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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I feel realy sorry for them, they have one of the best set of fans in the epl and definately didn't deserve this, it is however a warning to all clubs to live with in their means, when you hear this sort off stuff it almost makes you glad we have mike ashley,as bad as he is.


    I hear you brother.


    Hope you've got a reinforced tin hat handy mind.

  2. Since when did the IQ of posters reduce so much that the Sun became a viable source of information ???


    Anything to discredit Hughton. I think that's the point.



  3. Let's be honest all season we have been grinding out iffy wins because we had the best defence in the league.


    75% of that defence is missing and has been replaced with loan signings. I haven't watched the game so I don't know the defence has cost us today but how many times have we leaked 3 goals this season? Against West Brom we had a sending off, prior to that it has never happened.


    You give all the credit to the defence and totally disregard the fact that Hughton opted for a 4-5-1 in a lot of those games? How come?


    Smith is clearly going to have to be in there without fail. He's not great but I dunno ... maybe that goofy scowl actually gets to some of the opposition. Away from home if we do play a 4-4-2 Nolan can under no circumstances be one of the two. If Nolan plays then it has to be a 4-5-1.


    Otherwise I'm not sure it will matter who is in our back four to be honest with you.

  4. Oh so we're still blaming Hughton are we? This is sickening.


    A lot of people on here should be embarassed. Hughton picked the perfect team I thought? Surely we couldn't lose? 4-4-2 away from home regardless wasn't it?


    Now we're getting hammered and it's tough to take. So what exactly are you blaming him for now?


    Let this be a lesson. He works with those plonkers everyday and he had good reason for being more defensive away from home it seems.


    If anything hughton has proved a bunch of you dead wrong!


    So if he knew, why did he play it tonight?


    And his alternatives fail to beat Leicester, Sheff Wed, Barnsley (and the cup games).  Not that I'm a vocal Hughton critic, but your post was stupid.


    Did we have Routledge and Jonas on each wing against Leicester, Sheff Wed and Barnsley? With those two in the team in the same 4-5-1 I would have liked our chances a whole lot more against those teams. By the way how many 3 - 0 poundings did we get in those games?





  5. Oh so we're still blaming Hughton are we? This is sickening.


    A lot of people on here should be embarassed. Hughton picked the perfect team I thought? Surely we couldn't lose? 4-4-2 away from home regardless wasn't it?


    Now we're getting hammered and it's tough to take. So what exactly are you blaming him for now?


    Let this be a lesson. He works with those plonkers everyday and he had good reason for being more defensive away from home it seems.


    If anything hughton has proved a bunch of you dead wrong!

  6. :lol:


    I can only laugh at how pathetic people on here can be.


    Hughton picks the lineup they were all certain would guarantee we won by halftime everygame and we are down 1 - 0 at the break and so now they've started slagging off a striker who has just played one and a half games at the club.


    Brilliant minds.









    People can criticise you know. Get off the f***ing high horse.


    Couldn't agree more.

    Absolutely staggering

    Some need to watch a player fail dismally for 3 seasons before the penny drops - and then they claim they "Never wanted him, bad buy from the first"




    After a game and a half you've determined he's a failure and you never wanted him and he's a bad buy?


    That's awesome. Good for you.




    Shut the f*** up, man!


    Hmmm ...


    Resorting to abuse. Clear sign of desperation.


    You lose.



  7. :lol:


    I can only laugh at how pathetic people on here can be.


    Hughton picks the lineup they were all certain would guarantee we won by halftime everygame and we are down 1 - 0 at the break and so now they've started slagging off a striker who has just played one and a half games at the club.


    Brilliant minds.









    People can criticise you know. Get off the f***ing high horse.


    Couldn't agree more.

    Absolutely staggering

    Some need to watch a player fail dismally for 3 seasons before the penny drops - and then they claim they "Never wanted him, bad buy from the first"




    After a game and a half you've determined he's a failure and you never wanted him and he's a bad buy?


    That's awesome. Good for you.



  8. :lol:


    I can only laugh at how pathetic people on here can be.


    Hughton picks the lineup they were all certain would guarantee we won by halftime everygame and we are down 1 - 0 at the break and so now they've started slagging off a striker who has just played one and a half games at the club.


    Brilliant minds.









    People can criticise you know. Get off the f***ing high horse.




    Do you even know what you are criticizing?


    Are we playing badly? Have we lost the game?


    What are you critisizing exactly?


    Bunch of poop and you know it.



  9. Regarding the player's committee, I think it was a smart way of putting a bit more responsibility in the hands of players who were ducking responsibility at every turn last season.


    It's one of those things that can be done right or wrong. I think he's got it right, as from what i recall he has used it as a buffer between the rest of the squad and the manager. I think it's good for the players to talk things out amongst themselves more often, with any issues then being brought before the manager by the leaders. Rather than always have every individual going to the manager one-on-one.



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