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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    Why would Villa want Routledge? Experienced no improvement at all in Spurs, and not exactly very young still.


    Does he play on the right? There's your answer.


    I doubt there is any truth in this.


    This window is a b******. Nobody wants to sell. What a let down.


    :coolsmiley: O0


    Exactly how good he is now I have no idea.  When Arnesen, Santini, Jol etc first joined, he went over to Korea for the Peace Cup and was voted Player of the Tournament, Essien (who was still with Lyon) got the job of keeping him quiet in the final, couldn't and eventually got redcarded for persistent fouling.  Santini really rated him, in the first match of the season Routledge broke his metatarsal, got replaced in the team by Lennon, Santini went, Jol didn't rate him and he kept going out on loan after that.



    So that's the story so far, it may be inspired by MON, it may not.  Worth a gamble, won't be costing a lot.


    With regard to Chimbo, I hear that there may be some problems regarding his wage demands.  No surprise there then!



    Exactly. If anything, he has been very unfortunate. How quickly people forget things in football.


    He is also only 22 I believe, so why Delima refers to him as being old is beyond me.


    Brummie please take Milner of us and we can get Wayne instead you know you want to!


    Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    SSN: Routledge having medical with Aston Villa.


    Martin O'Neil is certainly no mug. He will get the best out of a promising young player who still has a lot of potential.


    Routledge fits into that Villa team perfectly. Young, Routledge and Agbonlahor will drive teams crazy.


    I feel this transfer is going to make a lot of other clubs feel really silly.




    It's only Routledge...


    Better than the likes of Milner, Ireland and Etherington though ... I just feel quite a few teams could have taken a chance on him but fluffed it.


    It will be a good move for him.


    I would say Milner is a better all round performer than WR, Milner just needs to be in the right team.  He looked far better on loan at Villa than he does at SJP imho, maybe he needs a change of manager, maybe KK is the man for him, I don't know.


    I'd be surprised if WR was worse than Etherington (though he is a leftie), Ireland??   Dunno, depends on what WR is like now tbh.


    Better all round huh ... well what does that really mean? That he tracks back defensively? Well let him play right back then!


    Routledge is quicker, is a better dribbler, is a more effective crosser because he has more success getting to the byline, and also gets into better goal scoring positions overall. Milner might have a better shot from range but I do remember Routledge hitting a few nice ones too.


    Possibly, but if he did that consistently he would have been near the England squad.  He did it consistently in a tourno in Korea, but since then, even on season long loans, he's never reproduced the Peace Cup form on a regular basis.


    Well I know he does it a lot more consistently than Milner and that is a fact. It's also difficult when your getting loaned out all over the place to be at the top of your game. I can't imagine he was in the best frame of mind.

  2. Bit uncomfortable about the fact that the majority of people on here haven't seen him play enough to judge, yet some of these have already written him off.


    I wish these people weren't Newcastle fans, as this is embarrassing.


    I've seen him quite a few times. He's fooking s**** (and I'm a poster who usually rates new signings too high).


    Fair enough. Can you tell us a bit more? Is he slow? Weak? What exactly makes him bad?


    Also, have you only seen him play for Levante, which seems to be a bad team overall.

  3. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    Why would Villa want Routledge? Experienced no improvement at all in Spurs, and not exactly very young still.


    Does he play on the right? There's your answer.


    I doubt there is any truth in this.


    This window is a b******. Nobody wants to sell. What a let down.


    :coolsmiley: O0


    Exactly how good he is now I have no idea.  When Arnesen, Santini, Jol etc first joined, he went over to Korea for the Peace Cup and was voted Player of the Tournament, Essien (who was still with Lyon) got the job of keeping him quiet in the final, couldn't and eventually got redcarded for persistent fouling.  Santini really rated him, in the first match of the season Routledge broke his metatarsal, got replaced in the team by Lennon, Santini went, Jol didn't rate him and he kept going out on loan after that.



    So that's the story so far, it may be inspired by MON, it may not.  Worth a gamble, won't be costing a lot.


    With regard to Chimbo, I hear that there may be some problems regarding his wage demands.  No surprise there then!



    Exactly. If anything, he has been very unfortunate. How quickly people forget things in football.


    He is also only 22 I believe, so why Delima refers to him as being old is beyond me.


    Brummie please take Milner of us and we can get Wayne instead you know you want to!


    Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    SSN: Routledge having medical with Aston Villa.


    Martin O'Neil is certainly no mug. He will get the best out of a promising young player who still has a lot of potential.


    Routledge fits into that Villa team perfectly. Young, Routledge and Agbonlahor will drive teams crazy.


    I feel this transfer is going to make a lot of other clubs feel really silly.




    It's only Routledge...


    Better than the likes of Milner, Ireland and Etherington though ... I just feel quite a few teams could have taken a chance on him but fluffed it.


    It will be a good move for him.


    I would say Milner is a better all round performer than WR, Milner just needs to be in the right team.  He looked far better on loan at Villa than he does at SJP imho, maybe he needs a change of manager, maybe KK is the man for him, I don't know.


    I'd be surprised if WR was worse than Etherington (though he is a leftie), Ireland??   Dunno, depends on what WR is like now tbh.


    Better all round huh ... well what does that really mean? That he tracks back defensively? Well let him play right back then!


    Routledge is quicker, is a better dribbler, is a more effective crosser because he has more success getting to the byline, and also gets into better goal scoring positions overall. Milner might have a better shot from range but I do remember Routledge hitting a few nice ones too.

  4. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    Why would Villa want Routledge? Experienced no improvement at all in Spurs, and not exactly very young still.


    Does he play on the right? There's your answer.


    I doubt there is any truth in this.


    This window is a b******. Nobody wants to sell. What a let down.


    :coolsmiley: O0


    Exactly how good he is now I have no idea.  When Arnesen, Santini, Jol etc first joined, he went over to Korea for the Peace Cup and was voted Player of the Tournament, Essien (who was still with Lyon) got the job of keeping him quiet in the final, couldn't and eventually got redcarded for persistent fouling.  Santini really rated him, in the first match of the season Routledge broke his metatarsal, got replaced in the team by Lennon, Santini went, Jol didn't rate him and he kept going out on loan after that.



    So that's the story so far, it may be inspired by MON, it may not.  Worth a gamble, won't be costing a lot.


    With regard to Chimbo, I hear that there may be some problems regarding his wage demands.  No surprise there then!



    Exactly. If anything, he has been very unfortunate. How quickly people forget things in football.


    He is also only 22 I believe, so why Delima refers to him as being old is beyond me.


    Brummie please take Milner of us and we can get Wayne instead you know you want to!

  5. Bit uncomfortable about the fact that the majority of people on here haven't seen him play enough to judge, yet some of these have already written him off.


    I wish these people weren't Newcastle fans, as this is embarrassing.


    I'll give anyone a chance.


    I'm holding onto the fact that he looks like he's got a strong build, as the one thing we can't afford is another pushover. Rozehnal always looked like a tweener.


    If this Alvaro guy is strong and dominant in the air, I think this will allow us to use Faye in midfield when he returns, as he does such a good job of maintaining posession in midfield, which is exactly what we need more than anything.

  6. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    SSN: Routledge having medical with Aston Villa.


    Martin O'Neil is certainly no mug. He will get the best out of a promising young player who still has a lot of potential.


    Routledge fits into that Villa team perfectly. Young, Routledge and Agbonlahor will drive teams crazy.


    I feel this transfer is going to make a lot of other clubs feel really silly.




    It's only Routledge...


    Better than the likes of Milner, Ireland and Etherington though ... I just feel quite a few teams could have taken a chance on him but fluffed it.


    It will be a good move for him.

  7. We are essentially doing a Spurs now.


    Look slike we are going to be bringing in younger players from now on who if sold in the future will always turn a profit.


    I don't think we will be spending big on older more experienced players, unless they are big time talents, who are certain to excel in the premier league.


    So if we do decide to get in older, experienced players for the team, it will be guys who we can get for cheaper sums i.e. Alvaro. This si similar to what Spurs are doing with Gilberto from Hertha Berlin, or what they did with the portuguese defender they broguht in last season ... I forget his name ...

  8. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    SSN: Routledge having medical with Aston Villa.


    Martin O'Neil is certainly no mug. He will get the best out of a promising young player who still has a lot of potential.


    Routledge fits into that Villa team perfectly. Young, Routledge and Agbonlahor will drive teams crazy.


    I feel this transfer is going to make a lot of other clubs feel really silly.



  9. Milner is never better then Routledge. You guys have short memories.


    We shall see.


    what the f*** are you talking about? What has Routledge done since he moved to spurs exactly? Ooooh so he's pace and few tricks..... :clap: :clap: :clap:  At least Milner was playing well last season and was an important player for us.




    He can't show much if he isn't being played can he?


    He carried Palace on his shoulders in that one season when they only went down on the last day. Do you remember?


    Look, let's just wait and see what happens eh?


    Milner? ... pfffft!


    Yeah ok! :lol: Never heard of Andy Johnson?




    Andy Johnson fell over and scored some penalties.


    Routledge created all the opportunities for that team.


    Like I said let's wait and see eh?

  10. Milner is never better then Routledge. You guys have short memories.


    We shall see.


    what the f*** are you talking about? What has Routledge done since he moved to spurs exactly? Ooooh so he's pace and few tricks..... :clap: :clap: :clap:  At least Milner was playing well last season and was an important player for us.




    He can't show much if he isn't being played can he?


    He carried Palace on his shoulders in that one season when they only went down on the last day. Do you remember?


    Look, let's just wait and see what happens eh?


    Milner? ... pfffft!

  11. Well fine, take out the "this is indisputable" then.


    1. James Milner is better than Wayne Routledge. It is obvious to me.

    2. Martin O'Neill is not very shrewd in the sense of spend little gain big. Harewood, Knight. Young is not cheap, Davies is not cheap.


    Point 2.


    Marlon Harewood fourth choice striker last seen coming on and changing the game at Anfield, and scoring an overhead kick?


    Young at 9.65m is very, very cheap indeed. Seriously, if we'd paid double that, I'd still be happy.


    Davies isn't cheap. He's also starting to look like an extremely good footballer who'll last us a long time.


    Knight has played over half our games this season. Bar the Man United game, I can't think of any bollocks he dropped, and it didn't stop us getting to 5th place.


    Swapping the pointless, expensive, fat failure Baros for the magnificent Carew? Looks like a good "no money involved" deal to me.


    Point 1 - I'd still have Milner here.


    Come on mate, Harewood is crap! goal at Anfield or not, especially at £4m.


    Don't rate Knight either but it has to be said, he hasn't looked out of his depth this season in a team that's doing well so that one has turned out a lot better than expected.


    Harewood is a fourth choice striker. Who would we have got who would have been better than him, was available, and prepared to spend a lot of time sat on their arse on the bench?


    Same with Knight. He was a fourth choice CB, but as we didn't get a RB, Mellberg ended there which promoted Knight. So Knight got his chance, and he did ok.


    MON always said that when Curtis Davies got the shirt, he expected him to keep it, and he has done.


    You don't have to do any explaining. Every player he has brought in has contributed to your current position, so I don't see what the debate is about.


    He has done well with his signings.

  12. Agree he was rubbish again today and i don't think he should be in the starting line-up long-term, it was more Kaka's turn of phrase that riled me a little bit.


    Forgive me, but trust me that was tame.


    If you only had any idea how much Milner frustrates me ... some of the things I could have posted on here ... but I try to control myself.


    It infuriates me further how people claim he is a good player when he pops up with a goal or one decent cross.


    Milner is not for me. Then when I suggest that Routledge is better, which he is, I practically get insulted!


    Well if Routledge goes to Villa we'll see. I remember the player he was at Palace and the boy was very good.  Routledge is still only 22 too may I remind you.

  13. This guy is unbelievably awful, awful, awful, awful, awful ... never a winger, and I doubt he can play through the middle. He is responsible for the few good things we do falling to pieces.


    Bad news kiddies. Apparently Routledge is on his way to Villa too. I've said time and time and time and time again that he is far better than Milner, but I was laughed at.


    Well we'll soon find out. I will surely have the last laugh.


    We'd better get in someone else who can play on the right, because this guy is not a good footballer, especially on a team that lacks quality overall.


    f*** me, are you taking the piss? Get a grip.


    The piss has truly been taken and it's Milner doing the pissing not me!

  14. This guy is unbelievably awful, awful, awful, awful, awful ... never a winger, and I doubt he can play through the middle. He is responsible for the few good things we do falling to pieces.


    Bad news kiddies. Apparently Routledge is on his way to Villa too. I've said time and time and time and time again that he is far better than Milner, but I was laughed at.


    Well we'll soon find out. I will surely have the last laugh.


    We'd better get in someone else who can play on the right, because this guy is not a good footballer, especially on a team that lacks quality overall.

  15. Villa have  made a double bid for Chimbonda and Routledge.  Could be some mileage in it, "small increase in the fee needed".


    Why would Villa want Routledge? Experienced no improvement at all in Spurs, and not exactly very young still.


    I've been saying for ages we ought to go for Routledge as he is better than Milner ... and now it appears I will be proved right!!!


    MWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Martin O'Neill is one shrewd dude for sure.

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