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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I am unconvinced that the top four other than Chelsea have gotten better. In fact I think the other three have regressed a bit while some mid-table clubs have improved: the smoggies, Villa and us. Man City, Everton and Spurs have lost ground.


    One of the biggest question marks for me is Pompey. A good squad and an underrated manager, but is the squad big enough? Can they cope without/ or replace Sully Muntari? And most importantly will the team and manager have the mettle to bounce back from a motherf*cker of a start to the season (They will probably be 20th into October)?


    Redknapp has lost the plot.


    He is actually sticking to playing Papa Bouba Diop out on the right. Where the hell he got this absurd idea from I will never know.


    This has resulted in no service to Crouch and Defoe who can't really create anything for themselves. They look awful.

  2. Stephen Mbia


    But just what type of a player is he?


    "I don't see myself as a taller Makelele, even though I think he's a great player," he said. "I see myself more as an Pirlo-type player. Yes, I play in front of the back four, but I like to be a playmaker, to supply the midfielders and strikers who go forward, rather than being defensive-minded."




    I love the sound of that tbh. Exactly the type of DM/Holding midfielder we should be after. Rather than just a destroyer. Would love for someone liek this to come in and replace Butt.



  3. Milner to Villa and Skjelbred in?




    Skjelbred's a CM.


    Maybe Kev is going with the same narrow midfield as we had last season. Besides, we have far more wingers than CMs, so we could do with losing Milner.


    Jonas, Duff, Zoggy and Geremi do a better job than milner out wide. He's kind of expendable right now.

  4. Spurs man f***ing hell :lol:



    Bottom 3?






    Do it on the pitch you losers. Still a bunch of bottlers.


    Where are all the Spurs groupies now?!


    Clear off.


  5. Juventus chief Alessio Secco admits Tiago could still move to Everton, despite his public rejection of the Premiership club this week.

    Secco said: "He has a contract with us and has the right to stay. Let's see if maybe he can change his mind in the next days. The possibility of going to play in the English Championship, where he still is known and has already done so, all things considered, well, is the chance for him to play with continuity.


    "I think it was, however, an important opportunity for him, in order to improve."



  6. I'm really nervous about tomorrow, tbh. It's a very important game for us, as I feel we still don't quite know how good our squad really is, and it's a game we really should win. A win tomorrow and we'll all look forward to a great season, but if we don't, we'll be worrying that we might be in for another season of cack.


    Wow. Chill out.


    It's not a "very important game"and this one game really shouldn't have us worrying about the season being cack if we don't win.


    The fact is we are still putting our team together due to injuries as well as still trying to get players in.


    Yes, we are capable of beating Bolton, but they started off the season very well too and will be on a high and as always will be physical and committed.


    It's certainly not a guaranteed win, and considering everything I wouldn't say it is a game that should be a formality. Yes, we can win it and should aim to do so, but it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world if we didn't.

  7. So we have had no quotes from Tiago or his agent saying he would prefer Spain and he doesn't want to come to England.


    All we have had so far are quotes of him supposedly saying he will not go to Everton.


    The only other quotes in this saga are from Juve, who said two prem clubs have shown interest. What's to say he hasn't spoken to ourselves and Everton and opted for us?


    Now that would be funny, as far as the media's cluelessness goes.


    Not so funny for Everton though. They have had the most unbelievably quiet transfer window I think I have ever witnessed. Sold players and brought none in. Not even a Sibierski. Damn.


    Quotes from Juve chairman today saying they reached an agreement but he didn't want to move to England.....


    Que source?



    So no actual quotes then?


    Anyway ... if true then Tiago really is a blockhead.



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