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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We really need to infuse our current squad with more of these kinds of players who are genuinely hungry and eager to make a name for themselves, and actually have some life left in their bodies.



  2. I imagine they will also be discussing contracts for an entire new backroom staff which could well be another thing slowing things down.


    I agree with Dave there is no way this goes on for this long if Shearer isn't comfortable with the way things are progressing.

  3. If we are able to sign Shearer up and he is able to bring in a new staff and re-shape the entire squad, there is no doubt next season could be a lot of fun and we should all really just enjoy it.


    I think people are going to be surprised at how much fun it could potentially be, providing we have a team out there that we can be proud of.

  4. Would people be happy with a Bassong and Taylor CB partnership next season?


    Not so sure myself.


    A lot of credit to Taylor this season but I still don't quite like him at centre back.


    If Bassong stays I would like a big dirty beast experienced championship defender type to play beside him.


    Were do you want him striker?  cos he is s*** as a full back


    His best games for Newcastle have all been at right back.

  5. Would people be happy with a Bassong and Taylor CB partnership next season?


    Not so sure myself.


    A lot of credit to Taylor this season but I still don't quite like him at centre back.


    If Bassong stays I would like a big dirty beast experienced championship defender type to play beside him.


    I agree with this. I've warmed to Taylor a lot in the past couple of months but he's still a liability at CB, whichever league we're in. Doesn't have the brain for it and never will have.


    I really love him at right back though, but I think he is just seen as a fill in there which is unfortunate. He just isn't a centre back to me.



  6. I don't think we will be in a situation to buy the best players from fellow championship sides somehow.


    Reckon we are better off targetting prem players who are maybe just short of prem quality at the moment and also top league one players.


    Could do with raiding Southampton for some of their better players as they are going down and they do have some serious young talent there.

  7. How stupid does Whelan look by the way?


    All the noise about Steve Bruce only leaving Wigan for Man U and how he was bigger than Newcastle etc etc.


    Now he's off to flipping Sunderland.


    Hell of a humble pie that.


    Sunderland fans must feel at least a little sick about this too. Yeah he's a good manager but how sickening it must be to have a Geordie running their team. No matter how well they do it will always have been down to a Geordie. Ha!


    Bruce is pathetic by the way. So so pathetic ...

  8. It staggers me that people are falling for this guff yet again. The man's just got us relegated and people are still tripping over themselves to defend him. How far will he have to take us before sense prevails?


    Who's defending him?


    Come off it Dave you're crazy in love with Ashley and you know it!



  9. Takeovers scare me to death now.


    Probably more likely to be someone trying to get us on the cheap now we are in the championship which wouldn't be good.


    It could be bad or it could be good, but takeover speculation and further uncertainty at the club is the last thing we need.


    Definitely uneasy about this.

  10. The link Arteta-Martins could be lethal.


    Which reminds me a absolutely LUV Arteta, class act


    He would thrive ont he service from Arteta and he woulkd find a lot more space with the likes of Pienaar, Cahill and Fellaini occupying the other teams players.


    The style of the current team would also bring the best out of him as it is a team of hardworkers who gve their all and I feel he would thrive in that environment.


    Would do very well for them. Would also have his fellow international teammates in Yobo and Yakubu which always helps.


    Would love something like


    Howard, Neville, Jags, Lescott, Baines, Pienaar, Fellaini, ?, Arteta, Martins, Yak


    ? = technically sound central midfielder, or, if Arteta plays centrally, a pacy left winger.


    Martins would be lethal in that setup.


    He would end up with 20+ if he stayed fit in that team.

  11. The link Arteta-Martins could be lethal.


    Which reminds me a absolutely LUV Arteta, class act


    He would thrive ont he service from Arteta and he woulkd find a lot more space with the likes of Pienaar, Cahill and Fellaini occupying the other teams players.


    The style of the current team would also bring the best out of him as it is a team of hardworkers who gve their all and I feel he would thrive in that environment.


    Would do very well for them. Would also have his fellow international teammates in Yobo and Yakubu which always helps.

  12. Sickens me how Sky seem to think Ronaldo is the best free kick taker in the world, when as far as I'm concerned, Juninho is miles ahead, I also remember Assuncao to be ridiculously dangerous from a dead-ball situation.


    Personally, Everton are still in the same situation as last summer. Need a technically quality central midfielder in my view, and a pacy wide man. A nippy striker (Martins?  :yikes:) wouldn't go a miss either.


    Martins would be brilliant in your Everton team imo.



  13. 'Arry brought in a bus load of old boys at Spurs when he got the job and it seemed to work out okay there.


    I think it's a plus to have people who know the club well and genuinely care about the position it is in, providing of course that they do have some idea about what they are doing.


    Someone like Speed who was a top pro and a very experienced player surely couldn't do much harm as a coach alongside others. Seems like a good move to me.

  14. Jermaine Beckford from Leeds has been transfer listed. Decent buy?


    I think he would score goals in the championship.


    However, I think Leeds will ask a silly price for him and also not sure if he is the sort of character Shearer would want to rely on as a main striker, as he is quite pratish.

  15. the mackems I know are kicking off that they've been linked with him because he's a mag.


    Good appointment imo.  Found Valencia and Palacios while in charge of what in effect is a selling club, might be able to make a decent go of it with money behind him.


    Valencia was found and signed by Paul Jewell.


    Palacios was found by Wenger and was with training with Arsenal but was then suggested to Bruce after he went grovelling to Wenger for players.

  16. Just mentioned it elsewhere but I reckon Matt Derbyshire would be worth a punt if he doesn't permanently go to Olympiakos. Big Sam doesn't fancy him by the looks of it and he's got a bit about him. Obviously this is dependant on a premiership club not being interested, but I don't know if he'd be a starter anywhere.


    Agree. 100%.


    I fear that ship has sailed.


    He is the sort I could see a lot of lower prem teams going for this summer after his exploits in Greece. Besides I'm pretty sure Olympiakos will be looking to sign him also.

  17. We need a goalscorer. No one who will be staying will get anywhere near 25 I don't think.


    Jay Simpson from Arsenal on loan or otherwise would be a great start for us. He would score loads in the championship I reckon.


    Another option could be Frazier Campbell from Man U as he scored easily in the championship also.


    Why would Campbell drop a level? He's been in the Premiership this season, if anything Hull would love him back. Same with Simpson, a lower Premiership side would take him on loan too.


    I think they are both possibilities for sure.


    Campbell might have been in the premiership but he was hardly playing and even Simpson was dropped from the West Brom first team towards the end of the season.


    Yes, some lower prem teams might show interest but I don't think it's as definite as you make it out to be.


    We shall see I guess.

  18. We need a goalscorer. No one who will be staying will get anywhere near 25 I don't think.


    Jay Simpson from Arsenal on loan or otherwise would be a great start for us. He would score loads in the championship I reckon.


    Another option could be Frazier Campbell from Man U as he scored easily in the championship also.

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