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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. if we start our next game with either Smith or Nolan then he deserves all the stick he gets.


    This is the nail on head point.


    Aye, get the blades sharpened lads.


    What do you mean by that?


    You're expecting it to happen, based on nothing. And for whatever reason you seem to want it.


    That's what it looks like.


    Smith and Nolan both justified their places today, and Hughton has dropped plenty of the players that you all seem to think he's too spineless to drop. fwiw, I think he'll play Smith and Nolan, because Nolans goalscoring is still up to it, and Smith will probably play because it's an away game. I won't like it, but I'll understand it.


    What to happen? Hughton has a history of being a bad in game tactician and poor at interventions with substitues, I think if you read this thread there is common ground. This isn't the J league every team can beat you in this league if you don't play to your potential.


    I have made postive comments about CH if you open your eyes and go back a few pages, but its entirely ridiculous not to be able to criticise him when he gets his in game tactics so badly wrong as he did today and as most have seen and commented on. You're just chimming in with idiotic one liners as if people have an agenda against Hughton and sneering at people who disagree with you...AND WHAT IS YOUR ARGUMENT EXACTLY? That the people citicising him are being nasty...Grow the f*** up.


    Give me ONE good reason why a curent FRENCH INTERNATIONAL should be stuck on the bench till the 80min when we desperately needed a breakthrough?


    You're not worth the full reaction tbh. If growing up turns me into a assuming, patronising, boring old know it all, then I'd rather not tbh. You're not worthy of any reasoned debate.


    You mean you haven't got an answer. Carry on sneering at posters like me who've been on this board 5 years if it makes you feel high and mighty. Pathetic.


    :lol: What a tit.




    It is a woman breast.

  2. You can just tell he is completely unserious. Always clowning around and goofing off. The only thing he appears to take seriously is feeding his already hefty stomach. Should play no more than 10 mins a game, if a goal is desperately needed towards the end of the match. It's all he is literally fit for.

  3. Love Hughton, but really dissapointing today. Next week's teamsheet is going to be a huge moment for him. At the very minimum Tiote has to be introduced for Smith. Ideally, Ben Arfa should come in for Nolan too, but if Hughton feels this is too open for Everton, then Jonas could do with a rest instead.

  4. This guy actually cannot play football. He literally doesn't know what he is doing out there. He's just decided he will frown his face and act the hard man, even though he's weak as piss, while throwing himself mindlessly into tackles. A poor man's Lee Cattermole (yes, he's that bad) who doesn't get sent off as much because he used to play for Manure.

  5. Completely unprofessional. No manager should be playing someone who can't even show the commitment to get into decent enough shape to be on the pitch. He is so rotund it is untrue. How can this be acceptable? Icannot stand the guy. Half the time he is out there joking and goofing around, with his "clever" standing infront of the goalie prank and s***. Horrendous human. This banter and craic bollocks gets people too much leniency in this society. Now we get to watch SSN wax lyrical about Blackpool beating us all week. Brilliant!

  6. Just so sick of the likes of Nolan and Smith. It was only a matter of time before they reverted to type, and Hughton better get them out of the team after this. To hell with their cliched upbeat soundtypes and their banter and cheeky chappie routines. We need to stay up this season and cannot afford to have better players than them on the bench. They clearly didn't take this game seriously enough and probably viewed it as a nice break and a strolling victory. Idiots.

  7. Bent isn't especially fast and his running style gives the impression that he is really slow as well.


    He takes very small strides.


    That goal he scored last night was probably the first time I have seen him strike the ball cleanly, most of his goals for the mackems have been scuffed and bobbled along into the net, even his penalties seem to be scuffed.


    This post is kind of embarrassing. I know he plays for Sunderland and everything, but this is just ridiculous.


    What's wrong with it? Bent is a limited player, but a good one nonetheless. He does his job very well.


    Bent is fast and does a very good job of making the runs to get in behind defences. He is somewhat limited as this is indeed all he really does do. He doesn't really do much with the ball outside of the box i.e. his hold up play is pretty average and he won't run at defenders either. He does finish well though, and consistently too, and doesn't scuff every goal he scores as was insinuated in the first post. Just though the initial post was a bit petty.

  8. Bent isn't especially fast and his running style gives the impression that he is really slow as well.


    He takes very small strides.


    That goal he scored last night was probably the first time I have seen him strike the ball cleanly, most of his goals for the mackems have been scuffed and bobbled along into the net, even his penalties seem to be scuffed.


    This post is kind of embarrassing. I know he plays for Sunderland and everything, but this is just ridiculous.

  9. After watching the vodeos I do really have one concern, and that is that it seems like he has exceptional vision but if we do not have people making little runs forward to receive the through ball it is going to be a bit of a waste. Arguably, one player who does tend to make runs like that is Nolan IMO


    I think Jonas and Routledge would benefit from Ben Arfa's vision and passing. They both have the pace to get in behind and also make really good runs also. It's why I think it is important we have both in the team along with Ben Arfa.

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