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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. from Daily Mail


    And Newcastle boss Chris Hughton, who admitted he will be keeping tabs on Moses, said: "Neil is a very experienced, emotional manager. In Neil there is nobody better to guide Palace through the situation they're in. Moses is one we  will monitor.''





    I love Chris Hughton.

  2. Hughton was absolutely clueless tonight btw. The last person I would have brought on is Pancrate when Jose went off injured. And when Routledge came on, why the hell did he play off Carroll? It doesn't make any sense - he's a winger for goodness sake.


    Having watched Routledge from when he broke into the Palace team he is far more than just a winger. Definitely seen him play as a striker also. Hughton even alluded to it in his press conference about the signing. He's pretty versatile.

  3. Landon Donovan really has looked good. Americans really do seem to work well in the Premier League moreso than any other. If he's smart he will look to stay. Has wasted enough time in the MLS and can go back when he's older.


    By my reckoning he's had 2 good games, 1 bad one and 1 ok performance. I'd keep him as long as the price was reasonable.


    s*** game tonight. Dirty team as well, Sunderland. ref was far too lenient.


    Really impressed with his movement. Gets into fantastic scoring positions coming in from out wide. Similar to Dempsey sort of in the way they do that.

  4. Rooney is actually getting better and better.


    Was just last season it was being said that he couldn't play alone upfront, but he has beeon doing so brilliantly this season when asked to.


    Something for Capello to think about I reckon. might want to try playing Gerrard behind him again. Bench Heskey.

  5. Did Warncock say on SSN that the top 3 Championship sides are all after Moses ? and a couple of Prem clubs.


    Quite honestly I would be stunned if we are not in for him for the amount being asked for. He is the type of player Ashley has always said he wants to bring to the club.

  6. The reality is neither of them will be dropped, because unfortunatelt they are considered to be experienced leaders on the pitch.


    This being the case then we absolutely have to find a dynamic midfielder from somewhere to play alongside both of them and go with three in midfield to mask their awfulness.



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