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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I don't see much difference in the job either of them have done tbh.


    Although knowing how much you think of Keegan it's easy to understand why you think he done really well and Kinnear has been Mediocre.


    Keegan didn't lose to Sunderland for one - I'd have sacked Kinnear for that.





    Hardly a reason to sack someone but I can see you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.


    Keegan failed to beat Bolton, Blackburn and Boro at home and only managed to pick up 2 points out of a possible 27 against teams who finished in the top 10 last season, only managing to win 4 games out of 17 matches last season.


    This year he got a good draw away to Man Utd, struggled to break down Bolton at home, got taken to extra time by a Championship club in the cup and got absolutely battered by Arsenal, yet you think he done a good job?




    Kinnear on the other hand has been a mixed bag, some good points picked up away with draws at Chelsea, Everton and Boro with 2 good victories against top half teams like Villa and Portsmouth, apart from the late goals conceded against Stoke and Wigan which were awful his record is reasonably solid, yet because you've got a chip on your shoulder over Ashley you think that's mediocre?


    Unbelievable really.


    Agreed. It's pathetic.


    Kinnear has clearly done well so far, especially considering the circumstances under which he came into the job.


    To suggest otherwise is just down to bitterness.

  2. I don't understand why people are so harsh on Kinnear who is clearly doing a heck of a job all things considered.


    People keep taling about getting "a quality manager" in, but who are we talking about? It's something that is so difficult to get right and there are no guarantees. We've seen what just happened with Ramos at Tottenham for example.


    Kinnear clearly has the respect of the players as well as the respect of the owners which is huge and is half of the battle at football clubs. The real next test he has to pass is in the recruitment of players. If he nails this then I see no reason why he shouldn't be given an opportunity. January is key.

  3. I remember when Ashley first tookover and there was this article on his business practice and how he was only really comfortable when he surrounded himself with people he knew very well. Looks like this is basically what this comes down too. Same principles in the hiring of Wise etc.


    It's what he should have just done from the outset tbh. Now he's finally doing it, it should hopefully mean that we begin to see some better direction from the club hopefully.


    As long as we continue to perform and bring in good players I would be willing to give it a chance.



  4. He was obviously asked if he thought Joe was better than Capello and why shouldn't he say yes then?


    I also have a feeling that the reason the question was asked in the first place had something to do with the fact Capello isn't making use of Owen, while Owen is obviously performing for Kinnear.


    I don't think these quotes are anything to be overly worried or concerned about.


    What I found interesting was what he had to say about £30 million players and Newcastle not being a bottomless pit. Wonder if that was a bit of insight (or maybe even a slight dig?) concerning the previous managers targets.


    Yup. Players like Stephen Warnock are really going to break the bank.


    Oh ... sorry, I didn't realise he was our only target last summer. My apologies.


    Glad you admit that you're wrong. It's about time.


    Awesome.  :thup:

  5. He was obviously asked if he thought Joe was better than Capello and why shouldn't he say yes then?


    I also have a feeling that the reason the question was asked in the first place had something to do with the fact Capello isn't making use of Owen, while Owen is obviously performing for Kinnear.


    I don't think these quotes are anything to be overly worried or concerned about.


    What I found interesting was what he had to say about £30 million players and Newcastle not being a bottomless pit. Wonder if that was a bit of insight (or maybe even a slight dig?) concerning the previous managers targets.


    Yup. Players like Stephen Warnock are really going to break the bank.


    Oh ... sorry, I didn't realise he was our only target last summer. My apologies.

  6. He was obviously asked if he thought Joe was better than Capello and why shouldn't he say yes then?


    I also have a feeling that the reason the question was asked in the first place had something to do with the fact Capello isn't making use of Owen, while Owen is obviously performing for Kinnear.


    I don't think these quotes are anything to be overly worried or concerned about.


    What I found interesting was what he had to say about £30 million players and Newcastle not being a bottomless pit. Wonder if that was a bit of insight (or maybe even a slight dig?) concerning the previous managers targets.

  7. Very, very relieved.


    I was dreading him getting the Sunderland job where he had the ideal players for his setup and the club wouldn't have to sell, but indeed are even willing to spend more money.


    Blackburn is going to be bloody tough. Santa Cruz is pretty much gone to City already, and other than him they have nothing.


    January is a very difficult period to purchase players too and he will need a hell of a lot of players.


    Very tough gig. Hope he tanks it.

  8. Ashley needs to break the bank for Lassana Diarra if he really is available in January. Get in early and offer him big wages to sign before the CL clubs bother stumping up the cash.


    Makes my mouth water at the thought of him and Guthrie in our central midfield - we wouldn't know the meaning of being sloppy or pushovers in the centre of the park with those two there. Right now, it'd be one of the better central midfields outside the top four. In a few years time, it could easily be the best outside the top four.


    Well worth the £10-15m asking price Pompey have supposedly set.



  9. Massive offer from the club and I can hardly believe it. I think it's a great sign in general.


    If we (current ownership and the fans) can just agree huge mistakes have been made, which hopefully we have all learned from, and we can just now move forward now it would be great.


    Mike Ashley just needs to keep on moving forward now with his initial vision and continue to build up the team as he initially wanted to.

  10. But he's rubbish though. His brother is too.


    Hey this isn't a Super Eagles vs. Black Stars thing now is it. Put that aside for now.


    Kingston is better than anything we have in centre midfield for sure. Apparently going for just £3 million too.

    :lol: what? This has nothing to do with that. If we are going after Ghanian midfielders I'd much rather we get Appiah for free (same age as Kingston), Anthony Annan, Ahmed Barusso, etc. Although, to be fair, I mostly see him play with Ghana on the right flank, which isn't his natural position I guess. Regardless, I'd still not like to sign someone who must be near 30 who hasn't ever played in a top league.


    His brother really is s*** though. You know, Richard Kingson of Wigan. He's terrible. The owner of his club called him a waste of space last year. I'm amazed he plays in Europe, never mind the Premier League.


    Kingston was 28 this year, is in good health and is being made available for a good fee. Kingston really is much better through the middle than out on the right. Appiah appears to be damaged as surely someone would have moved for him by now? All the others you mentioned I'm not sure what their status' are as far as transfers go.


    By the way at what ceremony exactly where you crowned leader of the Nigerian mags? Pray tell?

    I really do wonder about Appiah. He was a great player as recently as last year and now he is unwanted. Amazing the things that happen to the careers of footballers sometimes. I think Annan plays in Norway so he should be available for a reasonable fee. Barusso keeps getting loaned out from Roma because he really isn't a very good player, but he definitely has the physicality for the Premier League. He's a very scary man.


    Also, until a challenger arises to my throne, I stake my claim to be leader of the Nigerian Mags. Honestly, it's a bit of a joke as I've not met any other Nigerian Newcastle fans besides my father and I. Even most of my cousins generally follow a London team.


    Watch your back pal. I've got Naija connections. A military coup is in the works. Your throne will be mine.



  11. Celtic wouldn't get anywhere near either Smith or Duff's wages.


    EDIT - Interesting article btw, especially this bit.


    McGeady, for instance, has always regarded himself as a creative central midfielder and has frequently looked resentful over Strachan's insistence on using his pace, ball control and potentially fruitful delivery of crosses from wide areas.


    Everybody thinks they are a creative central midfielder.


    He's tiny so he would have to play just behind the striker, so not sure where he would fit into our team if he doesn't want to play out wide.

  12. But he's rubbish though. His brother is too.


    Hey this isn't a Super Eagles vs. Black Stars thing now is it. Put that aside for now.


    Kingston is better than anything we have in centre midfield for sure. Apparently going for just £3 million too.

    :lol: what? This has nothing to do with that. If we are going after Ghanian midfielders I'd much rather we get Appiah for free (same age as Kingston), Anthony Annan, Ahmed Barusso, etc. Although, to be fair, I mostly see him play with Ghana on the right flank, which isn't his natural position I guess. Regardless, I'd still not like to sign someone who must be near 30 who hasn't ever played in a top league.


    His brother really is s*** though. You know, Richard Kingson of Wigan. He's terrible. The owner of his club called him a waste of space last year. I'm amazed he plays in Europe, never mind the Premier League.


    Kingston was 28 this year, is in good health and is being made available for a good fee. Kingston really is much better through the middle than out on the right. Appiah appears to be damaged as surely someone would have moved for him by now? All the others you mentioned I'm not sure what their status' are as far as transfers go.


    By the way at what ceremony exactly where you crowned leader of the Nigerian mags? Pray tell?

  13. Kinnear and Wise go back and so I'm pretty sure players will be recruited like they were through the summer and Joe will be more likely to work within that system.


    I think all Joe's talk of being in total control is just a front. I'm sure a big part of Kinnear being brought in and being given an extended contract was under the condition he worked with the system, seeing as the system was kept in place ahead of Keegan.


    Wouldn't make musch sense to then bring in another manager who was dead against it, which is probably why we didn't end up with someone more renowned than Kinnear.

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