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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. honestly, I cannot believe how many critics Oba has


    Anyone would think Martins had scored 1 goal in 12 this season, not 6. Which is tbh a pretty impressive achievement considering the team, his strike partners and the clueless tactics


    Well he'll be out for a couple of weeks and we'll see how things pan out without him. Will soon shut people up.


    Don't know what you've got till it's gone pretty much.

  2. Goodness me Modric is average. All he is is a neat and tidy player, doesn't command a game enough for me. Lacks the physical ability but this isn't his main problem, it's that he seems to be way too timid and almost defers to others a lot of the time. Very average. Honestly there is no clear cut difference between him and Jimmy Bullard, in fact I would say Bullard commands a game far more.


    The only Spurs player with any guts is O'Hara I say it time and time again. He's got decent ability but more importantly a ton of character. Really lifts the team everytime. Just came on and was involved in three of the four goals.


    Totally wrong about modric. He's been our shining light this last month or so. Wasn't at his best today admittedly but still a decent performance.


    You're totally spot on about O'hara though. I've said time and time again on here, that he should be starting ahead of that steaming pile of horse s*** Bentley. I hope Bentley is used as bait in any deal for Downing Or sold to pool for £11M plus Babel on loan.


    Fair enough. I just don't think Modric doesn't produce an end product consistently enough in the final third.


    The Bentley situation is amazing to me. I do think it's been a massive mistake playing him on the left. He should be on the right where he can continuously swing the ball in with his stronger foot, yes his delivery has been poor so far, but that is his best attribute so put him in a position to keep doing it till he gets that consistency back. Lennon is all pace and can't cross and never could so put him on the left where he can cut in more and cause havoc all over. Baffling decision from Redknapp in my humble opinion.


    Definitely something about O'Hara. Will be very interesting to see how he develops going forward and if he ever gets a chance.


    Have you seen Bentley play Rm this season?? Redknapp has given him countless opportunities to play that role yet he hasn't put in 1 good performance. He's played rm more than Lennon has tbh.


    Bentley should either be dropped or sold.


    If he is ever going to turn it around though it will be on the right and nowhere else.


    Like you say if he isn't going to be played there then he might as well be dropped.


    Bentley is just your typical wannabe. At a smaller club like Blackburn without a lot of fuss around him he thrived as he focused on his football. Give the guy a little bit of credit and exposure and move him to a bigger club and a bigger city and it's all about being a celebrity. An utter prat he is.

  3. Goodness me Modric is average. All he is is a neat and tidy player, doesn't command a game enough for me. Lacks the physical ability but this isn't his main problem, it's that he seems to be way too timid and almost defers to others a lot of the time. Very average. Honestly there is no clear cut difference between him and Jimmy Bullard, in fact I would say Bullard commands a game far more.


    The only Spurs player with any guts is O'Hara I say it time and time again. He's got decent ability but more importantly a ton of character. Really lifts the team everytime. Just came on and was involved in three of the four goals.


    Totally wrong about modric. He's been our shining light this last month or so. Wasn't at his best today admittedly but still a decent performance.


    You're totally spot on about O'hara though. I've said time and time again on here, that he should be starting ahead of that steaming pile of horse s*** Bentley. I hope Bentley is used as bait in any deal for Downing Or sold to pool for £11M plus Babel on loan.


    Fair enough. I just don't think Modric doesn't produce an end product consistently enough in the final third.


    The Bentley situation is amazing to me. I do think it's been a massive mistake playing him on the left. He should be on the right where he can continuously swing the ball in with his stronger foot, yes his delivery has been poor so far, but that is his best attribute so put him in a position to keep doing it till he gets that consistency back. Lennon is all pace and can't cross and never could so put him on the left where he can cut in more and cause havoc all over. Baffling decision from Redknapp in my humble opinion.


    Definitely something about O'Hara. Will be very interesting to see how he develops going forward and if he ever gets a chance.

  4. Goodness me Modric is average. All he is is a neat and tidy player, doesn't command a game enough for me. Lacks the physical ability but this isn't his main problem, it's that he seems to be way too timid and almost defers to others a lot of the time. Very average. Honestly there is no clear cut difference between him and Jimmy Bullard, in fact I would say Bullard commands a game far more.


    The only Spurs player with any guts is O'Hara I say it time and time again. He's got decent ability but more importantly a ton of character. Really lifts the team everytime. Just came on and was involved in three of the four goals.

  5. 16.26 Zenit St Petersburg have confirmed to Sky Sports News that talks are taking place with Arsenal regarding a deal for Andrei Arshavin.

    I'd rather Arteta, a good player who doesnt whore himself about despite his massive talent!


    You can't afford Arteta. Nor would Moyes sell him anyway.


    More importantly Arteta is Everton through and through. He would never push to leave seems to love it there.


    If Bentley and Downing are £15 million then Arteta should at the very least start off at that price minimum.

  6. Oba is more injury prone than Owen. Owen had some serious heavy injuries. Oba has these little pains all the time.




    This guy is a comedian.


    I'd say it's about the same. Taking away the two freak injuries, they've probably missed a similar number of games the past couple of seasons through niggly injuries.



    Taking away the two freak injuries.




    Yeah okay. We'll just pretend they didn't happen then.


    Owne has the most freak injuries and the most niggles. No comparison. Not even close. Those are the facts.


    You can't blame Owen for those two injuries though. That could have happened to anybody.


    I know but they happened to Owen




    He's also had a number of hamstring strains while he's been here, not to mention the mumps ... I mean he has never started a season since he's been here. He also takes ages to recover from his nicks.


    How can you compare the two?


    Don't mean to kick off Oba vs Owen part 150,387 but Owen is far more injury prone. Not even close.

  7. Oba is more injury prone than Owen. Owen had some serious heavy injuries. Oba has these little pains all the time.




    This guy is a comedian.


    I'd say it's about the same. Taking away the two freak injuries, they've probably missed a similar number of games the past couple of seasons through niggly injuries.



    Taking away the two freak injuries.




    Yeah okay. We'll just pretend they didn't happen then.


    Owne has the most freak injuries and the most niggles. No comparison. Not even close. Those are the facts.

  8. I can see Arshavin fitting in really well at Arsenal.


    Because he's a big time Charlie who'll go missing when the going gets tough?


    Aye, he was non-existant against the Dutch in Euro 08 wasnt he? :idiot2:


    But do the Dutch play like Stoke, Bolton, Wigan?


    No but they employed rough tactics to try and keep him quiet. I dont think Arshavins quality is in doubt, he merely made the mistake of saying every team was his dream move.


    I'm sceptical how Nasri, Arshavin, Rosicky can work. Too similar!


    I think the Arshavin signing pretty much signifies that Rosicky is a long way off and might not be the same when he returns.

  9. Have we won a game since Oba has been injured?


    We really need to get in another striker who is at least somewhat dynamic to compensate for this loss.


    Would be nice if we could get someone who is both a physical presence but also pacy. That would be ideal really.


    That way even when Oba returns this type of striker would still be very useful to us.

  10. I think as has been typical of the Ashley regime we will end up with players we haven't been widely linked with and it will catch us all by surprise and they will turn out to be decent players.


    I think Kinnear has been taking the piss out of the press and if anything is trying to throw them off of our real targets.


    I find it very hard to believe that having kept Wise etc. around despite all that happened is going to let Kinnear get any player he wants. It's all a front I think and Kinnear is in on it. I think he's happy to let "the system" land the players.


    It's going to be an alright window when all is said and done.


    We will get either young talented players with good reputations e.g. Sakho or experienced players who will not cost a large fee e.g. Juanito.

  11. Has anyone even see Appiah play on a regular basis? Didn't realise the Turkish league was televised.


    Saw him mostly when he was playing in Italy and also for Ghana.


    He's a good player make no mistake.


    He's a good player but an injury prone one. Fernabache probably realised his wage per game average was costing them far too much.


    I love how KaKa can't stop criticising Owen for his injury record, etc. yet wanks over Appiah who has made only 208 appearances in 11 seasons. :lol:


    Wanks over? What the hell?!


    Hyperbole overload or what!


    Notice how I never suggested us going in for him right? Did you also notice where I questioned why no one else had offerd him an opportunity? The guy's fitness issues are a big problem. However there is no disputing the fact that he is a good player though.





  12. Has anyone even see Appiah play on a regular basis? Didn't realise the Turkish league was televised.


    Saw him mostly when he was playing in Italy and also for Ghana.


    He's a good player make no mistake.

  13. Instead of Parker why not try for Palacios at Wigan? Or petty much any tough DM from France who would all be better than Parker.


    Instead of Bellamy surely Podolski would be a more worthwhile purchase.


    Mark Hughes is just another manager who talks big about British managers getting big jobs but fails miserably when the opportunity arises. Curbishley just threw away all the West Ham millions on the likes of Dyer, Bellamy and Parker and ironically Hughes is after two of the very same players.






    yep, they'll gamble when the job is low profile but when the pressures on they s*** themselves and bottle it by trying to "buy proven" players


    see souness, graeme


    It's a fantastic point you make. Surprisingly, even Harry Redknapp is at it! He's proven he is brilliant at spotting realy good plpayers abroad for decent prices but here he is playing it a bit too safe and going after the likes of Bellamy, Downing and even defoe for crazy amounts of money.


    Like you say seems to be second guessing himself now the pressure is on and going for pretty average prem experienced players at stupid prices.

  14. Instead of Parker why not try for Palacios at Wigan? Or petty much any tough DM from France who would all be better than Parker.


    Instead of Bellamy surely Podolski would be a more worthwhile purchase.


    Mark Hughes is just another manager who talks big about British managers getting big jobs but fails miserably when the opportunity arises. Curbishley just threw away all the West Ham millions on the likes of Dyer, Bellamy and Parker and ironically Hughes is after two of the very same players.





  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1103395/Inter-launch-Newcastle-raid-Owen-stop-gap-No-1-target-Chelsea-striker-Drogba.html?ITO=1490


    Okay so let's assume that this is for real and Inter are interested in Owen and make an offer in January which includes Suazo coming this way, and Suazo and Owen are indeed interested in making the switch, would people go for this?


    All things considered I think I would.

  16. http://www.laprensahn.com/index.php/Ediciones/2008/12/30/Noticias/Eusebio-elogia-a-Suazo


    The Honduran press saying that the Italian press (great sources :lol:), are linking Newcastle & Inter with a swap deal between Owen & Suazo.

    not impossible but i'd be very surprised if owen went to play abroad.


    Don't discount the Mourinho factor.


    Also Owen would thrive most in the Italian league I believe, and Capello would love it too.

  17. Juanito linked strongly with Roma.  Amazing how some of the players that people on here think "aren't good enough for us" end up at better teams than us. (Duscher to Sevilla, Edmilson to Villarreal, Juanito potentially to Roma, etc.)


    (Deco to CHelsea)


    And who can ever forget KaKa's "Omg I'm going to be sick!" outburst when we were linked with Ronaldinho from Barcelona when Ashley first came in. :lol:


    Considering at the time we had no left back, no right back, a central defence of Taylor and Bramble, no decent central midfielders and a £100,000 a week striker who was always injured, I'm sure Ronaldinho would have been the answer to all of our problems.


    Would have been an absolutely insane purchase and I stand by that completely. It would have made me very sick.

    The thought of Nicky Butt-Ronaldinho midfield partnership is making me shudder in fear. Deco would have been s*** for us as well.



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