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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. is gulivans signing policy to keep on trying for old well known players on silly wages whos actual effectiveness on the pitch will be questionable? I'm sure signing Riquelme will sell a few season tickets and shirts but how much will they be paying him?


    He's on a free though isn't he?

  2. The second round of games will surely at least have some sort of urgency to them as some teams will be facing elimination if they lose.


    Exactly! This is usually when things pick up. The very first round of games are always this sort, because no one wants to be stuck on zero after the first game. It's always like this. Don't know why people are acting as though things are suddenly different.

  3. Commentary is a bit s****. Thought Ivory Coast did really well. Quite entertaining.


    Agreed. It's been cagey but interesing to watch. Expecting it to continue to pick up going into the second half.


    These pundits are just thick. These two are obviously not going to come out too gung ho as they are wary of losing the game bearing in mind Brazil is also in the group.

  4. is cronaldo playing?


    Why wouldn't he be?


    No idea, injury, mad manager.



    Even Maradona wouldn't be mad enough to not play Ronaldo, so I can't see anyone else doing it.


    I've just put me free fiver bet on them to win, you just don't know injuries in warm ups etc...tight contest so Portugal without the w***** would make it swing in Ivory coasts favour imo.


    No Drogba?


    Drogba starts on the bench, which is probably a smart move at this point.

  5. The Vuvuzela's have got on my tits and destroyed what could have been a great World Cup, that and the s**** football, but my last post in here took it too far; Africa do deserve to host it, and do it their way, but this atmosphere killer is a tragedy to what should have been a spectacular world cup and has lessened the experience for me.


    In summary: I apologise for being a tit and taken it too far.






    No worries TT, and thanks. Sorry also for the over reaction to your post.


    It really is unfortunate that the vuvuzelas are making the world cup experience so bad for some. It will be quite ridiculous if after all the fears regarding things being ready on time and the competition running smoothly, that the vuvuzelas will be what spoils everything.

  6. This whole "its their tournament so let them do what they want" excuse is a right load of tosh.


    Its not their tournament at all.


    They still have a right to do what they want, though. Am I right?


    The World is watching though, why should a world wide audience have to have the tournament soundtracked by this innecessant drone?


    When you can confirm that "The World" is as bothered about the drone as you are than we will answer your question. Bearing in mind a good representation of "The World" are down there blasting those things themselves.

  7. Samaras is extremely gifted, but incredibly inconsistent and sometimes the most frustrating guy ever - a sort of Berbatov lite! However, he's only just turned 25 earlier this year, and it may have very well been a maturation issue. Not sure we could get better value for £1 million, when you consider his attributes i.e. his prem experience, european experience, height, pace. The main problem with Samaras is people look at him and assume he should be a leading striker, but he actually is more of a second striker who is at his best when he has a bit of freedom to roam. Could be a lot more effective playing off an Andy Carroll type. Could be a shrewd move.


    I thought his main problem was being absolutely woeful infront of goal and being weak as piss despite being 6ft 4?


    Which is why I say he would be better off playing just off of an Andy Carroll type, and not as a target striker who is relied upon for scoring the majority of the goals.


    We have plenty of strikers who don't score enough goals already though.


    I hear you ... however, if we don't have much money then I'm really not sure how we can really address that problem. Samaras would add more pace and technical ability to our forward line for sure, so I guess it would be more for the addition of those sorts of attributes more than anything. Maybe if we bought twenty strikers who score every once in a while it could work?



  8. Samaras is extremely gifted, but incredibly inconsistent and sometimes the most frustrating guy ever - a sort of Berbatov lite! However, he's only just turned 25 earlier this year, and it may have very well been a maturation issue. Not sure we could get better value for £1 million, when you consider his attributes i.e. his prem experience, european experience, height, pace. The main problem with Samaras is people look at him and assume he should be a leading striker, but he actually is more of a second striker who is at his best when he has a bit of freedom to roam. Could be a lot more effective playing off an Andy Carroll type. Could be a shrewd move.


    I thought his main problem was being absolutely woeful infront of goal and being weak as piss despite being 6ft 4?


    Which is why I say he would be better off playing just off of an Andy Carroll type, and not as a target striker who is relied upon for scoring the majority of the goals.

  9. Samaras is extremely gifted, but incredibly inconsistent and sometimes the most frustrating guy ever - a sort of Berbatov lite! However, he's only just turned 25 earlier this year, and it may have very well been a maturation issue. Not sure we could get better value for £1 million, when you consider his attributes i.e. his prem experience, european experience, height, pace. The main problem with Samaras is people look at him and assume he should be a leading striker, but he actually is more of a second striker who is at his best when he has a bit of freedom to roam. Could be a lot more effective playing off an Andy Carroll type. Could be a shrewd move.

  10. This is what happens when you give the World Cup to a shitty nation who doesn't deserve it, who spends millions on new stadiums while making millions homeless while watching their Countryman die of AIDs and do nothing about it. The reason they are so popular is because there is a void left to fill due to the new stadiums and increased interest, everyone wants to be involved but haven't a clue how to, they don't know how to support and they don't know what football is about, so these plastic mares fill in that void nicely with a dull monotonous sound driving real football fans crazy. culture my arse, its the lack of culture that has made these so popular with the mongs.


    This tournament has shown one thing; Africa wasn't ready for the World Cup and probably will never be in the future. Someone's sitting on some massive back handers, I can guess his name it sounds like Sep(tic) Bladder.


    Just look at this c***:




    That's what football means to her, blow something as loud as possible and need workman earphones so she doesn't go deaf but the rest of the crowd can go fuk themselves.



    There is so much wrong with this post, but I can't even be bothered as your ignorance is so deeply rooted nothing I can say could ever go anyway to affecting it positively.


    However I will say this, yet again. All fans are blowing these things, and in the event that it was just the South Africans blowing them, what the hell does that have to do with the rest of Africa? You sicken me. Afterall the African Nations Cup has been shown live in the UKfor a good number of years now with no sight or sound of the vuvuzelas.


    Tell you what, having seen your true colors, I'm 100% for the vuvuzelas.

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