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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If we are going to lump it forward we need a striker who it will stick with - Carroll is a huge fail in this regard.


    If we are going to play through midfield we need central midfielders who are quick of mind and body - Nolan is a monumental fail in this regard.


    We are good at neither of these ways of playing and so we have no attacking threat at all.


    We are a great defensive team that is going to have to scrap our way out of this league. Grimy defensive performances and nicking the odd goal is our forte.

  2. Think Williamson is just getting a rest. Has played every game since he came in despite being so inactive with Portsmouth. Probably a good idea to be honest.


    We shouldn't rest any player today. We need a win today. Probably it was really needed, though.


    I hear you. But by all accounts Fitz Hall has looked good to, so hopefully no drop off in the defence. Good to have Colo back too.

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