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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. So we have had no quotes from Tiago or his agent saying he would prefer Spain and he doesn't want to come to England.


    All we have had so far are quotes of him supposedly saying he will not go to Everton.


    The only other quotes in this saga are from Juve, who said two prem clubs have shown interest. What's to say he hasn't spoken to ourselves and Everton and opted for us?


    Now that would be funny, as far as the media's cluelessness goes.


    Not so funny for Everton though. They have had the most unbelievably quiet transfer window I think I have ever witnessed. Sold players and brought none in. Not even a Sibierski. Damn.


    Quotes from Juve chairman today saying they reached an agreement but he didn't want to move to England.....


    Que source?

  2. I think at full strength we are ok, but if we have many games like tomorrow with make do and mend first 11's we will end up dropping too many points to finish top 8.


    We only have 3 players out, and already it's a "make do and mend first 11", and if you look at the bench, there's no-one you'd really want to bring on if you needed to change things. I think that shows how thin the squad really is. On average, most teams will have around 5-6 players injured at any time, and unless we strengthen with at least a few more players capable of holding their own in the premiership then we're going to struggle to do much better than last year when we had a fairly injury free year. We can forget trying to get into Europe with the squad we have now IMO unless we're very, very lucky with injuries, and all the new signings maintain their 1st game form.


    I also really hope we can get someone in who can take a decent free kick from just outside the box, otherwise we're just going to waste loads of good scoring opportunities throughout the season, and as a knock on effect, any team with a manager smart enough to realise we don't pose a threat at free kicks will just send his team out to hack us down outside the area whenever there's any sign of danger.


    I'd love to have someone in who's a genuine threat on dead balls. As you say it's something we badly miss, both in terms of a direct goal threat and the capacity to make the opposition think.


    Danny G is looking really good on his set pieces tbf.


    We just need to ensure Milner stops trying to sneak some in himself as he sucks at it.

  3. Wasn't nervous last week, I predicted a 1 - 1 result at work and won myself some loot!


    This week I'm not really nervous either, just looking forward to the game.


    Bolton will be tough, but no matter what we will play the right way and play to win, so we will be in with a very good chance of a result.

  4. So we have had no quotes from Tiago or his agent saying he would prefer Spain and he doesn't want to come to England.


    All we have had so far are quotes of him supposedly saying he will not go to Everton.


    The only other quotes in this saga are from Juve, who said two prem clubs have shown interest. What's to say he hasn't spoken to ourselves and Everton and opted for us?


    Now that would be funny, as far as the media's cluelessness goes.


    Not so funny for Everton though. They have had the most unbelievably quiet transfer window I think I have ever witnessed. Sold players and brought none in. Not even a Sibierski. Damn.

  5. Anyhow, *ignores the unwashed above*, I think we'll still have a few players in by the deadline.


    Quite fed up of all this talk of a 'wow' signing.  It smells of FFS syndrome to me.


    If we get 3 players that are up to the standard shown of Bassong/Guthrie/Jonas/Collo I will be very happy with the transfer window and the recruitments performance.


    Oh without a shadow of a doubt. I am very confident we will be getting in more players who are of a high quality. I think the recruitment team have proved themselves tbh. We will look back on this window as being a really special one I think.

  6. tbf I think Sunderland have made some really good signings this summer. It's all relative. These are good moves for their club. Anyone they approach will now look at their club and at least be familiar with a good number of the players there.


    Rafa was an absolute idiot when it came to Cisse, and Cisse in particular could be a very good move for them. I think he is at least as good as Darren Bent, who isn't that bad at all. Cisse, Diouf, Malbranque ... that's a solid three players righ there.


    It's going to be a lot more fun playing, and beating, them  :razz: and I'm looking forward to it.


    I'm pretty sure they will beat Tottenham this weekend.



  7. Gerrard is such a fraud. all he does is give away the ball with his ridiculous long cross field passes, both him and Beckham continuously did this last night, time and time again. This despite having both Lampard and Barry moving around and making themselves available for the short passes.


    This the reason the game so often tends to pass Lampard by, because he does prefer to play shorter passes to feet and then move.


    Gerrard scores the odd screamer and people think he is so great, but he isn't that disciplined or intelligent of a player most of the time. That's why Rafa is always trying to put him in positions where he has less tactical responsibilities. At Livepool players like Mascherano and Alonso make him look a lot better.

  8. Just to add ...


    If Tiago keeps being a pansy about coming back to Engalnd or joingin Newcastle, I would like for us to try for De La Red.


    Double deal for both De La Red and Saviola would be very nice.

  9. Course he'd rather stay at Madrid, who wouldn't?


    Still reckon we'd have a decent chance of getting him if we really pursued it, whether we are after him or not is anyone's guess.


    As I said about 5 pages ago I think he'd be a great acquisition, but we'd need to bring in a quality CM to go with him, someone who can give the likes of Owen, Martins and Saviola the quality service to feet that they would thrive on. It'd be an exciting move going for him rather than a Viduka type, as it'd be a pretty clear statement of intent from KK that we're looking to play the ball on the deck as much as possible, which I'm all for.


    Agree completely.


    hadn't thought about it the shak puts it there before but i like it yeah, a strikeforce of pace, power & technique built around playing it on the floor


    as he rightly points out the CM would be key though


    Thinking about it further I would actually leave Owen in the hole as he was last season, and allow Martins and Saviola to really stretch teams with their pace, with Owen arriving late in the box.


    Support that front three with a hardworking midfield three that can pass the ball e.g. Jonas, Tiago(?) and Guthrie, and we are set. We would be especially devastating on the counter attack.


  10. Course he'd rather stay at Madrid, who wouldn't?


    Still reckon we'd have a decent chance of getting him if we really pursued it, whether we are after him or not is anyone's guess.


    As I said about 5 pages ago I think he'd be a great acquisition, but we'd need to bring in a quality CM to go with him, someone who can give the likes of Owen, Martins and Saviola the quality service to feet that they would thrive on. It'd be an exciting move going for him rather than a Viduka type, as it'd be a pretty clear statement of intent from KK that we're looking to play the ball on the deck as much as possible, which I'm all for.


    Agree completely.

  11. England's uselessness is down to two people. Beckham and Gerrard.


    For supposed "top class" midfielders they sure do love to play the wasteful crossfield long ball a hell of a lot, often onto the oppositions defenders heads.


    I feel for Lampard and Barry. They try to play it short and move into space to receive the ball, but once Gerrard and Beckham got a hold of it, that was the end of any hopes of keeping the ball on the ground and playing a pass and move game.


    I really was startled at how awful Gerrard and Beckham were. The odd screamer from Gerrard and the odd cross from Beckham cannot forgive such poor play and waste of the ball.


    Beyond a shadow of a doubt the midfield should be Barry/Hargreaves with Lampard. Ashley Young and Joe Cole out wide. Will it ever happen under Capello though? Hell no.



  12. I think maybe Enrique doesn't get forward enough for Kev's tastes.


    Pocognoli is very attack minded from what I've seen of him in the olympics.


    It doesn't make sense to have two left backs this young Enrique might move on with another more experienced left back coming in.

  13. Cisse. :lol:


    Be very careful. If you really think about it, it isn't that funny. Rafa was an absolute idiot and didn't exploit the guys strengths.


    I'm just hoping he signs in time to thump three past Tottenhma this weekend.


    Yes, it will definitely happen.



  14. Do you lot not understand that Kolo Toure is about to become the world's most dominant defensive midfielder.


    Never doubt the evil genius that is Arsene Wenger. He just wants to maintain a prem experienced centre back pairing while moving Toure into centre mid.


    I bet Silvestre performs a lot better under the more relaxed Wenger too, and alongside all his fellow French brethren.


    Ash you'll be applauding this move in a few months.




    Brummie I agree with what you say about footballers salaries as it really is out of control. However, in Lampards case he has at least been very productive for Chelsea.


    Don't get me wrong, Lampard has certainly delivered the goods for Chelsea, but *one hundred and fifty thousand pounds* *a week*.


    We're so used to these figures we shrug it off.


    Let's get the c***s on the maximum wage again, and shoot Jimmy Hill. And Murdoch.


    Yeah, I know.


    Lampard's salary is so absurd as it is, but to actually pay someone who has been so absent a similar amount is infinitely more absurd, is my point.


    David Icke makes an interesting point regarding the far east but still ... craziness.

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