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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. There's some laughable comments in this thread like. Owen is by a long shot our biggest asset (in goalscoring ability at least). I really do disagree with those who say that he offers nothing to the game other than scoring. It's very difficult for any striker to get involved in a game if the rest of the team are playing as poor as they are.


    Rooney, Robinho, Henry, hell even Shearer, would struggle to get when this team are playing badly.


    Yeah right!


    Despite Martins apparently being this thick and unintelligent player some claim, he brings a hell of a lot more to the table and impacts our attakcing play tremendously. He also happens to be playing in the very same team does he not?


    Watch our results drastically improve when he returns. Have you noticed they really began to fall out once he went down with his injury? He is our biggest asset right now pal.


    When Owen was out earlier int he season and everyone thought we'd be doomed with Martins and Shola we were actually playing much better football than we are right now, and we weren't struggling to score goals or get some decent rsults.

  2. He's the best player we've got.  His runs and inteligent play mark him out from the rest in my opinion.  He's not scoring right now, but still has a ratio of nearly one in two. He's not much of a captain though.




    If goals were coming from other players, while Owen got through his bad patch, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. FFS even Wayne Rooney went through bad spells where he didn't score for ages. Doesn't make him s*** does it!


    Please don't compare Rooney to Owen.


    Rooney impacts the game in an infinite number of ways, particularly when he isn't scoring goals. He definitely makes up for it in all areas of the pitch.


    Shocking comparison.

  3. Why people can't simply wait a couple more weeks to see what has come of the window before sliting their wrists I will never know.


    That statement by Rennes didn't even refer to the Newcastle bid. How do we know that didn't come out prior to our bid?


    Let time run its course for goodness sake.


    You talk more s**** than Kinnear mate. Just wondering, how long does it going to take you to get your head out of the sand?



    What are you ranting and raving about. You've got nothing to go on.


    Whois talking more shit? The person that says Ashley etc have screwed this window up and we're not getting any players in etc. even though the window is still open for another fortnight, or the person who says wait till the end of the window before getting yourself worked up.


    I think you'll find you're the one talking crap right now. Get real.

  4. More wasted money on 2nd class players.


    How much have you seen of him?


    Probably nothing, but we're signing him so he must be s***. [/half the posters on here]


    No matter how bad a player is supposed to be, once they are bought by the club, I will only ever judge them on what they do on the pitch for Newcastle United and go from there.


    Sibierski is now someone that is looked back on fondly even though he was one of the most gut wrenchingly dissapointing signings ever.


    Remeber the guy who rubbished Jonas mercilessly day in and day out?

  5. :lol:


    Nothing funnier than the I'm not getting my hopes up crew.


    Meanwhile in the background they are transferring M'Bia onto the Newcastle team in every football and football manager game within their reach.


    If you feel the need to say it then it means your hopes are probably through the roof already, and should the deal not happen you'll be the first ones hurling abuse at everyone at the club, even though you supposedly weren't getting your hopes up.


    Hey it's okay though. Let those hopes soar. Sometimes dreams do come true.

  6. Kinnear said he told Ashley the price of the two players, so does he mean he knows how much their clubs want?


    Exactly what I was thinking. Looks like Kinnear has already found out exactly what it would take to sign the players already and has then gone to Ashley for the cash.


    Fingers crossed.


    And amazingly they now want more, I'd imagine.


    Exactly. I wish he would really be quiet on transfers in this manner. Remember how it was refreshing under this regime for us not to do our transfer business in public? What happened to that?


    I don't think he has been saying too much tbh. A little bit of info here and there doesn't hurt.


    He hasn't actually revealed the names of either of these targets too. So far it's all just speculation.


    What about Riise?


    I was referring more to the players we have supposedly bid for.


    Anyway my point is that he hasn't carried on about every player we have been in for has he?


    So he mentioned Riise as a possible loan. Don't think that is reason to brand him a loud mouth like Gorilla man did. To compare him to Harry Redknapp is ridiculous.


    As far as my recent memory goes, and mine is a bit patchy, he's given details on each transfer. This is something noone else in the league does, oh, except that wobbly faced c***.



  7. Kinnear said he told Ashley the price of the two players, so does he mean he knows how much their clubs want?


    Exactly what I was thinking. Looks like Kinnear has already found out exactly what it would take to sign the players already and has then gone to Ashley for the cash.


    Fingers crossed.


    And amazingly they now want more, I'd imagine.


    Exactly. I wish he would really be quiet on transfers in this manner. Remember how it was refreshing under this regime for us not to do our transfer business in public? What happened to that?


    I don't think he has been saying too much tbh. A little bit of info here and there doesn't hurt.


    He hasn't actually revealed the names of either of these targets too. So far it's all just speculation.


    What about Riise?


    I was referring more to the players we have supposedly bid for.


    Anyway my point is that he hasn't carried on about every player we have been in for has he?


    So he mentioned Riise as a possible loan. Don't think that is reason to brand him a loud mouth like Gorilla man did. To compare him to Harry Redknapp is ridiculous.

  8. Kinnear said he told Ashley the price of the two players, so does he mean he knows how much their clubs want?


    Exactly what I was thinking. Looks like Kinnear has already found out exactly what it would take to sign the players already and has then gone to Ashley for the cash.


    Fingers crossed.


    And amazingly they now want more, I'd imagine.


    Exactly. I wish he would really be quiet on transfers in this manner. Remember how it was refreshing under this regime for us not to do our transfer business in public? What happened to that?


    I don't think he has been saying too much tbh. A little bit of info here and there doesn't hurt.


    He hasn't actually revealed the names of either of these targets too. So far it's all just speculation.

  9. Why are they looking to Italy and hoping some megabucks striker transfer could settle and adapt when we've got a wantaway Michael Owen just up the road?  f***s sake, you can have him for half of that Kaka deal, we don't mind. 


    Amen brother.

  10. its also possible he's been told to dodge any 50-50's by kinnear to avoid injury.


    Grab as many as you can...






    Think about it ... come the end of the season Owen will not have a contract with anyone right?


    So what is the worst possible thing that could happen to Owen right now? A serious injury because then no one would give him the kind of contract he wants.


    If anything he is looking out for himself. I think it's scary that we have to rely so heavily on him in the run up to the end of the season. Would much rather we sold him now and got someone else in.



  11. Anyone who rates Jermaine Jenas just doesn't watch football.


    Please help me understand what it is you see this guy doing that is at all useful.


    He jogs around the pitch making half-hearted gestures for the ball to be played to him and immediately passes it back to the person who he just received it from otherwise it goes back to someone even further behind play. This is 99% of his game.


    1% of the time he will make a forward run (this is the only time he looks really impressive) off the ball and can blow by people when he does this and therefore arrive in the box and is a danger. However, he doesn't do this enough at all.


    He is not a good footballer. Watch the games.


    Mourinho is an awful coach tbh, and what about  Bobby Robson, Capello, Ericksson, Ramos, and Jol? These guys really know nothing about football :rolleyes:


    For all the knockers he has, JJ is a box to box midfielder who's main job is to get some assists, put tackles in and occasionally score goals. He does this (well not so much putting tackles in tbh). He needs to stop going missing for periods of the game but his all round game is pretty decent imo (his improved since he was with you lot).


    As for the reo coker comparison, what exactly does nrc bring to the table. He's got bags of energy and can put a decent tackle in but not much else.


    You know what it is. I think maybe Jenas suffers from severe stage fright. When the lights come on for real he totally loses it. He must be different in training I imagine, cuz I just don't see it during actual games.

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