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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I have no doubt this window is going to end with a bang.


    Remember when West Ham landed Tevez and Mascherano on the last day? Well its our turn for something similar.


    Mike Ashley and his boys are just too good. These guys are on the ball I tell you.


    Landed Jonas for what? £2 million. Landed Coloccini for what looks like a very reasonable £9 million and didn't flinch when that stupid Depor chairman started acting the fool, and about to sell Milner for £10 million +?!


    I cannot stop giggling right now  :lol:

  2. :lol:


    I might have to start an official James Milner fan club. He's about to net us £10 million+?! Wait ... what!


    So Milner is going to cost more than Coloccini and Jonas combined?!


    This is unreal. Villa are alright so I hope he does okay for them, but £12 million  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    This is craziness. Milner sucks.  :lol:


    Damn. Looks like we finally have some really shrewd and smart mofos running our club.


    If they pull this off I have no doubt they will also be able to land some quality players by Monday. I'm sure everything is in place already.

  3. Keegan needs to accept the Board's position here. We're actually reasonably well off for the wide positions, with Jonas, Zoggy, Duff and Lua Lua coming through. Milner's been good, but not outstanding, and we don't need him badly enough to allow him to force the club's hand.


    With the strikers, similarly KK can't expect the Board to shell out big money just to cover for injuries, none of which are long-term. The thinking of the Board has to be long-term, and strategic, not reactive to short-term considerations.


    None of those are as good as Milner on the right wing.


    Ashley is a f***ing idiot, and he's apparently populated his Board with f***ing idiots.


    Keegan woudl be well off out of this shambles.


    Big club?? Don't make me f***ing laugh. We're going to struggle to remain an avergae sized club with these arseholes.


    I just can't wait to see where things stand come Tuesday morning, with both the number of players we have in and their quality.


    I feel then that some of the drama queens on here will feel really silly then.


    so you expecting players in then, Kaka




    I think we seriously underestimate the new guy we have in charge. I just think he is going about his business without panicking or getting flustered and ultimately we will get exactly what we need when all is said and done.


    I am looking forward to it. Every player brought in so far has been good and I am expecting more of the same. The structure he spent so much time and money putting in place is working and will continue to do so.


    I think we are all panicking and to some extent I think even Keegan is, as his role in the negotiation and purchase of incoming transfers probably isn't as big as he is used to. Ultimately I think it will all come together very nicely. I just feel very confident.

  4. Keegan needs to accept the Board's position here. We're actually reasonably well off for the wide positions, with Jonas, Zoggy, Duff and Lua Lua coming through. Milner's been good, but not outstanding, and we don't need him badly enough to allow him to force the club's hand.


    With the strikers, similarly KK can't expect the Board to shell out big money just to cover for injuries, none of which are long-term. The thinking of the Board has to be long-term, and strategic, not reactive to short-term considerations.


    None of those are as good as Milner on the right wing.


    Ashley is a f***ing idiot, and he's apparently populated his Board with f***ing idiots.


    Keegan woudl be well off out of this shambles.


    Big club?? Don't make me f***ing laugh. We're going to struggle to remain an avergae sized club with these arseholes.


    I just can't wait to see where things stand come Tuesday morning, with both the number of players we have in and their quality.


    I feel then that some of the drama queens on here will feel really silly then.


    Man City and Sunderland have signed around 4 players in the space of a few days.


    I am fully expecting us to do the same between now and Monday. I think we will definitely sign at least three new players.


    This regime came up with the goods at the end of the window last summer, and I believe they will do so again.



    :angel:  praying..


    Good on you  :smug: :thup:


    No matter what happens, don't soil those underpants.

  6. Man City and Sunderland have signed around 4 players in the space of a few days.


    I am fully expecting us to do the same between now and Monday. I think we will definitely sign at least three new players.


    This regime came up with the goods at the end of the window last summer, and I believe they will do so again.

  7. I've heard Larsson's on £4k per week in the Championship.


    He would gladly take the wages Milner is currently on, as he certainly won't be on anythng close to that.


    So we could potentially get a player who is clearly better and just as good a pro for less money and less wages, who is also prem experienced.


    Hopefully this is what we have been working on in the last week with Birmingham. Their signing of Owusu-Abeyie gave me huge hope, and thankfully they are going pretty well at the moment. I think it is a very good possibility, and I would be ecstatic.


    Milner would be an absolute afterthought if we signed Larsson.



    i don't think it's clear.


    Neither do i...


    Well I hope we sign him.


    I will be proved right and you will all be proved very wrong. It's a joke to compare the two players, it really is. Have you not seen him play or something?



    yes i have seen both players play,and my guess is most prem managers have aswell and most would want milner instead of larsson.



  8. I've heard Larsson's on £4k per week in the Championship.


    He would gladly take the wages Milner is currently on, as he certainly won't be on anythng close to that.


    So we could potentially get a player who is clearly better and just as good a pro for less money and less wages, who is also prem experienced.


    Hopefully this is what we have been working on in the last week with Birmingham. Their signing of Owusu-Abeyie gave me huge hope, and thankfully they are going pretty well at the moment. I think it is a very good possibility, and I would be ecstatic.


    Milner would be an absolute afterthought if we signed Larsson.



    i don't think it's clear.


    Neither do i...


    Well I hope we sign him.


    I will be proved right and you will all be proved very wrong. It's a joke to compare the two players, it really is. Have you not seen him play or something?



  9. I've heard Larsson's on £4k per week in the Championship.


    He would gladly take the wages Milner is currently on, as he certainly won't be on anythng close to that.


    So we could potentially get a player who is clearly better and just as good a pro for less money and less wages, who is also prem experienced.


    Hopefully this is what we have been working on in the last week with Birmingham. Their signing of Owusu-Abeyie gave me huge hope, and thankfully they are going pretty well at the moment. I think it is a very good possibility, and I would be ecstatic.


    Milner would be an absolute afterthought if we signed Larsson.



    i don't think it's clear.


    Well his set pieces are first rate, as are his crosses.


    Not a speedster either, but he doesn't linger on the ball. Typical Arsenal player, will pass the ball on time and work to get into spaces where he can be dangerous. Will still beat a player though, when in the right situation to do so.


    Good team player and does his bit defensively.


    Also has a decent shot on him and all.


    Doesn't lack anything which Milner has, but is a much higher quality player in every department. Lovely footballer.

  10. I would be happy with Larsson, maybe not the same workrate but technically he is better.


    Get any Birmingham supporter on here and they will tell you his workrate is indeed excellent.


    The only problem with that suggestion would be finding one who can write, let alone operate a computer.




    Actually we should just ask Ash. I'm sure he saw enough of him at Arsenal.

  11. I've heard Larsson's on £4k per week in the Championship.


    He would gladly take the wages Milner is currently on, as he certainly won't be on anythng close to that.


    So we could potentially get a player who is clearly better and just as good a pro for less money and less wages, who is also prem experienced.


    Hopefully this is what we have been working on in the last week with Birmingham. Their signing of Owusu-Abeyie gave me huge hope, and thankfully they are going pretty well at the moment. I think it is a very good possibility, and I would be ecstatic.


    Milner would be an absolute afterthought if we signed Larsson.



  12. I would be happy with Larsson, maybe not the same workrate but technically he is better.


    Get any Birmingham supporter on here and they will tell you his workrate is indeed excellent.


    As for the guy who thinks Keegan would prefer a player of Milner's quality to Larsson, I think you are living in cuckoo land brother.

  13. Pretty confident that it will be Larsson, and that would be brilliant business as he will cost far less than £10 million.


    I'm also confident that if you presented Keegan with either Larsson or Milner, he would take Larsson everytime.


    Guess what? Larsson is also just as committed and is a very good professional, has been very classy considering he has wanted to leave Birmingham since getting relegated. Difference is though, he is a much better footballer.

  14. Newcastle and Aston Villa are keeping tabs on Standard Liege midfielder Marouane Felliani, although they could be put off by the Belgian club's £10m price tag. (Daily Mail)


    Heneage, is he any good?


    "Known for his heading ability and stamina which makes him one of the best box to box midfielders in the Jupiler League."


    Played vs Liverpool and created a lot of problems for them. Good in the air. Always makes his opposition be quiet:




    Have liked the look of him tonight. Huge presence and gets around the pitch to break things up, also very tidy with the ball. Nice looking DM.

  15. Why are people having a go at Villa. They didn't need to tap him up they have wanted him for ages.


    The guy wants to go so let him go. I swear we could buy a better player for £1 million. Get over it.


    He is never a first teamer here, but will be at Villa so fair enough.


    As far as the trasnfer request goes, in hindsight, maybe he has just done this so we do not have to give him a loyalty payment, which is fair enough.


    For what it's worth I think Keegan has been bigging him up to get a better fee for him. I thinkt he same tactic has been used regarding Smith also.


    I cannot wait for who we will be bringing in as a replacement, especially as our signings this summer have been gold so far.


    name me a better player that you could get for £1mil.


    Palacios initially cost Bruce 1 million Euros and there are many more out there.


    ah right, problem solved then. lets just go and get one of those "many more" sell Milner for £10mil and we're laughing!


    Precisely! That is what the scouting network is for.


    Bassong and Guthrie combined will be less than half of what we will likely get for Milner. That in itself is a joke.



  16. Why are people having a go at Villa. They didn't need to tap him up they have wanted him for ages.


    The guy wants to go so let him go. I swear we could buy a better player for £1 million. Get over it.


    He is never a first teamer here, but will be at Villa so fair enough.


    As far as the trasnfer request goes, in hindsight, maybe he has just done this so we do not have to give him a loyalty payment, which is fair enough.


    For what it's worth I think Keegan has been bigging him up to get a better fee for him. I thinkt he same tactic has been used regarding Smith also.


    I cannot wait for who we will be bringing in as a replacement, especially as our signings this summer have been gold so far.


    name me a better player that you could get for £1mil.


    Palacios initially cost Bruce 1 million Euros and there are many more out there.

  17. so itll be a half fit Owen upfront with a novice striker Spidey and Geremi out on the right against Arsenal, OMG.


    You mean the Geremi who has continually out played James Milner?


    Hell yeah!


    I love how Milner has all of a sudden become our best player in the space of a couple of hours.


    I guarantee you know one will remember the guy in a couple of weeks time. Lets get in the replacement who is virtually guaranteed to be a better player.


    You don't win anything with a team of James milners! Even freakin' Souness knew this. Get real.


    This thread is really pissing me off now.

  18. Why are people having a go at Villa. They didn't need to tap him up they have wanted him for ages.


    The guy wants to go so let him go. I swear we could buy a better player for £1 million. Get over it.


    He is never a first teamer here, but will be at Villa so fair enough.


    As far as the trasnfer request goes, in hindsight, maybe he has just done this so we do not have to give him a loyalty payment, which is fair enough.


    For what it's worth I think Keegan has been bigging him up to get a better fee for him. I thinkt he same tactic has been used regarding Smith also.


    I cannot wait for who we will be bringing in as a replacement, especially as our signings this summer have been gold so far.

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