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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. No more waiting on Viduka. Thank God for that. Looks like it's the 4-3-1-2 then. Nice!




    Is this what Keegan meant when he said "I think the (Milner) sale will allow us to go in a slightly different direction".


    I think it's very likely.


    The Colombian we might be bringing in on loan I think might be cover for Barton in the 4-3-1-2 setup as it is likely he will be out for 16 games they are saying, or something ridiculous like that.


    I think we have always been looking out for a loan option such as this to cover for Barton, as that would pretty much rule him out of making any serious contribution this season.






    is the colombian gonzalez?


    Yes, thats who I meant.



  2. No more waiting on Viduka. Thank God for that. Looks like it's the 4-3-1-2 then. Nice!




    Is this what Keegan meant when he said "I think the (Milner) sale will allow us to go in a slightly different direction".


    I think it's very likely.


    The Colombian we might be bringing in on loan I think might be cover for Barton in the 4-3-1-2 setup as it is likely he will be out for 16 games they are saying, or something ridiculous like that.


    I think we have always been looking out for a loan option such as this to cover for Barton, as that would pretty much rule him out of making any serious contribution this season.





  3. Okay was I dreaming when KK himself said that 2 signings were already well down the line?!


    So why are people still saying we won't sign anyone?


    How weird are you guys? Why are you trying to convince yourselves that youhave any idea what you are talking about?


    If you don't have anything to say then shut up. Stop talking just for the sake of it.

  4. Well, well, well Tottenham finally playing Modric in a more attaking position i.e. just behind the striker, with Jenas and Zokora in midfield.


    Makes a lot more sense to be honest, should be interesting to see how much more effective he can be there.


    Certainly a much better idea.

  5. Kaka in future by all means debate with me, that's great and what this forum's for. I'm glad you've been entertained like i have watching the team we love for the last 2 hours. But please in future do not feel you have to question my sanity or throw other insults at me. I respect you and would like the same mate. cheers  :thup:


    Fair enough greydos. Apologies. We'll have to agree to disagree on this, as I think Taylor was awful. Similar to Milner, still looks just like he has done since he came into the team, hardly any improvemet at all.


    Man ... I get so wound up watching these guys sometimes.


    It's understandable to lose to Arsenal, but don't look so damn clueless and pathetic doing it for goodness sake. You would think half of them had never seen a football before.

  6. Outclassed today.


    Given 8 - Best keeper in the league would have been 6-0 if not for him

    Beye 5 - ok not all that good though.

    Taylor 4 - Ripped to shreds at times

    Colo 6 - decent

    Enrique 6 - Was looking good (Bassong 6.5 - Early days but like the look of him so far).

    Jonas 7.5 - Our best outfield player by some distance. Great tracking back, and had a real go at them.

    Butt 5.5 - A mixture of good and bad moments. Unlucky with his header

    Gutherie 5 - Doesn't do enough for me.

    Zoggy 5 - runs came to nothing

    Ameobi 5 - Tried, but did very little overall.

    Owen  5 - Didn't  really happen for him today, no supply.




    Taylor was better than Colo by some distance for me. STrong in the air, positionally good and saved what should have been a goal when Colo stepped up to challenge Vela, got turned and it ended up with Walcott 8 yards out hitting it wide at the near post because Taylor's positioning covered half the goal the other side of Shay.


    Guthrie's passing is immense, just wish he had players with better end product to give it to.


    I think you must have lost your mind.


    Coloccini was playing at centre back by himself today. Of course Coloccini stepped up to challenge Vela, he was stepping up to challenge their attackers all game! And he was winning a lot of tackles. That is what you are supposed to do.


    If it was left to Taylor he would keep backing off till he ended up in the goal with the ball. That is not how to defend. This is why he seems to be invisible half the time. It is because he never steps up to tackle anyone or try to win the ball or apply pressure. He keeps backing off again and again and so ends up in awful positions where he is way too deep in the box. It's terrible defending by a bad defender.


    I can't believe you've just watched that game and can come out saying Taylor played better. It's quite startling.It's amazing to me.


    Have to agree. Thought Taylor was subpar. There was a run of play where Adebayor had the ball on the right wing and Taylor just kept backing off and backing off. Jonas came in and actually pressured him for the ball and forced him to make a pass under pressure.


    And he's still holding his f***ing arms out.


    You just never back away like that, it's not the way to defend. Get low face the attacker, try and force them one way and get in position to put a tackle in. At the very worst you slow them down till help arrives.


    You are the last line of protection. What sense does it make to run towards your goal when an attacker is coming at you. It infuriates me.  It's really basic stuff, but yet he's still doing it. Why no one points this out to him I will never know.


    Depressing to watch.

  7. Outclassed today.


    Given 8 - Best keeper in the league would have been 6-0 if not for him

    Beye 5 - ok not all that good though.

    Taylor 4 - Ripped to shreds at times

    Colo 6 - decent

    Enrique 6 - Was looking good (Bassong 6.5 - Early days but like the look of him so far).

    Jonas 7.5 - Our best outfield player by some distance. Great tracking back, and had a real go at them.

    Butt 5.5 - A mixture of good and bad moments. Unlucky with his header

    Gutherie 5 - Doesn't do enough for me.

    Zoggy 5 - runs came to nothing

    Ameobi 5 - Tried, but did very little overall.

    Owen  5 - Didn't  really happen for him today, no supply.




    Taylor was better than Colo by some distance for me. STrong in the air, positionally good and saved what should have been a goal when Colo stepped up to challenge Vela, got turned and it ended up with Walcott 8 yards out hitting it wide at the near post because Taylor's positioning covered half the goal the other side of Shay.


    Guthrie's passing is immense, just wish he had players with better end product to give it to.


    I think you must have lost your mind.


    Coloccini was playing at centre back by himself today. Of course Coloccini stepped up to challenge Vela, he was stepping up to challenge their attackers all game! And he was winning a lot of tackles. That is what you are supposed to do.


    If it was left to Taylor he would keep backing off till he ended up in the goal with the ball. That is not how to defend. This is why he seems to be invisible half the time. It is because he never steps up to tackle anyone or try to win the ball or apply pressure. He keeps backing off again and again and so ends up in awful positions where he is way too deep in the box. It's terrible defending by a bad defender.


    I can't believe you've just watched that game and can come out saying Taylor played better. It's quite startling.It's amazing to me.


    Loan work permits are easier to get.


    We once had a loan work permit for Friedel.


    I'm sure we couldn't get a work permit for him and I'm sure the mackems also tried and failed.


    We had signed Friedel on a short term loan, and we only sent him back when we discovered he wasn't going to get a permit for a long term deal.


    Apparently work permits aren't an issue because he has an Italian passport.


    Gonzalez does?

  9. ermmm are you slow in normal life??


    you said he's a good left back to which i replied "yeh he's a good player but ridicuulously eratic". I then said the exact same thing i'm saying now.


    Even in my posts on this thread you would see that i made a point in saying he's bad at LEFT BACK. I also stated that he had good games for us at left mid. If i said he was a s*** player, you'd have a point but as usual, your point is invalid.


    KD man, no point upsetting yourself and getting overexcited. If he signs he will soon enough be on the pitch for us and then everyone will see for themselvs what sort of player he is.


    What I know for certain is that he is not a terrible left back ... neither is he the best in the world though, but he is very capable and a solid option for us. He is neither a shit player as someone else on here says.


    We'll see soon enough.

  10. Timothée Atouba has looked good for Hamburg at left back. Still only 26. In the last year of his contract too.


    What exactly happened with him at Tottenham again?


    Yeh he's a good player but was ridiculously eratic. The guy would constantly try these little flick and dummies,  even though he was in his own area.


    KD we talked about this already (see above). You didn't say he was ridiculously bad then? Or he was terrible at left back specifically? tut tut tut ...


    I do agree though. He can be a bit too playful at the back, but he is a presence, and he does defend and attack well. His left foot is also very good.


    Behave KD. I know your poor start to the season has got you down, but don't take it out on us okay.


    That quote proves what?


    That one sentence shows i'm saying the exact same thing about him being eratic and doing flicks in his own area. I didn't go into detail then but i am now. I corrected you on your false analysis of the player.


    As i said, Atouba can be good as a left midfielder but he's beyond s**** playing left back.


    I feel sad for you KD ...


    You sound desperate. I know we've been harsh with Tottenham's poor start to the season and all the mocking, but you deserved it.


    In my quote I said Atouba was looking good at left-back, to which you responded yeah he's a good player but eratic, whcih I agree with.


    Game Over playa. You lose.

  11. Why is everyone all of sudden questioning his every word?


    This man is our best ever manager, and knows exactly what the fans want, but more importantly what the club needs to succeed.


    Regardless of what happens in the rest of the transfer window, I trust KK to get it right.


    He's not a liar, and the way some of his comments and ideas are being pulled apart is pathetic.


    The doomongers are holding on for dear life that's why.


    Have you not seen what they have been saying? They had convinced themselves there was a problem, and that Keegan and Ashley were at loggerheads over Milner, and he would walk over this traversty etc etc.


    Turns out it's nothing like that though! Instead of jumping of that fast sinking ship they are still trying to save face. It will all end in tears come Monday. Then again, I'm sure even after new players have come in they will begin to question how good they are and why they were so cheap etc etc etc.


    One pathetic never ending moan that just goes on and on and on ...

  12. Timothée Atouba has looked good for Hamburg at left back. Still only 26. In the last year of his contract too.


    What exactly happened with him at Tottenham again?


    Yeh he's a good player but was ridiculously eratic. The guy would constantly try these little flick and dummies,  even though he was in his own area.


    KD we talked about this already (see above). You didn't say he was ridiculously bad then? Or he was terrible at left back specifically? tut tut tut ...


    I do agree though. He can be a bit too playful at the back, but he is a presence, and he does defend and attack well. His left foot is also very good.


    Behave KD. I know your poor start to the season has got you down, but don't take it out on us okay.

  13. I saw this one as a strong possibility as I suggested it in a few threads.


    He was very young when he was at Spurs and has matured quite a bit since then. Besides he was never terrible at Spurs just a bit inconsistent.


    First things first, he is a beast (6 ft 3). Very, very strong and does put his foot in. However, he is also technically gifted and does love to be in posession of the football. He will scare the hell out of you sometimes as he loves to dribble the ball/play the ball out of defence. He is quite flamboyant like that, it is fun to watch at times i.e. when you are up 2 - 0!


    Geremi would have vouched for him, as would Chris Houghton. Prem experienced. Will be very affordable as he is in his last year contract wise. oh yeah ... he can also play left wing too as he is very attack minded and as I said loves to get on the ball.


    Very solid signing. He'll enjoy playing for Keegan.

  14. Got to bring in Lennon now.


    I know his end product is questionable, but his place is under threat if not completely gone, but he does have bags of pace, and we could possibly work on the rest of his problems over the coming season.


    I wonder if the Milner money could stretch for him and Larsson?




    So we've just sold Milner for £12 million, and of all the players on God's green Earth the best you can come up with is Lennon?! That's frightening!


    Wouldn't we essentially be back to square one? A player who flatters to deceive but never actually produces an end product? Just in this case Lennon is a bit quicker. No thanks. Knowing Tottenham they would demand £12 million and all!


    There are much better payers out there who are rumoured to be available this summer and would cost less. Prime example is Seb Larsson. We could even go abroad and bring in someone like Jaroslav Plasil or even Joaquin.




    Agreed. But Joaquin would want very high wages probably and is very inconsistent. Only class when he's in the mood. And om not sure he would like to move to the north east either. Would rather go for other players than him, But who knows. Could be a good signing. But a risky signing imo..


    You're right it would be risky.


    Ideally I would have Seb Larsson come in.

  15. Got to bring in Lennon now.


    I know his end product is questionable, but his place is under threat if not completely gone, but he does have bags of pace, and we could possibly work on the rest of his problems over the coming season.


    I wonder if the Milner money could stretch for him and Larsson?




    So we've just sold Milner for £12 million, and of all the players on God's green Earth the best you can come up with is Lennon?! That's frightening!


    Wouldn't we essentially be back to square one? A player who flatters to deceive but never actually produces an end product? Just in this case Lennon is a bit quicker. No thanks. Knowing Tottenham they would demand £12 million and all!


    There are much better payers out there who are rumoured to be available this summer and would cost less. Prime example is Seb Larsson. We could even go abroad and bring in someone like Jaroslav Plasil or even Joaquin.








    You did see him in the friendly against us right?


    He might have been off form the past season or so but there is no doubting his quality. A change of scenery might be all it takes, and we could likely get him for a good price at the moment.


    If your trying to compare Lennon to Joaquin please don't.

  16. Has not evaporated for me. I have more confidence than ever.


    The way we have gone about selling Milner so quickly makes me even more confident that we are in position to bring in more players shortly.


    I've already said it, but I'll say it again, I think Mike Ashley is being underestimated big time. The big goofy grin and the Newcastle jersey has people fooled. I think he likes it that way too.

  17. Got to bring in Lennon now.


    I know his end product is questionable, but his place is under threat if not completely gone, but he does have bags of pace, and we could possibly work on the rest of his problems over the coming season.


    I wonder if the Milner money could stretch for him and Larsson?




    So we've just sold Milner for £12 million, and of all the players on God's green Earth the best you can come up with is Lennon?! That's frightening!


    Wouldn't we essentially be back to square one? A player who flatters to deceive but never actually produces an end product? Just in this case Lennon is a bit quicker. No thanks. Knowing Tottenham they would demand £12 million and all!


    There are much better payers out there who are rumoured to be available this summer and would cost less. Prime example is Seb Larsson. We could even go abroad and bring in someone like Jaroslav Plasil or even Joaquin.



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