.shtml

    14:37 - The defender Davide Santon, is leaving for England. Santon is going to take the plane that brought him to London where he has an appointment with the leaders of Newcastle. The English club, in fact, will present a proposal for a contract, after being given the okay by Inter to deal with the player: if Santon will say yes to the British, the club's sell it outright for a figure of around 6 million.


    Like others have said, he must have a pretty good idea of what we are offering.


    I wouldn't talk too soon. Remember Barnetta's "agent" rubbishing our offer as being less than he was on in Germany? :lol:


    No, because apparently that man was a charlatan, and no agent of Barnetta.

  2. Muntari is a f***ing clown. An absolute f***ing abortion of a footballer.


    :lol: Are you riled?




    He's a total s***. f***ing thick player with no actual footballing ability and no actual position.


    You insult my footballing abilities?! I demolish you with my African Kung Fu!



  3. Alan  Pardew's eyes Sulley Muntari


    Sulley Muntari could come back in the Premier League to wear the black and white jersey of Newcastle. A solution that would make good the speakers Nerazzurri, as the Ghanaian, now discharged by Gian Piero Gasperini will deliver a free, next June. To avoid the risk of not earning a penny, Inter could sell it to the Magpies, interested in Davide Santon. The team manager of St James' Park, Alan Pardew, Inter could put on the table and take home 15 million package Muntari-Santon.




    If anything, this would be the excuse for not signing a striker.


    Opting instead for 4-3-3 with one of Ba, Best or Ameobi as the focal point.




    We haven't looked great - but you've been awful. Bruce has spent a fortune & on what?


    What's wrong with Gyan, Wickham etc etc all of a sudden because a couple of weeks ago they were class.


    Gyan is a disgrace, came back from summer way overweight and should be docked his wages till he loses at least a stone. He scored 10 goals in 20 starts last season so know he has the ability but he has been very unprofesional the condition he has come back in. Don't think you can call Wickham, he aint even started a game for us yet so that would just be daft, he is still learning.


    Any ideas who you'd like to sign?  Would you go for a Gyan swap deal with Crouch or Pav if it was at all possible?


    Also, do you not think Bruce is being a right div by going on and on about poor finishing after every single game?  Not only does it potentially destroy player confidence but - similar to the injuries craic last season - players will latch on to any excuse not to put a shift in if you give it to them on a plate.


    I'd only go for Gyan swap deal if it involved Defoe. I can't see Gyan going tbh, think it's too late in the window now. I think we need someone up top who is capable of holding the ball up and letting either Gyan or Sessegnon play off them, Gyan is not capable of playing up front on his own, ball just bounces off him. I'd like to see someone like Pavlychenko(sp) or Bendtner.


    Yes, it won't inspire confidence if the manager is constantly putting them down in interviews. I couldn't believe after the game on Saturday that Bruce came out in a BBC interview and actually said "if Benty was still here, we would have won the game. Unbelievable.


    He said what?!!! That's unreal.



  5. Do you think your lot will do any more business this window, Wearside?



    Almost certainly I'd say, would be amazed if an experienced striker didn't come in and if a left winger doesn't come in then we will have problems this season.


    I'm hearing Benjani.

  6. Muntari was never going to be suited to Italian football.


    Works far beter in a more open and high tempo league like the prem.


    He wasn't as goo at Sunderland last year as he was durign his time at Portsmouth, but come on it's Sunderland we're talking about here!  :lol:


    You know? Steve Bruce, Cattermole etc.  :lol:

  7. The only way Muntari might work is in a midfield three. Tiote holding, Cabaye creating Muntari keeping it relatively simple and thumping shots when he gets a good look at goal.


    Muntari isn't good enough to be given too much responsibility in a midfield, as either the main holding midfielder or the main creative one.

    He'd better than Tiote tbh.


    What? Muntari has had his spells in England. Didn't work out. He's f***ing gash, man.


    Was fantastic at Portsmouth, which is why he was bought by Inter for £13 million.

  8. The only way Muntari might work is in a midfield three. Tiote holding, Cabaye creating Muntari keeping it relatively simple and thumping shots when he gets a good look at goal.


    Muntari isn't good enough to be given too much responsibility in a midfield, as either the main holding midfielder or the main creative one.

    He'd better than Tiote tbh.



  9. The only way Muntari might work is in a midfield three. Tiote holding, Cabaye creating Muntari keeping it relatively simple and thumping shots when he gets a good look at goal.


    Muntari isn't good enough to be given too much responsibility in a midfield, as either the main holding midfielder or the main creative one.

  10. TSCollymore Stan Collymore

    Jean Makoun has gone to Olympiakos on loan for a year.


    Villa only bought him 6 months ago right


    Yeah, thought he looked good for them last season too.


    McCleish has been playing Delph ahead of him though.


    Seems like one of those anti-foreigner moves by McCleish.

  11. Who have we signed or going to sign over the next 2 days then?


    Tomorrow morn Santon will be here


    At right back or left back? We have no idea


    Cissokho comes too for the optimists amongst us


    For in Daddy Simpson we no longer have trust


    On the side of caution we do adhere


    For in both cases Arsene could last minute interfere


    Upfront? Modibo, Mevlut or non-rotund Nolan


    Will provide the necessary 15 - 20 goal scoring


    Some fear the arrival of a "Sully" Muntari


    Who no longer plays like he did under Harry


    All said and done we all remain clueless


    For Mike and Derek have proved rather useless



  12. Anyone whos came across him knows what a total bellend he is , hope he never plays for the club again.


    Spoke to him in tup tup (yes I know) and he was just standing about admiring the ladies. He did ask if I wanted a signature which I duly said no to which he replied "I like you then" and bought me a jagerbomb ha


    Interesting. Obviously feels most fans just want to talk to him so they can get something signed, and flog it or whatever.


    Was clearly touched by your genuine nature.


    A truly beautiful story, thanks for sharing.




    First time the phrases 'genuine nature', 'truly beautiful story' and the word 'Jaegerbomb' have been used in the same post.


    But I never Jaegerbombed in my post?

  13. Anyone whos came across him knows what a total bellend he is , hope he never plays for the club again.


    Spoke to him in tup tup (yes I know) and he was just standing about admiring the ladies. He did ask if I wanted a signature which I duly said no to which he replied "I like you then" and bought me a jagerbomb ha


    Interesting. Obviously feels most fans just want to talk to him so they can get something signed, and flog it or whatever.


    Was clearly touched by your genuine nature.


    A truly beautiful story, thanks for sharing.



  14. My Wife and In-Laws are Citeh fans, so I am sick of hearing about how they are a big club and we aren't.  Sucks even more because I met her when we were substansially better than them.


    Divorce her.

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