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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why are a few people on here having a go at Kinnear so much?


    At least he's really working hard to try and get players into the club.


    Give the guy a break. Okay, so the info he has been giving isn't always very clear, but it's better than a complete silence. At least we have stuff to go on.


    I hope he gets the players he's after and he does very well. I for one appreciate the efforts he's putting in for the club.

  2. From the BBC gossip breaking news thingy:


    Charles N'Zogbia says he wants to know how much Newcastle value him at so he can leave the club. "The club want to sell some players, so why not me? Lyon, make a move!" said the French midfielder. (Aujourd'hui Sport, 1015 GMT)


    This boy is out of control.

  3. Bresciano is Italian/Australian - perhaps JK got confused





    Was just about to say the same. I think it is very likely it is Bresciano who does have Italian heritage but is really Australian.


    Let's give Joe some credit perhaps he thought it would be too obvious if he said he was Australian.


    If we land Burdisso and Bresciano in the next 48 hrs I will be grinning from ear to ear. Two very experienced players who would definitely add quality to our side.


    Have faith brothers!

  4. Zoggy out for a decent fee - Sign Lovenkrands on a free and spend Zoggy's fee on Tom De Mul (right winger) and Meireles (Box to Box dynamo).


    Left footed wingers - Duff and Lovenkrands


    Right footed wingers - Gutierrez and Tom De Mul


    Central midfielders - Barton, Meireles, Butt and Guthrie


    Midfield instantly sorted.


    Shame it won't happen.


    O ye of little faith.


    Where there is "the system" there is a way.


    I think we'll do alright in this window when all is said and done.

  5. Seems to me that Lovenkrands is being brought in as a left winger so JK can drop Zog back to left back on a permanent basis, and he can play Gutierrez and Duff with the added option of being able to bring on another left winger to freshen things up without having to reorganise the defense, ie taking off a left back and dropping Zog back from the left wing etc.


    Nah ... don't think so.

  6. Jonas is a winger, this guy is a striker and when a striker fails to score ONE goal in TWENTY appearances, I say something's wrong. Also this may just be me, but when a player is "released", it sets off alarm bells. I don't think we should be wasting our time and pay roll.


    Hey, I hope I'm wrong, though.


    At least make an effort to find out what position he plays before flying off the handle.


    I think you'll find he is played on the wing.



  7. Out of interest is Loverkrands right or left footed?


    We could do with another right footer who can play out wide.


    TBH it's a nice cheap way of getting another quick guy who can play upfront too as whenever Martins is out we have no pacy options whatsoever upfront.


    Looks like a lefty, took free kicks and penalty's with his left?




    That would mean three left wingers and one right footed one who is better on the left.


    Hopefully he is really comfortable on the right side if he is left footed then.

  8. I just want to say that there will always be a good manager available. The key is to come up with a good offer hard to refuse. Isn't that the same with Michael Owen? The main reason why he came here was for the money and Newcastle outbid liverpool to get Owen. So the major factor is money.



    Although this is correct, have you not noticed the trend that Ashley is setting? which is to spend as little as possible? - Your theory of bringing in a better manager than Steve Bruce hinges on money yet our current agenda seems to be cut costs and spend little, so wouldn't this mean we can't get a better manager?


    Who would you say is obtainable and better than Bruce by the way?

    There are many managers actually.

    It's very hard but I think it's not impossible: get Martin O'Neil. He's a very good manager, he knows what he's doing and is under-rated.


    Personally I think Ashley should instead throw in more money rather than cut costs. He'd need to spend more if he'd expect to get top-class players. Rarely do they go on the cheap.


    I can't even begin to comprehend how you can seriously believe that is currently possible.


    Unreal ...

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