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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. yeah I just meant it's another fight over a girl situation - its ridiculous theres millions of them out there and they happen to fight over the same one...she can't be THAT fit...can she?


    Proves they are both neanderthals tbh. Any man who fights over a girl only proves how weak he is. That girl is laughing at them both right now. She's got exactly what she wants. Has pretty much just used Taylor to get back at Andy Carroll, and now Carroll is royally screwed. It's all worked a treat. Pathetic.

  2. In reply to some of the responses to what I wrote earlier ...


    In my eyes we were doing just fine before Carroll started playing so well, so I really don' think he is vital to us going up personally. Between Loven, Shola, Best, Ranger, Nolan, Routledge, Jonas and Guthrie we will score goals.


    I know what's happened is all up in the air obviously and my previous post was under the presumption that Carroll was the one majorly at fault. If he was he should definitely be suspended the rest of the way. I doubt he performs at the same level with all this hanging over him and the squad right now anyway.


    It really is a quite unbelievable development. Just hope we play well and win tonight and kind of push this under the rug.

  3. I must say I find the whole "he's our best goalscorer at the minute, and I don't want him signing for another team and scoring against us, and then getting sold for £10 million" argument absolutely amazing.


    So on the one hand you argue that footballers are egomaniacs and are full of it and only think about themselves etc. but then you basically say that a player with a history of violence, and getting away with violence might I add, should be allowed to continue to train and play with the team, as well as collect a substantial salary even though this violent streak has reared it's head again, and this time resulting in a broken jaw for a fellow teammate.


    So tell me ... what kind of effect will that ultimately have on Carroll. Do you think this treatment will make him regret his actions and be more responsible? No. Only a matter of time before he lashes out again. Why? Because once again the message is that as long as I am a popular footballer doing well I can get away with anything I please. It's laughable because if this had happened just a couple of months back every single person on here would be calling for him to be dumped.


    He should be suspended for the rest of the season without pay, with the situation reviewed in the summer.

  4. Doesn't anyone else find it strange that he is getting slagged when he's not even starting games at the moment. Don't get me wrong he may be a waste of money, and at the time I was dubious about the signing - but it's not his fault the other strikers are scoring and keeping him out of the team. In fact signing him might have a lot to do with it, as Carroll has certainly stepped up a gear. Lay off and wait until he gets a run of games before writing him off.


    Same story every single time though isn't it?


    Some sort of paranoid defense mechanism thing people have going on. You can never reason with them over their totally irrational stance either. You'll likely just get abused or mocked.


    The same rubbishing of Jonas, Enrique, Colo, Loven, Carroll all took place at some point. To some degree disparaging remarks were even thrown at the likes of Guthrie and Simpson.


    Standard procedure really. Still extremely frustrating and disappointing every time though.

  5. The worry with Best is he doesn't even look like scoring. I can handle strikers who have a barren run but are getting in the right positions and creating things.


    Said it at the time and maintain it now - a complete bag of muck.


    Yeah, yeah, yeah ...


    Look back at the Carroll and Ranger threads and the same cliche was being bandied about them also.



  6. Same ol, same ol ...


    Not so long ago Carroll was getting ripped to shreds by the majority on here. No surprise that he has grown in confidence with each goal and started actually playing better in general. Now he's everyone's hero. I even recall a few having a go at Ranger earlier in the season, when despite playing well he never looked like scoring, but as soon as he did get one he too started to look more threatening. Enrique and Colo are now widely considered as two of our best players but Enrique's first few month people were writing him off and well what bad thing wasn't said about Colo in his first season?


    Hey, but life is never satisfying if there isn't something to moan or cry about is it? Pathetic.

  7. Carragher? Yakubu?




    I swear some of you are gluttons for punishment. You've obviously enjoyed this season in the Championship a hell of a lot!

    I hate Yakubu passionately, but the man scores goals in England. I'd welcome him, though wages could be a stumbling block. I don't see why Everton would sell him anyway, he's second choice behind of a striker with an atrocious injury record.


    Yakubu would cost too much both in terms of his fee and his wages and worst of all he is clearly on the decline (partly because he is never 27 years old!). He has suffered from injuries more frequently recently and his form has been questionable. Far more likely such a move would blow up in Newcastle's faces. Could see it going the way of the Owen and Viduka signings.

  8. I find it really upsetting seeing such talented players being taken out of games by these mindless thugs who think they're tough guys by flying into a player's unprotected legs. So cowardly. They only ever do it to players who they know won't retaliate too. Why don't you ever see these sorts of tackles against the likes of Barton or Rooney? Arsenal need a couple of players who are going to have the players backs and serve up some retaliation for this crap. You didn't see this anywhere as often when Vieira and Petite were in there. Really crap stuff. Hope Ramsay recovers fully.




    Another idiot judging without seeing what's actually happened.




    What gives either of you the right to call me an idiot? Whatever ...


    Anyway, I did see the tackle and I believe that even in those 50-50 type scenarios players have to have some responsibility.


    By the way I was talking generally about the approach taken towards these types of players all the time as they clearly are targetted and kicked all over the place. Some suffer far worse injuries and some don't, but the threat is always there. People just have to respect their fellow professionals. It's peoples careers in jeopardy at the end of the day.







    Looking at that it is higher up than I thought and should hopefully be a clean break. Hopefully he recovers fully. Thought it was another ankle one, which is always a nightmare with all the tendons etc.

  10. I find it really upsetting seeing such talented players being taken out of games by these mindless thugs who think they're tough guys by flying into a player's unprotected legs. So cowardly. They only ever do it to players who they know won't retaliate too. Why don't you ever see these sorts of tackles against the likes of Barton or Rooney? Arsenal need a couple of players who are going to have the players backs and serve up some retaliation for this crap. You didn't see this anywhere as often when Vieira and Petite were in there. Really crap stuff. Hope Ramsay recovers fully.



  11. We'll probably end up signing Beckford still. Saha has been flying and has now signed a deal with Everton, which means they now have Saha, Yakubu, Anichebe and Vaughan on their books, and they usually play one up front. The Beckford hype has died down since they went out of the cup and if we go up I could see him coming to Newcastle on a free.

  12. Pardew was on SSN yesterday talking about Zamora's recent play and about him perhaps getting an England call up, and he actually then said Zamora would have competition from the likes of Michael Owen ... etc.




    I actually threw up I was so revolted. Can't believe anyone with a brain no matter how miniscule, actually still thinks that cretin deserves any kind of international recognition, especially for the world cup. Crazy.

  13. Not sure how many managers would have kept Guthrie in the middle like he has, and dropped Butt and now Smith. Every single player brought in has also settled in very quickly and they hall look very good (even Fitz Hall).


    Happy for Hughton. Think he has a lot of potential. He has shown that he will try different things and hasn't been too rigid or dogged with his team selections. Aside from his persistence with Nolan I can't really fault him for much else.


    Great guy. Great temperament. Think he will only continue to get better as a manager.


    Stick with him.




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