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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. So Samba is now a full time striker?


    Sam Allardyce is a despicable human being.


    Anything to have a big limp upfront to lob the ball onto.


    If I was a striker on the on that team being kept on the bench by Samba I'd be insulted.


    Derbyshire has been banging them in Greece.


    Couldn't believe he was sent away so quickly.


    The guy is a decent goalscorer.

  2. So Samba is now a full time striker?


    Sam Allardyce is a despicable human being.


    Anything to have a big limp upfront to lob the ball onto.


    If I was a striker on the on that team being kept on the bench by Samba I'd be insulted.

  3. The fact that he doesn't touch the ball is no one's fault but his own. For some reason, Martins seems to touch the ball. Viduka touches the ball. Carroll is involved. Hmm, I wonder why Owen's the only one of our strikers who never seems to be involved in the general play.




    Viduka = tall and strong

    Carroll = tall and strong

    Martins = pacey off the ball

    Owen = runs through the defence requiring accurate passing



    Now work out which one might struggle in a side that plays long balls & inaccurate passing.


    Regardless, Martins doesnt touch the ball barely any more than Owen he just holds it for longer when he drops deep.


    What is particularly alarming is how physically weak Owen is when challenged for the ball shoulder to shoulder. He loses it every single time in this instances. It's why most of the time he passes it before any of the opposition get anywhere near him.


    It seems his legs are well and truly shot as he just doesn't have the  ability to put himself between the ball and the defender and get low with a wide strong base and just hold them off when under pressure.


    It's all about balance and leverage and not size. We see the likes of Tevez and Defoe do it all the time and as a little guy you just have to be able to do this to some degree.


    Owen just seems completely gone physically. He doesn't do anything that looks remotely sudden or explosive or powerful. We all know pace goes eventually, but he is no longer able to jostle with anyone or shoot with power  or anything ...


    It's just a sad sight really.


    Tevez has a big frame, defoe doesnt do it anymore than owen.


    Owen did exactly what you're claiming hes no longer capable of in the game against portsmouth whilst being "useless" and setting up guthrie for a chance on the edge of the area.


    He did it once on one occassion when the defender wasn't as tight to him ... fantastic.


    Please don't even go there about Defoe because that is crazy talk. Tevez has a big frame? Yeah okay.


    Robbie Keane, Andy Johnson, Agbonlahor etc etc etc they all do not instantly wilt as soon as they come into contact with a shoulder like Owen does.


    It's pathetis. Seeing your captain go down so feebly cannot be the most inspiring sight can it.



  4. The fact that he doesn't touch the ball is no one's fault but his own. For some reason, Martins seems to touch the ball. Viduka touches the ball. Carroll is involved. Hmm, I wonder why Owen's the only one of our strikers who never seems to be involved in the general play.




    Viduka = tall and strong

    Carroll = tall and strong

    Martins = pacey off the ball

    Owen = weak and feeble




    Now work out which one might struggle in a side that plays long balls & inaccurate passing.


    Regardless, Martins doesnt touch the ball barely any more than Owen he just holds it for longer when he drops deep.


    FYP by the way.

  5. The fact that he doesn't touch the ball is no one's fault but his own. For some reason, Martins seems to touch the ball. Viduka touches the ball. Carroll is involved. Hmm, I wonder why Owen's the only one of our strikers who never seems to be involved in the general play.




    Viduka = tall and strong

    Carroll = tall and strong

    Martins = pacey off the ball

    Owen = runs through the defence requiring accurate passing



    Now work out which one might struggle in a side that plays long balls & inaccurate passing.


    Regardless, Martins doesnt touch the ball barely any more than Owen he just holds it for longer when he drops deep.


    What is particularly alarming is how physically weak Owen is when challenged for the ball shoulder to shoulder. He loses it every single time in this instances. It's why most of the time he passes it before any of the opposition get anywhere near him.


    It seems his legs are well and truly shot as he just doesn't have the  ability to put himself between the ball and the defender and get low with a wide strong base and just hold them off when under pressure.


    It's all about balance and leverage and not size. We see the likes of Tevez and Defoe do it all the time and as a little guy you just have to be able to do this to some degree.


    Owen just seems completely gone physically. He doesn't do anything that looks remotely sudden or explosive or powerful. We all know pace goes eventually, but he is no longer able to jostle with anyone or shoot with power  or anything ...


    It's just a sad sight really.

  6. Sounds like he'll be dropped for this game and we will be playing a more typical 4-3-3 with one up top to try and stifle Liverpool and try to hit them on the counter occasionally.


    Even if we do lose it will be a priority to keep that goal difference healthy. We have to be really careful come Sunday.

  7. Why Michael Owen should play the Newcastle captain's role off the pitch too  By Simon Bird, the Daily Mirror's man in the North-east 29/04/2009


    Read Simon Bird’s north-east football column exclusively on Mirror.co.uk every Wednesday



    I have always been a supporter of Michael Owen. I have had sympathy with the major injuries he has suffered, and the way he has battled back.


    I have seen him in the swimming pool month away from full fitness, paddling past grannies in swimming caps on his road back to playing. Uncomplaining and doing the hard yards.


    I've had admiration that he has returned to keep his goal average at one every other game for club and country.


    When Michael Owen speaks he talks down to earth sense. He doesn't fake it, or do badge kissing. Just cold ruthless facts.


    The problem is that Michael Owen, as captain of Newcastle United, hasn't actually done much talking in public.


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    When Alan Shearer was skipper, he'd front up in the most trying for circumstances, field the barbed difficult questions like a man and even in defeat fans would know a leader was standing up to be counted.


    After the draw against Portsmouth, Owen didn't front up like a skipper should.


    It would have been so easy to come out and express determination for the battle ahead, belief that the relegation fight is not over. Pledge that he will personally try to ensure a great escape happens.


    Fans deserve to hear their club skipper's thoughts in good times and bad.



    The only time he ever says anything is when he is trying to convince us other clubs that he can still score goals and is still a good player.


    He is a terrible captain and I believe this has played a huge part in the lack of fight our players have out on the pitch as he never takes responsibility to even attempt to galvanize the team when they are struggling.


    Just a disgusting situation.

  8. Let me just throw an interesting discussion I had the other day out there.


    Do you take the guy who scores 1 in 2 chances but who on average gets 3 chances a game?


    Or do you take the guy who scores 1 in 3 but who on average gets 6 chances a game?


    The second guy right.


    Okay, so the way I see it the likes of Owen are the first guy while your Adebayors are more akin to the second.


    Their makeup i.e. their pace, strength leaping ability and presence is going to lead to a far greater percentage of chances coming their way over the course of the game and ultimately they will get you more goals despite the lesser ratio.


    You have the rare guys who are a lethal combination of both attributes such as Shearer was in his heyday or a Torres today.




    Id go for the guy who can score goals using magical mind powers, but we dont have that either so we'll have to stick with guy #1 wont we.


    Owen should stay in the team yes.


    However when people start talking baout him going to Arsenal or Man U next season I just find such things perplexing.


    The thought of Wenger playing Owen ahead of the likes of Adebayor, Van Persie, Eduardo ...


    I mean come on!

  9. Let me just throw an interesting discussion I had the other day out there.


    Do you take the guy who scores 1 in 2 chances but who on average gets 3 chances a game?


    Or do you take the guy who scores 1 in 3 but who on average gets 6 chances a game?


    The second guy right.


    Okay, so the way I see it the likes of Owen are the first guy while your Adebayors are more akin to the second.


    Their makeup i.e. their pace, strength leaping ability and presence is going to lead to a far greater percentage of chances coming their way over the course of the game and ultimately they will get you more goals despite the lesser ratio.


    You have the rare guys who are a lethal combination of both attributes such as Shearer was in his heyday or a Torres today.




    Does the first guy become a boot cleaner at Arsenal?


    When his ratio dwindles to 1 in 13 yes he does and only on a temporary deal byt he way.

  10. Michael Owen (scoring goals) is our single best and only real hope of staying up.


    Having watched him lately, I can understand (and agree with) the FRIGHTENING nature of that thought . . .


    But, it is TRUE.


    If this is what it comes down to then we are definitely going down.

  11. Let me just throw an interesting discussion I had the other day out there.


    Do you take the guy who scores 1 in 2 chances but who on average gets 3 chances a game?


    Or do you take the guy who scores 1 in 3 but who on average gets 6 chances a game?


    The second guy right.


    Okay, so the way I see it the likes of Owen are the first guy while your Adebayors are more akin to the second.


    Their makeup i.e. their pace, strength leaping ability and presence is going to lead to a far greater percentage of chances coming their way over the course of the game and ultimately they will get you more goals despite the lesser ratio.


    You have the rare guys who are a lethal combination of both attributes such as Shearer was in his heyday or a Torres today.



  12. Kaka do you think finishing is 30 yard shots?


    Imo its composure, technique, awareness, intelligence, ball control.


    A top finisher is someone who can put the ball in the back of the net in a variety of ways. The more ways a player is able to do this consistently the more dangerous they are and the more of an accomplished striker this person is. Perfect example Alan Shearer.


    Owen right now is only capable of occassionally putting away chances in the box. Not a top finisher.


    So when people were getting on about Arsenal needing a goal scorer in recent years, you didnt agree.  You thought their line up + Bendtner, Diaby were the answer?  They didnt miss a player like Owen who comes a live when the ball is in the box.  When ball gets crossed through six yard noone is ever there for them, everyone is outside the box.  Thats good awareness/intelligence to you?.. not getting on the end of chances?  That makes you a good finisher??


    Arsenal's best finisher is Eduardo. Scores these poacher goals you talk about Owen scoring but will also fire one in from outside the box if you give him space, and he will do this with either foot. He will also score with Headers. He will also get you assists. he will go past people and open up defences. he will contribute to general play.


    I just don't know what else to say really.


    Arsenal generally do not have a problem scoring goals when all of their strikers have been fit to answer your question more directly. In the occassional games when they are facing teams who have 12 people in their box they do come unstuck but you are overstating these instances greatly.

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