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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Like the fact he can also play centreback. Pretty important I think.

    Not when we don't have any other left backs.


    Ferguson will emerge as decent backup. Keep the faith!

  2. nolan was holding smith back :lol: i've f***ing heard it all now


    Nolan's lack of contribution in midfield made an already hellish player, far worse. YES!!!


    A West Ham man says ...


    Not much mention of Nolan on this thread. He is our captain, our main man and he should of led by example tonight. When in fact he was constantly moaning and played a terrible game. He really was sh*t and to be quite honest I wouldn't give him more than 5/10 in most of our games this season


    sorry mate, put michael essien next to alan smith and he'll still be alan f***ing smith, he's absolutely useless


    I hear you, and I'm not saying he will be brilliant, I'm just saying it will be serviceable enought to allow us to get a result.


    Really unfritunate that he hasn't been moved on, as he is getting in the way of younger more talented players getting a game.

  3. Speaking of which, I couldn't help but notice Nolan repeated last year's trick at Stevenage, last night against Aldershot.


    West Ham fans already wondering why their midfield keeps getting overun.




    The change in their opinions on him in just four pages is brilliant.




    That last page is hilarious.


    They've just given the guy a five year deal, and he is getting outrun by Aldershot players.


    If Sam doesn't get in a really dynamic midfielder to play in there alongside him, thay are dead meat.


    They will turn on Noaln quite badly, soon enough. Can almost guarantee it.

  4. nolan was holding smith back :lol: i've f***ing heard it all now


    Nolan's lack of contribution in midfield made an already hellish player, far worse. YES!!!


    A West Ham man says ...


    Not much mention of Nolan on this thread. He is our captain, our main man and he should of led by example tonight. When in fact he was constantly moaning and played a terrible game. He really was sh*t and to be quite honest I wouldn't give him more than 5/10 in most of our games this season
  5. Aye, we'll definitely spend 10m on a backup right back. :lol:


    Can't see us buying him, or paying £10m, but either way - the right thing for a 20 year old Italian is for sure not go straight in to the line up. It's not really backup though.


    He was starting games at Inter Milan under Mourinho!

  6. Think Tiote should play in this one honestly! seemed off-pace in the last couple of games and this one will help him get back to full match fitness.


    Also Vuckic, Ba, Marveaux, Gosling need to be involved..as for Smith i almost forgot we had him..almost.


    Hell no! Tiote shouldn't play, and neither should he be brought on.


    Smith will be fine as he will nto be partnered with Nolan this time around.


    Smith and Gosling will be okay, or triple up with Guthrie in there too.

  7. Aye, we'll definitely spend 10m on a right back. :lol:




    I don't know!


    Mike Ashley is strange.


    Seems to like splurging on defenders. Maybe he likes defensive football.


    £10m on Colo and £6m on Enrique, are the highest fees he's paid for players I believe.

  8. Hope Smith plays personally.


    Kind of stuff you'll tell your grandchildren about, seeing a supposed Premiership footballer get so thoroughly outclassed at Stevenage last year was something truly special to behold.


    Speaking of which, I couldn't help but notice Nolan repeated last year's trick at Stevenage, last night against Aldershot.


    West Ham fans already wondering why their midfield keeps getting overun.



  9. Newcastle want to pair Pieters with £10m Inter Milan youngster


    Newcastle and PSV close to agreeing a fee while Pardew wants Santon at right-back


    Joey Barton may be on his way out of Newcastle United but it seems the Toon Army may finally have something to cheer.


    Newcastle made an improved bid for PSV Eindhoven left-back Erik Pieters yesterday evening and while it is still a little way short of the Dutch club’s £6m estimation, it is believed the two clubs are very close to agreeing a deal.


    Pieters would slot right into the vacant slot at left-back following Jose Enrique’s move to Liverpool but Alan Pardew is eyeing another full-back as he looks to bolster the Newcastle defence.


    20-year-old Inter Milan defender Davide Santon has been attracting the eyes of a number of Premier League clubs, but it is believed Newcastle are in advanced talks with the Italian club with the view to a £10m move.


    Santon was given his Inter debut by Jose Mourinho in the 2009/10 season and injuries to Cristian Chivu and Maicon meant the Italian received his fair share of first-team football.


    Shortly after making his debut Santon was given the task of marking Cristiano Ronaldo in a Champions League tie with Manchester United and it was this performance that highlighted his potential.


    The Italian has made 40 appearances for Inter Milan over the past three seasons and featured 11 times for Cesena during a loan spell towards the end of last season, and his performances have earned him seven caps for his country.


    Both Pieters and Santon would have a huge impact on a Newcastle and a Newcastle back four of Pieters, Santon, Stephen Taylor and Fabricio Coloccini would be expected to perform strongly.




    Not sure how reliable this is, but would be great to improve the right back position. Danny is okayish, but if we can get better there why not. Or maybe Danny is getting shipped out too! Contract drama and all that.

  10. :lol: The Big Sam


    "Maybe it's me," I muttered to myself. "Maybe Big Sam just isn't good enough."


    "Then I saw Callum McNaughton taking a piss and thought, "Nah, it's that c***'s fault".


    I wanted to hurt him. I grabbed his cock and yanked it with all my might. "Get off my dick, boss!" he squealed. "f*** off!," I roared back.


    "This is totally inappropriate!" he whimpered. tears forming in his panicked, bewildered eyes. "I have rights!"


    "You have the right to pain!" retorted a magnificent Big Sam, as I dropped his dreadful cock & ripped off a clutch of pathetic ginger pubes.


    I left him weeping in the urinal, crushed and battered. He's just a boy but he needs to learn that Big Sam is whirling windmill of terror.


    I won't hold grudges, though. I'll bring him in some of my lemon torte tomorrow, cuddle him and make him feel ten foot tall. Psychology.

  11. Joey Barton's agent has revealed QPR boss Neil Warnock has been chasing the Newcastle midfielder ever since they won promotion.


    Barton is on the verge of a move to Loftus Road after holding talks and undergoing a medical at the Premier League new boys.


    Former Manchester City star Barton is available on a free transfer from Newcastle after he was placed on the transfer list following his outspoken remarks about the club on social networking sites.


    Barton's representative, Willie McKay, confirmed the player was impressed by QPR's plans after speaking to new owner Tony Fernandes about the move.


    "After Queens Park Rangers got promoted Neil Warnock called me and asked me the situation with Joey and of course when Joey was rewarded with a free transfer by Newcastle he came on right away," McKay told Sky Sports News.


    "Joey spoke to (chief executive) Phil Beard and spoke to Tony Fernandes, via phone and liked what he had to say and I am sure there is going to be a few more signings for Queens Park Rangers.


    "Obviously it is a big wrench for Joey [to leave Newcastle] as he loved it up there and obviously he will miss all the supporters and all his team-mates.


    "Time moves on, you just have to move on. Newcastle have got their plans and Joey has got his.


    "Joey is very confident he can do very, very well for Queens Park Rangers I think he is a top signing for them."


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