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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I though it crazy that Capello was given an extension prior to the world cup. So far it's not looking good for him. All his decisions seemed to go wrong.

    In spite of all that, we only missed out on winning because our goalkeeper threw the ball into his own net.


    Still had a full half of football do do something about the score and you failed too. If Joe Cole had been put on, or even Defoe at some point, your chances would have been far greater. From a coaching standpoint I felt it was a really poor performance. Don't understand why Rob green was picked in the first place. James is the most experienced and Hart is the most in form and neither of the two were picked.

  2. http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/6721/12764416827633674078.jpg


    England did well to draw yesterday. Once I saw Milner starting on the wing with Lampard and Gerrard in the middle I fully expected them to lose. Milner as I have maintained all along is an awful winger.


    I though it crazy that Capello was given an extension prior to the world cup. So far it's not looking good for him. All his decisions seemed to go wrong.


    Milner - Fail

    Gerrard & Lampard central - Fail

    King - Fail

    SWP - Fail

    Carragher - Fail

    No Joe Cole, Defoe at any point - Fail

    No Adam Johnson at the world cup - Fail

  3. Im expecting the Holland Denmark match to be the first one with really good football.


    Thought the US v England match occasionally had some good football. South Korea too.


    Change your f***ing avatar, man.




    The pun underneath is genius to be fair :lol:


    :lol: :smitten:


    No matter how much of a dick I'm being now, You and I know you'll make your money back when the NFL starts up again.


    Aye if the 49ers don't make the playoffs with the team we have now you'll find me in a ditch somewhere.


    Aye, that Ted Ginn was the final piece of the puzzle. :lol:


    We're gonna destroy you at Wembley then who will be writing a :lol: smiley ey?


    Fight ya in the carpark afterwards, let's see how you talk trash without any teeth sunshine.


    :lol: I'm honestly not quick witted enough to think of a response.


    Much like the 49ers quarterback when faced with a blitz then...














    Or the Denver one, to be fair. :lol:


    Could be worse could be Jay Cutler.


    To be fair to Cutler he is very good at making quick decisions and getting rid of the ball.


    Granted he usually throws it to one of the opposition defenders... but the point remains.


    5 picks against us last year. Was awesome to watch.


    Cutler is a head case. Throwing Mike Martz into the mix will not help either.

  4. Suprised there isn't a thread on vuvuzelas. Am I the only one who thought it was outrageous?


    The noise really doesn't annoy me anymore tbh, I just tune them out completely for the most part.


    What is bad and what somebody else mentioned in this thread is the way they destroy a proper atmosphere developing. Instead of chanting and the roar when a chance happens all you get is the constant droaning of the horns - it's boring if anything.


    Exactly, which is why I hate it. I love the World Cup for the passion shown by the huge crowds, not just the football. When a shot goes close all that happens now is an increase of volume of these mindless pricks blowing them constantly.


    The world cup is in South Africa and that's what they do. Mindless pricks?  :lol:


    It doesn't take much of a mind to come up with some of the pretty crap chants heard at matches around the UK every season. Get real.  :aww:

  5. Suprised there isn't a thread on vuvuzelas. Am I the only one who thought it was outrageous?


    The noise really doesn't annoy me anymore tbh, I just tune them out completely for the most part.


    What is bad and what somebody else mentioned in this thread is the way they destroy a proper atmosphere developing. Instead of chanting and the roar when a chance happens all you get is the constant droaning of the horns - it's boring if anything.


    "proper atmosphere"  :facepalm:


    Did it occur to you that the vuvuzelas are a large part of their atmosphere? You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.  :razz:



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