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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    It's a photoshop right?


    Plese tell me it is even if it isn't or I might wet myself here.




    "I don't want to be called Diarra One or Diarra Two. I want to be known as Lass," he explained.




    What a silly boy. Why not just put Lassana on there.


    Although that does sound just as girly thinking about it now.


    "Lass" though? 


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Kinnear's appointment was decried by some on the grounds that he was a dinosaur who had been out of the game for so long he should be considered extinct. This criticism now looks asinine, which shouldn't come as a surprise, especially since he was never really out of the game. Unlike Keegan, who admitted to rarely even watching football during his own long absence from the dugout, Kinnear had kept his finger on the pulse, regularly, for example, attending Arsenal training sessions on the invitation of his friend and neighbor Arsène Wenger.


    Word is Wenger, impressed by the astuteness of Kinnear's observation at those sessions, was planning to offer the Irishman a scouting role with Arsenal before the Newcastle gig came up.


    So we've basically lucked into the Irish Wenger.


    Sign him up now!




    Jokes aside though ... that really was a brilliant use of his time while he was out of the game, and he couldn't have picked a better club to take an inside look at.


    If he actually turns out to be brilliant the rest of the season and succeeds in getting some really good players in, this could turn out to be one of the jammiest hires ever. And wouldn't it just be typical that this would be the one that worked out.

  3. I thought Hughes looked like a good prospect as a manager but when he was linked with us I had doubts about the style of football Blackburn played at the time. It looks as if he's like Allardyce, a one trick pony. I see Fat Sam's happier than a pig in s*** inheriting a team designed to play route 1 football.




    I honestly can't see why people can't see the similarities. Bullys and grafters and one sort of flairish player at the most. That is their mantra.


    If Hughes just played all of his best players at City they would at the very worst hammer the likes of West Brom even if it meant losing to teams in and around the top 4. However, they certainly wouldn't be in the relegation zone right now that's for sure.

  4. I was very meh when he was appointed, but he's had my support since that day. I simply couldn't be arsed to get too angry about it, and for me the season was damage limitation when KK walked away again. Got some funny old results under his belt, has managed to get the defence playing the best i've seen easily this decade, which is crazy talk i know, but this lot look more solid than ever i can recall, beaten by single goals when we do lose and playing as a unit not one player carrying the back line ala Woodgate. While doing that playing some nice attacking football and lifting the morale in the stands, in the club and most certainly in the players, even Zoggy is smiling and getting back to the player we loved a while ago.


    The man could even be persuading Ashley to bolster the squad in January and for me, its just a hunch but Owen is closer to signing a contract with us than ever before. I mean Owen won't leave the Country again as he can kiss goodbye to playing for England if he does, out of sight out of mind, the top 4 don't want him, most clubs cant afford him and the two that possibly do are below us in the table, and he won't be captain there.


    If it wasn't for two equalizers from former defenders i'd say his spell in charge would have been top notch. He's made poor decisions, but it really does seem the guy picks up on it and learns, not too afraid to makes decisions and not too stubborn to see that he can get it wrong, i've not seen any manager like that here, ever, inc SBR who was as stubborn as a day is long.


    He does however need to clam down and stop getting banned. Its beyond a joke. Not only has he a dodgy ticker, but obviously we need him there because whatever he says to the players, it works.


    Maybe the experience he's built over the years, and the timing of the club's demise is perfect for Kinnear. Maybe right now he is what we need? I'm hoping more than anything the big job for him has come at the right time in his career, and this unexpected series of events sees us benefiting for a change, and we got the right man, it just happens it's not the type we usually go for.


    With all this in to account, its a very difficult question of whether should he be made permanent? The players seem to get on with him, and the owner loves him and he can get on in this set up, and we've seen what happens when that doesn't go, managers lose the dressing room (Allardyce) or the owner and system doesn't fit (Keegan) can we afford to gamble for another man to come in only to have another unseen problem arise, or one of old take us back to 4 months ago?


    As long as the guy keeps getting results, and can add to the squad then i'm happy for him to be here. There's no rush in replacing him unless the club is sold, and a world class manager is brought in and will get 5+ years to change the club around for life. otherwise, you'll do Joe.


    Great post.  i've been reading through this thread and seen some good stuff, some not so great (imo).  This post is pretty much how I feel too.

    I think the one really good point you make is that he does seem to learn.  Basing so much of our offense around counter attacks with Martins, now playing N'Zogbia instead of Duff, and hopefully won't slot Taylor straight back in there. 


    I just don't think he should be permanent manager though, he can probably walk away a cult hero from Newcastle and go and get a decent job in the championship, probably even get somebody promoted.  I want to avoid another Roeder.  Plus I don't trust his ability in the transfer market, he's been out of the game way too long and this squad has needed some serious rebuilding for a few years now, I'd really like to see someone with European experience and a list of contacts he can rely on. 




    Ironically Joe has actually been scouting for teams all over the world during his time away from management.


    Keegan however was in the circus.


    I am not sure if this scouting all over the world is really true, I mean who is going to fork money out of there own pocket to scout for players for errrrrrrrr no one.


    I think scouting all over the world basically means he got the dodgy Arab channels in and stayed up watching Erdivise highlights until 4 in the morning.




    Don't be daft he said he was doing it while working for clubs not just out of some longing for doing so.



  5. Joe's been spending time with Wenger down the Arsenal training ground.




    I've seen another article (in the guardian I think) where it said Wenger was that impressed with Kinnear's eye for a player that he was going to offer him a scouting job before we came in.


    Quality quote from Wenger in that article:


    "Joe is an optimist and he thinks, 'Okay, I have the job for a short time, but if I do well, I might stay in there'.


    "For somebody who has been out of a job for such a long time, you cannot deny that opportunity to him.


    "I believe he has done the right thing and he has the quality and the strengths to maybe turn people around and change their opinion about him."




    Wow ... that is so eerie.

  6. I was very meh when he was appointed, but he's had my support since that day. I simply couldn't be arsed to get too angry about it, and for me the season was damage limitation when KK walked away again. Got some funny old results under his belt, has managed to get the defence playing the best i've seen easily this decade, which is crazy talk i know, but this lot look more solid than ever i can recall, beaten by single goals when we do lose and playing as a unit not one player carrying the back line ala Woodgate. While doing that playing some nice attacking football and lifting the morale in the stands, in the club and most certainly in the players, even Zoggy is smiling and getting back to the player we loved a while ago.


    The man could even be persuading Ashley to bolster the squad in January and for me, its just a hunch but Owen is closer to signing a contract with us than ever before. I mean Owen won't leave the Country again as he can kiss goodbye to playing for England if he does, out of sight out of mind, the top 4 don't want him, most clubs cant afford him and the two that possibly do are below us in the table, and he won't be captain there.


    If it wasn't for two equalizers from former defenders i'd say his spell in charge would have been top notch. He's made poor decisions, but it really does seem the guy picks up on it and learns, not too afraid to makes decisions and not too stubborn to see that he can get it wrong, i've not seen any manager like that here, ever, inc SBR who was as stubborn as a day is long.


    He does however need to clam down and stop getting banned. Its beyond a joke. Not only has he a dodgy ticker, but obviously we need him there because whatever he says to the players, it works.


    Maybe the experience he's built over the years, and the timing of the club's demise is perfect for Kinnear. Maybe right now he is what we need? I'm hoping more than anything the big job for him has come at the right time in his career, and this unexpected series of events sees us benefiting for a change, and we got the right man, it just happens it's not the type we usually go for.


    With all this in to account, its a very difficult question of whether should he be made permanent? The players seem to get on with him, and the owner loves him and he can get on in this set up, and we've seen what happens when that doesn't go, managers lose the dressing room (Allardyce) or the owner and system doesn't fit (Keegan) can we afford to gamble for another man to come in only to have another unseen problem arise, or one of old take us back to 4 months ago?


    As long as the guy keeps getting results, and can add to the squad then i'm happy for him to be here. There's no rush in replacing him unless the club is sold, and a world class manager is brought in and will get 5+ years to change the club around for life. otherwise, you'll do Joe.


    Great post.  i've been reading through this thread and seen some good stuff, some not so great (imo).  This post is pretty much how I feel too.

    I think the one really good point you make is that he does seem to learn.  Basing so much of our offense around counter attacks with Martins, now playing N'Zogbia instead of Duff, and hopefully won't slot Taylor straight back in there. 


    I just don't think he should be permanent manager though, he can probably walk away a cult hero from Newcastle and go and get a decent job in the championship, probably even get somebody promoted.  I want to avoid another Roeder.  Plus I don't trust his ability in the transfer market, he's been out of the game way too long and this squad has needed some serious rebuilding for a few years now, I'd really like to see someone with European experience and a list of contacts he can rely on. 




    Ironically Joe has actually been scouting for teams all over the world during his time away from management.


    Keegan however was in the circus.





  7. I'm happy for Cisse as I've always rated him. It's just a shame he's doing this at Sunderland.


    Was clearly going to flourish playing alongside a proper target man like Jones, for the first time in his career. Previously he's been used to much as a lone striker and it doesn't really suit him as he isn't great at holding the ball up and working hard for 90 against a pair of centre backs.


  8. Anyone else notice Man City seem to be live on TV every fuckin week..


    Super Sunday this week at Blackburn.


    I bet you Mark Hughes isn't appreciating it at the moment though!


    The whole world viewing his ineptness.


    Oh what irony too! Santa Cruz will probably be the one to send him to the trash heap.



  9. Don't think I've ever seen 'arry so bitter.


    I saw an article in the Times where he's apparently said to his players at half time that it would be 3pts for them and 1pt wouldn't do.


    So so so so so sweet! Utter nincompoop.


    "Yeah definitely disappointed how we ever got beat today i'll never know, it was impossible to lose the game I could only see one winner really"


    "Not really no I couldn't of asked anymore we couldn't of played better then we did today certainly the Uefa Cup had nothing to do with it, we were pushing for the winner then we got dun in injury time"


    "We'll never get a better chance to come to Newcastle and win then we did today thats for sure"


    f***ing idiot that Harry Redknapp.


    Or were Tottenham that good !  :lol:


    Completely off his head.



  10. Viduka added: It was looking like it was going to end up a draw and it was a big three points for us. Its always nice as a striker to be involved and to show a little bit of your style.


    We didnt really get into those positions too much, but Damien and me have struck up a bit of an understanding between ourselves in training.


    We do those sort of moves all the time it was automatic. Im just very happy to be back on the field. It was nice to get on.


    To be involved in a winner in the last minute was something very special.





    Speaking about his dream goal, Duff says: Its always good to link up with Mark Viduka and did brilliantly to backheel the ball across to me.


    Mark can do that sort of thing and, to be fair, a couple of moves like that came off in training last week during the build-up for the game.


    Fair play to Mark, I have a lot of respect for him.




    One-twos in training?! What with Joe "he managed Wimbledon" Kinnear?!


    Well I never ...

  11. Sakho is a fantastic young player. I see no logical reason why he would come to Newcastle on a permanent basis, or on loan really. Would be fantastic to have him, but it makes little sense for PSG (who can wait a year or two for the big boys to pay top dollar) or the man himself (who is one of the most highly regarded players at a very decent club.)


    Yeah but £8 million is no small thing for an 18 year old.


    You talk about waiting two years but anything can happen in that time.


    £8 million on the table might be too tempting to pass up and PSG aren't exactly rolling in it I don't think.

  12. Tooj you're right the scouting system is not a brand new idea, most clubs do have one in place, I don't think anyone is saying it's genius.


    It's more like it's great cos we're picking up good players on the cheap, not that it's innovative.


    Yeah, obviously most clubs have a scouting system, but not of any real note.


    When the info came out on the people who had been brought in, in particular Jimenez and Vetere, I think it was fairly clear that they had a hell of a  lot of experience and some major footballing contacts around the world.


    Hopefully, it's something we can really begin to fully exploit now, as we clearly weren't able to in the summer, when there seemed to be too much of a difference of opinion a lot of the time.

  13. I'm not sure about the whole trial thing being the way the system should work, as most clubs won't necessarily let a player come on trial.


    For example this Sakho kid we are linked with is clearly a big prospect and I doubt they would let him come on on trial first.



  14. I think we'll be in  with a good chance of getting him. Seems to be at the age and experience level where a top team will not yet move for him and so we could be right in there.


    This is another advantage to getting in younger talent, as it gives us a better chance of getting really good players, albeit while they are still in their developing stages, but if it pays off it could be huge for us, and if not then they don't cost us that much anyway and a good amount of their transfer fee can be recouped.



  15. Absolutely no different from Allardyce.


    Doesn't have any grafters and bullys at Man City and so is absolutely tanking it.


    Plays Vassell ahead of Elano because he is more "workmanlike". Stupid. I might understand that against more difficult teams but West Brom?!


    Has left Gelson out of the team all season and has been giving games to Hamann. Gelson was one of their few decent players today and it's mental quite frankly.


    I hope we make a move for Gelson Fernandes as it happens. Good player.

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