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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Will be typical of he comes here and turns out to be s*** after this.


    Not having a dig at you personally, but I was kind of expecting this vein of thought to begin to emerge.


    "He's never coming to the club". Once he does, "Bet he won't be any good". If he is good, "He'll never stay here after the initial loan". If he does stay, "Bet he gets injured". Etc, etc, etc ...


    If we do get him, just relax and enjoy it.

  2. Just watched fulham bolton, what a pile of craaap!! Only bobby zamora and pantsil were the stand out players...

    We could do much better than this lot (full of enthuisiasm before manu), get that arfa in and we're much better than the botttom of the prem.

    Bolton were awful, completely toothless upfront, don't know how davies was kepton the pitch, awful!


    Mark Hughes is going to mess Fulham up. Why was Dempsey not on the pitch?

  3. Man City have played without a striker all game. Tevez certainly wasn't playing upfront. Adebayor has come on and is acting as i fhe just woke up. He was probably sleeping on the bench. I really wouldn't put it past him. Not the sort you want to bring on to make an impact.

  4. Zabaleta just inviting Lennon all the way into the box! Where does someone learn to defend like that?!


    What would you do? Dive in and get skinned and leave the player a lot of space to run into?


    He needs more of a back pedal and needs to be a bit closer when doing it, and then he can better time the tackle or be in a much better position to get a block in.


    He's literally turning his back and just running away from Lennon. Not in position to tackle or block the ball in.

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