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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As much as people like to make fun of American football fans, you lot might as well be some of their most ignorant ones.


    What is this unreal expectation of 4 goals every half? It's the first round of games and everyone is feeling themselves out. It's typical of every international tournament.


    The way the English moan about how dull the games are you would think their team was actually capable of producing anything close to entertaining football.


    Quit whinging.

  2. I wish the people defending them would just give it up man ffs. They are diabolical, there are no positive aspects to them whatsoever. Infact if the fans don't take heed of our warning then I think that a blanket ban not only Seth Efrika but on all African nations for the next WC is perfectly in order.


    You're embarrassing yourself.  What does this have to do with Africa on the whole? Are you thick?

  3. It's not the best mind how a lot of these games seem to be way under capacity.


    Would you pay to watch this?


    It's about the spectacle and the experience though. The fact is thta most can't afford it unfortunately.


    I mean, I doubt many England fans would have paid to watch England against USA for the riveting football.

  4. So other than Honda, who else from Japan is worth looking out for? They've usually got a few decent players.


    Nagatomo i think it was impressed me against England.

    So other than Honda, who else from Japan is worth looking out for? They've usually got a few decent players.


    Nagatomo, their left back, is the hardest working player I've ever seen.


    He's also tiny though.


    Cool.  :thup:


    I also recognised the name Hasebe. Think he's the captain. Supposed to be pretty good also I believe.

  5. If this is what we can expect at games on the African continent from now until the end of time then I genuinely hope that they NEVER get to host another World Cup ever again. Like already said, the African fans who choose to blow these things are showing themselves up as nothing more than thick as mince, moronic mugs.


    All fans are blowing them not just the South African fans, or to address your completely ignorant post more accurately, not just the African fans.


    Everybody blowing them, regardless of nationality, race and culture are all thick as mince, moronic mugs  though.


    I can at least respect that view, yes.


    However the idea that this has been turned into not just a South African problem, but an African problem on the whole, which then means that the whole African continent therefore doesn't deserve to ever host another world cup again, is quite frankly astonishing.

  6. If this is what we can expect at games on the African continent from now until the end of time then I genuinely hope that they NEVER get to host another World Cup ever again. Like already said, the African fans who choose to blow these things are showing themselves up as nothing more than thick as mince, moronic mugs.


    All fans are blowing them not just the South African fans, or to address your completely ignorant post more accurately, not just the African fans.

  7. As for the vuvuzela's, they're absolutely stupid and are succeeding in doing absolutely nothing other than making African people look like a bunch of brainless retards who haven't got the mental capacity to do anything to add to the atmosphere of the games other than make the same annoying sound for a full month.


    The irony being that all the fans there have been blowing on the things, and not just the Africans. I bet if most of you were down there right now you'd be doing the exact same thing.


    Strange thing is, in all the matches I've seen so far, everytime the crowd has been shown (low level, behind playesr, etc), I haven't seen anyone with one of these things yet??!!!


    Are they all up away in the top of the stands?


    I've certainly seen all sorts of fans blowing them. This has also been confirmed by friends who are currently down there watching the tournament.

  8. If it's what the fans enjoy doing it's what they enjoy doing. Not sure why it has to be a culture from the beginning of time to be valid. I think that is a silly argument to make. Again I repeat, from the images I have seen everyone is blowing these things. Including your very own.

  9. As for the vuvuzela's, they're absolutely stupid and are succeeding in doing absolutely nothing other than making African people look like a bunch of brainless retards who haven't got the mental capacity to do anything to add to the atmosphere of the games other than make the same annoying sound for a full month.


    The irony being that all the fans there have been blowing on the things, and not just the Africans. I bet if most of you were down there right now you'd be doing the exact same thing.

  10. I feel completely 100% English (and I am). Grown up in England, speak English, went to school in England etc. Totally English. But if somebody told me I was born in another country and lived there for a year, that wouldn't change a thing because I still feel completely English.


    So in that respect, I don't have a problem with what Germany are doing. Its the Algeria squad that are in the wrong.....BBC said 17 (i think) of their squad were born in France and several of those had only stepped foot in Algeria earlier this year.


    Yeah but most of those Algerians born in france will likely have two Algerian parents who only moved to France later in their lives. They have all likely been raised at home in a completely Algerian culture.

  11. United Nations 4 Australia 0


    The German philosophy of picking non Germans makes me slightly ill at ease tbh.


    To be fair, most of these players are either born in Germany or have lived most of their life there.


    Only Cacau is a bit of a pisstake.




    Otherwise, they could equally say England are taking the piss by having the likes of Ferdinand, Defoe, Huddlestone, Onuoha, Bent, Walcott, Heskey, Richards etc represent them.

  12. :lol: Ridiculous decision.


    Baba! What happened with Nigeria, man? Is the Odemwingie era over yet?

    Man, look at this guy getting mouth :lol: These boys get gifted one goal and want to talk.


    :lol: The Odemwingie era?! He didn't even start yesterday.


    Anyway, I do not understand why people are so quick to castigate and ridicule my team. We lost to one of the best teams in the world, and the world's best player gave us trouble. Clearly this means we are rubbish. We started the game very poorly and I thought we were either overawed or nervous. However, when we settled down and started to play (and put Osaze and Oba on--these should start) we gave a decent account of ourselves and made some very good chances. People will say Enyeama saved us, but he's the best keeper in Africa. This is not some fluke. We do miss Mikel Obi, though. I like Haruna and Etuhu will do for now, but Kaita is a wastepipe. The bottom line is that if Kalu Uche can hit an open net (the easiest chance of the game) we get a draw.


    Anyway, it is important we only lost by one. If Argentina take care of business against Korea and we get a positive resulot against Greece, it puts us in a decent position to qualify.


    Agree completely. After the first 15 mins or so it was a pretty balanced overall.


    Should have definitely started Yussuf ahead of that Kaita fellow.Obinna isn't quite experienced enough, and so Odemwingie should start ahead of him. Ultimately Naija will need two strikers upfront because that lazy hippo Yakubu just cannot provide the effort needed from a lone front man.


    Argentina's only real threat yesterday was Messi, and that is hardly surprising. Tevez, Higuain, etc did nought.

  13. Is the difference some people referring to really going to be made in the form of gareth fooking barry?


    I think England were very unlucky yesterday, because Heskey on the whole ended up playing better than most, and also Milner and SWP were awful on the left.


    Pretty much sets things up perfectly for Capello to resort to keeping Heskey upfront, shunting Gerrard out left and playing Barry in the centre with Lampard.


    With the excellent performances Rooney had at Man U upfront alone. I find it extraordinary that the same hasn't been tried for England, with Barry holding and Gerrard and Lampard behind Rooney. Capello has showed no evidence that he has even considered this. Not a good sign at all. I feel that setup would bring the best football from England.

  14. Bit laughable yeah. One of the best qualifying campaigns out of any nation & we're rubbish because of a draw with the USA.


    I don't get it, we put in a good shift. We were America's final, they won't up their game against Algeria or Slovenia like they did against us.


    Australia are doing their best right now to make Germany look good, they have been shocking.


    It's just the huge difference in the way the teams go about their play. Even if this game were still 0 - 0 the qulaity of play from Germany is just miles ahead of anything England was doing yesterday. I have no doubt that Germany would produce this type of football against USA too. England might also be winning this game 2 - o if it were them bu it would have been disjointed and unimpressive. Germany just look miles more confident and sure of themselves and what they are trying to do.

  15. England, IF, they qualify will meet Germany or Ghana. That won't be fun.


    Ghana weren't that impressive.


    Bet England wouldn't have dealt with and ultimately beaten Serbia the way Ghana did. Serbia are a talented team.

  16. Basically what should have happened yesterday against similarly skilled opposition.


    US and Australia are hardly on a similar level.


    Neither are Germany and England. ;)


    England and Germany are pretty much on a par.


    Oh dear ...



  17. Germany looking very good on the ball.  Doing exactly what England can't/don't do, keeping it brilliantly.


    This is the main thing for me when I watch England. They just don't look like they know what they are doing with the ball. By the 5th minute they were already lumping it long to Heskey regularly.

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