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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I'm really not that hung up on this whole Ben Arfa thing, as long as we bring in a similar type of player in the creative/attacking midfielder mold. We have also been linked with Skjlbred and Huselkepp for example. As long as it's not a Jimmy Bullard.

  2. I think a physical, dynamic midfielder is just as important to our survival as a more attacking one.


    Kudos to the board and Hughton if we get both though. Pants wetting time if we get a striker on top of that.


    Can we fit a new attacking midfielder and a new striker into the team though? Think it will be one or the other to support Carroll.

  3. My electric got turned off last night so I couldn't swap Diamanti for bale in my FF team. FMFL


    The dog ate my homework etc etc etc


    Nah not really, considering it's my own fault for forgetting to pay the bill regardless. Tantamount to feeding your homework to the dog really.




    I was just kidding  :aww:


    I know how it is with the fantasy stuff trust me.

  4. Arsenal game is superb like, great flowing stuff. Started becoming very much an onslaught after the sending off though unfortunately.


    Is Walcott upfront with Chamakh, or on the wing?


    Wing really, although Arsenal are very fluid. He's floating everywhere, destroying them tbh.


    Something like this:


    Arshavin Chamakh Walcott

    Wilshere Diaby Rosicky

    Clichy Vermaelen Song Sagna





    One really good thing about Theo is his movement. Even when out wide he always gets into great goal scoring positions. Really does a good job of drifting into the middle at the right times.

  5. Arsenal game is superb like, great flowing stuff. Started becoming very much an onslaught after the sending off though unfortunately.


    Is Walcott upfront with Chamakh, or on the wing?


    He is absolutely destroying Crainey on the right. What he's doing is borderline criminal.




    Sounds brutal. Good for Theo. I'm rooting for him, think he's still got tons of potential. Just needs to stay fit and get a good run of games together.

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