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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We have Taylor, Cacapa, Faye and Beye who can all play there right? The guy wouldn't have played at all with the Africans returning.


    What we really need is a left back if anything. Sick of seeing Zoggy back there as soon as Enrique gets crocked.


    Milner also needs some competition. Playing all these games will only make him look worse. Has he had a break yet this season?

  2. If this guy is a right footed winger type then he will be competition for Milner, and this is absolutely vital for us the rest of the season.


    I am really hopeful that the decision to pull out of the Barnes deal was because we felt happier spending more on this fella rather than Barnes.


    Skirge make it happen buddy.

  3. Was on a Czech footie forum earlier to ask about what kind of player Kalouda is.....


    Left sided, more winger, quick, good dribbler. Hard to compare to someone playing stylewise, maybe Jefferson Farfan




    Zoggy's replacement?


    No smoke without fire etc etc.

  4. As for the Milner through the middle stuff, it's worth a try but I'm not so sure if he can do it.


    He was played just off the striker a few times under Roeder and he just ended up drifting wide all game. We were essentially playing with one striker and one extra winger on the left side.


    As a pure CM though ... maybe, but I doubt it. Simply because he has such a bad habit of losing the ball by dribbling straight into people. I'm not sure he's savvy enough, or subtle enough. Doesn't pass and move enough for me. I just can't quite see it in him.


    If anything I see him as a right back. He has the work rate to do a good job defensively as well as join attacks, and he would have more success attacking from deep and going up against the oppositions wingers rather than full backs.

  5. Deal not dead apparently, player terms agreed but not a fee agreed between the two clubs.


    Named as sub tonight for Derby however, which could be an inkling that it's unlikely we'll agree a fee either before the deadline.


    I love you for the hope you have brought us.


    If he is only a sub then that is a great sign!


    I will hold onto this for now.

  6. I'm not saying we have to sign Routledge. I would love it if we could get Barnes or someone else.


    All I know is we have one right winger and he is awfully dissapointing.


    So if we aren't willing to pay a lot for Barnes and there is no one else, are you telling me it isn't worth bringing in Routledge for a million on a short contract which he is willing to sign?


    Come off it!


    Fair point.


    Even Parky approves so you know I'm onto something here.




    If we don't get Barnes in it will be rather baffling.


    Especially as it doesn't look like we will even be trying Zoggy on the left with Duff on the right and Milner on the bench, which in all honesty is what we should be doing right now.

  7. I'm not saying we have to sign Routledge. I would love it if we could get Barnes or someone else.


    All I know is we have one right winger and he is awfully dissapointing.


    So if we aren't willing to pay a lot for Barnes and there is no one else, are you telling me it isn't worth bringing in Routledge for a million on a short contract which he is willing to sign?


    Come off it!

  8. Pretty fair price for Routledge, you can just tell Villa will ressurect his career though  :tickedoff:


    18 month deal seems very short.


    £1.25m and such a top class player, you would have thought Villa would have put more commitment into the deal. Routledge probably knows Real Madrid will come knocking in about 6 months and doesnt want to tie himself down.


    Never been away from the London area, probably being cautious incase he doesn't settle.


    If he plays enough he will, and he will be very good.

  9. Pretty fair price for Routledge, you can just tell Villa will ressurect his career though  :tickedoff:


    You see this guy right here. He is thinking straight.


    This guy right here knows exactly whats about to happen.


    Many will be surprised but I won't and this fella won't.


    And it'll only make me more bitter.



  10. You are right, Routledge is probably a little bit away from Christiano Ronaldo. Just couldn't get into the Spurs side at all because, he erm, well erm..... Yeah but he is fantastic though, a real propsect.


    Christiano Ronaldo?


    I don't know how he came into this ...


    All I know is that Milner is a whole hell of a lot away from Routledge.



  11. Are you bloody related to him or something? :rolleyes: If so, I feel sorry for you!


    Save your sympathy for our pathetic right winger Milner instead.


    I've just seen someone whose twice the player go for peanuts.


    Excuse me if I find this alarming.

  12. Hi! I'm Spanish, I am a Real Zaragoza supporter and a Newcastle fan, too. It's the first time that I post here, and I just wanna say that I think Alvaro is not the best defender in the World, of course, but actually I think he is better that Caçapa or Rozenhal. He had a great season his first year here in Zaragoza -he even scored some goals-, but though now he is far from his better, he could do it well if he is given confidence. Howay the lads!!




    So is he quick? Is he strong? Is he smart?


    Tell us more before people start throwing themselves under buses! You are our saviour we need you!

    Oh thanks :blush: Well, I'll try to explain how is he, my English is not very good, especially with such a specific terminology like football one. He is a good defender, I think his best feature is that he is strong and he is very good at "high balls" (I don't know what are the correct words: he is good header). He also keeps his position well and he usually makes strong marks. Some people say that he was successful in Zaragoza because of Milito played by his side, but I think they did each a different work. The main problem for me is that he is bad playing the ball and can make "dangerous" passings or controls sometimes. Another problem is that he is a bit harsh, he used to get booked frequently.

    So that's all I can tell you, I hope you can understand it :lol:


    Excellent, thanks.  :thup:


    Don't worry your English is a lot better than some of the English guys on here  :lol:


    Well, I really like how you've described him. Sounds like a tough cookie and that is certainly the type of defender who will do well in the premiership if any.


    His touch and his passing sound just about up to premiership defenders standards too.  :laugh:


    At the very least he already sounds better than Rozehnal i'll say that much.

  13. Hi! I'm Spanish, I am a Real Zaragoza supporter and a Newcastle fan, too. It's the first time that I post here, and I just wanna say that I think Alvaro is not the best defender in the World, of course, but actually I think he is better that Caçapa or Rozenhal. He had a great season his first year here in Zaragoza -he even scored some goals-, but though now he is far from his better, he could do it well if he is given confidence. Howay the lads!!




    So is he quick? Is he strong? Is he smart?


    Tell us more before people start throwing themselves under buses! You are our saviour we need you!

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